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160 thoughts on “Easy Fortune Happy Life Episode 12”
[YT] jiang zhen zhen is a waste of a human being and should just give up and except the fact that if you want to be a billionaire then you work for it not be a stupid, butt ugly gold digger who doesn’t deserve yan yangs love but live a lonely, unhappy life in a hole
[YT] 村長 is a real kind person in this drama….he gave money to fu on going to the city…he helped fu on grandmum in past ….
and he not rich at all…help people as he can..very kind heart..
[YT] Man, I hate how so many Taiwanese dramas consist of a well intentioned girl falling in love with a asshole, while the nice guy is broken hearted at the end. What is this teaching to the kids anyways?
[YT] 東杰很帥, 髮型如果改成賀軍翔那樣,就變成台灣的木村拓哉了喔!
雖然東杰很帥, 可是我還是比較喜歡大風,大風超man 的, 從不知道藍正龍有那麼man, 很有特色,有一種致命吸引力, 希望他可以和敗犬瑾華拍戲,一定很好看!
[YT] agreed
[YT] why do i feel like the worst is yet to come
[YT] 是江珍珍吧!怎麼那麼多人打錯了………..
[YT] 跟之前的戲比起來~江珍珍在這場已經非常明顯進步了~他把那可悲的瘋狂~表現得不錯~這角色已經夠討人厭了~他不要弄得太瘋吧!!我覺得他詮釋的方式~讓人看了反而會同情江珍珍!!
[YT] i agree
[YT] 汪珍珍 , give it up ! he doesnt like you gold digger , you dont really like da feng all you want is the money . ! :@
[YT] LOL at anthony , such a cuttie
[YT] i like her with da feng , even if he was a bad ass jerk in the beginning , he changed for fu an
[YT] 汪珍珍, 你有病是不是?
[YT] OMG LMAO at the seatbelt thing
“dont hang on to me ”
“im not”
[YT] how’d they get pix of that time when he climbed on the tree? there were no cameras there.
[YT] i had tears in my eyes.
[YT] aww. dong jie, i’ll take u.
[YT] yes. her parents won a tv at a drawing. back then.
[YT] the front desk lady looks cute. her round checks and white skin.
[YT] rofl! i love how those their reaction to seeing her. There’s no problem with the product, it’s the seller
haa haa
[YT] 凡走過必留下痕跡…
與其罵珍珍真的狠毒, 可當初真的下毒手的可是大風哩~
[YT] poor dongjie x[[[
[YT] me too! i want her with dong jie x]
[YT] no problem ^w^
[YT] thnx! 😀
[YT] so..the ppl in the old video are fu an’s parents?
[YT] 通常食物在肠胃里至少要2-3天才会消化排出吧!
[YT] basically fortune and health
[YT] why dun have ep13?
[YT] 我真的好喜歡韓東杰,可是他好可憐喔,愛人結婚新郎卻不是他。鳴……..
[YT] aww that was so sweet of 大風
i was so touched!
[YT] I think they extended it… 🙂 between 14-16 eps, but I’m not sure…
[YT] 13 episodes
[YT] 幕後花絮..比戲還精采 xD
[YT] jiang zhen zhen is a waste of a human being and should just give up and except the fact that if you want to be a billionaire then you work for it not be a stupid, butt ugly gold digger who doesn’t deserve yan yangs love but live a lonely, unhappy life in a hole
[YT] omg stupid jiang zhen zhen wtf is she up to?
i can’t wait for the next part!
[YT] BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. i’d rather have her be with ah jie! ):
[YT] i know the village leader is so funny and hes a very real n compassionate person, thats great hhaha
[YT] the feeling not strong in this drama but still ok…
[YT] 村長 is a real kind person in this drama….he gave money to fu on going to the city…he helped fu on grandmum in past ….
and he not rich at all…help people as he can..very kind heart..
[YT] i totally agree. this show has quite a number a cute guys
[YT] 哇aa 为什么扬扬要去看珍珍呢?? T_T
[YT] 韓東杰真的好可憐喔………
[YT] 安東尼 會用電腦嗎? ~v~ 牠可能是一個 超級狗 吧!!
[YT] 真好
[YT] this show until wat ep?
[YT] 對,超貼心的耶…..誰會不感動呀。
[YT] zhen zhen say enjoy your wedding that time very funny luhs.
[YT] 好貼心的福安=)
[YT] 邱澤<3.
[YT] 要講英文就練標準一點嘛…
[YT] 韓東杰`帥:)
[YT] 开运,避凶,避孕?哈哈!超好笑
[YT] gino is so handosme…
[YT] 福安不是个节俭的人吗??怎么。。。??
[YT] 爷爷发现uncle的秘密!哈哈笑死了!
[YT] haha the last part of BTS is funny…”oh..i was aiming for the head…” hahaaaa
[YT] 珍珍是这段戏里最有趣的人物了,扬扬+珍珍,加油!
[YT] 我覺得很好看!因為片子也很好找。
[YT] lol…also, how they turn their heads are so funny! 😀
[YT] 雖然你不是我的新娘…可是我還是希望,,,你是最漂亮的新娘…雖然只有一次..但是我還是想記住你穿婚紗的樣子….超感動的!!!!
[YT] 邱澤勁靚仔
[YT] i think wang yi ren is pretty! prettier than qiao en..
[YT] 汪珍珍演技有待加強
[YT] yeahyeaahh , shes so crazy for the money :$
[YT] No.
[YT] this like sweet family!!!!!
[YT] jeez just when I started thinking zhen zhen was really a good person she actually is a bitch trying to get what she wants
[YT] lol Anthony swallowed the ring
[YT] haha there competing
[YT] ahahahahahha he covers his eyes to take off the poster
[YT] it’s about 15-16 episodes…
[YT] 有没有搞错呀!!那个江珍珍发什么疯呀!!真的很讨厌她。。。
[YT] hahahah anthony’s tail is not wagging.. doesnt seem too happy!!
[YT] 要是沒有她,這部戲就要下檔了啦!還有什麼好演的,童話故事的ending就是從此過著幸福快樂的日子啊!
[YT] 什么东西?!
I hate zhen zhen -.-
[YT] 哈哈哈哈..笑死 wo le !!!
[YT] 江珍珍粉討厭
[YT] ㄏㄏ~~
[YT] 天哪~
[YT] 藍正龍蠻可愛的:)
[YT] 福氣和安康
[YT] is lang zheng long interested in zhen zhen?
[YT] fu an grandma have married
[YT] pps 還沒更新咧
[YT] she did but i think he died
[YT] 总觉得 扬扬或许能拯救这一切
[YT] Zheng Zheng is mad de la!
I hope Fu An will Ti Liang Da Feng
Zheng Zheng even i know she’s hurt but also cannot too over wad =.=
[YT] 珍珍瘋了!!
哈哈 藍正龍真的超愛弄皮蛋
[YT] 邱澤苦命郎嗚嗚嗚!
[YT] fu an grandma nvr married before den hw she give birth to fu an mum ? o.o
[YT] 大風好用心哦!!
[YT] 1.02-1.07 qiu zhe damn handsome!!
[YT] 邱泽超帥。。。看得我臉紅心跳
[YT] 13 /////
[YT] his cone is empty!! 😀
[YT] luv this <3
[YT] yea~! but he is just second…T_T
[YT] 好可憐的皮蛋
[YT] 還是覺得東杰和福安比較配,看見福安也驗證了,戀愛中的人會變得不一樣,看她以前機靈得很,現在呢?……..
[YT] pi dan and the uncle is so CUTE!!
[YT] 喔……..好討厭的人喔………
[YT] 福安好絕情T^T
[YT] really like yan yang!
the auntie and uncle both changed a lot too 😀
[YT] Man, I hate how so many Taiwanese dramas consist of a well intentioned girl falling in love with a asshole, while the nice guy is broken hearted at the end. What is this teaching to the kids anyways?
[YT] I guess english represents the elite class.
[YT] 山寨版謝福安, 哈哈!
[YT] i no she is zheng zheng is bad, but we have to understand that she was also hurt.
[YT] qiu zhe handsome, george funny 😀
[YT] so cute and sweet when da feng was looking through the pics
[YT] 好心動..! I love This Drama! x33 =)
[YT] 每次總是在幸福的時刻來臨前..
[YT] 大風這次真的很用心..
[YT] 可憐的Ken哥..哈哈哈 被如花盯上了!
[YT] 邱澤好帥喔 .. 而且又有親和力!
[YT] over 9000!!!!!
[YT] she’s so dry to dong jie :'(
[YT] god…
y do ppl always insist on speaking english when they can’t even pronounce the words properly?
[YT] gooodd i effing hate the 村长…accent is so annoying -__-
[YT] Ahahah..X))
[YT] 納豆哈哈哈哈..笑死…
[YT] 邱泽好帅!好可爱 如果他是男主角就好了。。。。。。 因为他真的很帅爱死他了
[YT] Da Feng is finally gonna see justice. Don’t be hating on 珍珍
[YT] dong jie is sooo sweet. 😀
i want you!!
[YT] haha na dou and ken ge!!
i feel so bad for 邱澤 here, he’s so sweet
[YT] LOL!! so funny !
[YT] THANK YOUUU =) Roy soo cute ^-^
[YT] omg omg i can’t wait for the next ep
[YT] pi dan is so cute hahah omg
[YT] well in dramas idk why but the ppls always speak english words 😀 i guess we asians think english is pretty cool~ XD
[YT] i thnk this episode is very touching n sweet
[YT] na dou hahahahahaha
[YT] 對對對!
[YT] 邱泽好帅!好可爱!
[YT] 哈哈 竟然給我猜中珍珍這一招~
[YT] 喜歡邱澤~~~
[YT] 珍珍她在這戲表情不夠入戲
[YT] this part is great, but reali sad at the same time
[YT] ken哥 XD
[YT] why does she always have to speak english when she doesnt even pronounce it right..hearing her speak english is sooo irritating!
[YT] the uncle and pi dan so cute together!!! hehehe
[YT] 太棒了等到了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 呵呵~~終於等到勒: )
[YT] 村長說:你不要拉著我嗎 超好笑啊!!
[YT] blue is quite mischievous.. always teasing pi dan! hahaha
[YT] he doesn’t have to be “WAITING”, he just needs to show up in the “WEDDING”
[YT] 果然是最毒婦人心啊~
[YT] 汪珍珍已經瘋掉了…….
[YT] thanks sooo much ur the besttt
[YT] super-fast! thanks!!!!:)
[YT] 哈哈哈如花好噁心哦!
[YT] 好甜蜜喔
[YT] 快喔~
[YT] so touching :[
[YT] 珍珍好惡毒喔)’:
loads of tears coming up
[YT] haha roy is so funny.they’re not looking at ru hua cos of her looks haha
[YT] 這樣真好 (:
[YT] 太棒了
[YT] thanks(^o^)
[YT] 終於等到了..