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Lmao kewl!
真的有人高中的初戀令人難忘十年嗎? 總覺得現在的高中生都是玩玩的心態…
柯妙麗有點小吵xD 可是聲音很好聽啦
柯妙麗 should just be with
鄭傑 at least he likes her and she should just let
林春嬌 &
賴志明 be together
thanks! 😀
Hi can anyone tell me how many ep on air in one week? Cos i found that it since like once week one ep only..
its only one ep a week…
hate the yi siong…. hate..
哎喲我的媽呀~ Part 6 “春嬌異想世界”
楊佑寧好好笑啊!!! 笑死我喇我的媽呀!! 哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!
(p.s. 身材也太好喇吧~?! 噴鼻血中 @.@~)
本身不覺得李千娜很漂亮(漂亮是漂亮喇, 但不能算很美的那種). 但她演的春嬌讓我覺得很可愛, 因此又覺得她漂亮了一點. 女人還是性格比臉蛋重要 ^^
這戲超好看的~ (加上有超多楊佑寧裸上身的眼睛福利~) 按讚~
Can’t wait to watch the next episode! And yes the songs are so good and apt!
LOL! Why are there so many Taiwanese people leaving comments in English…
anyways 我很喜歡李千娜啊
雖然我之前一直以為李千娜是韓國人 也不知道他是誰 但很喜歡她在裡面扮演的角色
楊祐寧是真的演太好,看起來都不像在演戲 :DD
prob cuz some of us are not from taiwan? lol
second that*
大家對李千娜就別太苛求了,她演得還可以啦! 外型和她的角色及名字也合,而且至少國/台片多了一個演輕熟女的選擇。….. 像柯佳嚥和張鈞甯演了這麼多檔戲, 雖然都是美女,難道你們還沒看膩嗎?
Damn, I want the OST of this..
Love the songs !
Anyone know the names?
前男友ex 原聲帶
一直都愛著你(片頭曲) *我們說好了(片尾曲)*這個女孩 *最後只能說再見.*遇上了妳-*Every time you smie
詞(合寫)/曲/編/唱:小宇(宋念宇) 1/19已經發行了
納豆 LMFAO 很誇張
can someone tell me all the songs that were played in this episode? they’re so good!!
link to wiki with all songs listed.
the story is quite alright but would be better if they get better actress like michelle chen, or annie chen as the lead actress
y? new actress as the lead is always fresh.
沒那麼多錢請陳妍希啦…紅成什麼樣子= =
she is pretty : )
hes eating her mouth lol.
杨祐宁, you are a cool dude.
不同意, 難道不能換個方式去愛嗎? 十年後大家都成熟了, 經歷過年輕時種種誤會, 愛也有可能昇華. 在愛情裡什麼都有可能發生…(寫完這句也覺得自己可能有點太傻太天真, 但, 這不就是愛情的美好嗎? 但願我們都不要對愛情失去希望.) 更何況, 這是戲呀!! …嘿嘿~ 😛
這集的標題是: “十八歲 ……, and then 二十八歲 ……”, 那三十八歲呢? 如果又碰到了前女友也還沒嫁 ……
38 is too late; first of all–> their baby have a higher chance of not being healthy…. and plus she probably already have a family and is a old mom/ wife -.-”’
omg so awesome!!! thanks for uploading!!!!!!!