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[YT] walao. its just engagement right!!!!
also not getting married yet.
WTF la.
Just to get married must quit.
Then she at home do what ar? Stare at 4 walls ar? Freak.
[YT] sometimes i think that kaizhu is so irritating! Freak!
[YT] 10 years are not short period of time, and just like other couples do breaking up if not getting married after dating that long time. Besides, QQ is definitely so weird that why won’t take initiatiive to apologize for what she did screw up the engagement. She needs to learn how to balance her life…
[YT] 說真的 我覺得青青真的沒有麼愛凱竹….
不過反觀人生 其實很多事情平平淡淡的就是最幸福的事了….
[YT] 青青好惨哦
[YT] i hope smart can be with ZM!!
[YT] i want smart
[YT] she never say sorry
[YT] why cant the glasses girl b with smart !?!
[YT] poor smart
[YT] poor smart
[YT] poor smart
[YT] 小馬超賤的,看不得青青跟凱竹好,老是發短訊影響青青,超級討厭他!!!!!!!!
[YT] 就是,我現在也開始不想看下去了~~最好導演安排以宣跟小馬在一起
[YT] 小马根本就是人渣嘛
[YT] 跟我想的一樣, 沒兩天就出院上班囉?
[YT] 雖然青青有錯 可是凱竹實在是太咄咄逼人
如果能夠好好的談 就不會這樣了
[YT] 看不起小馬,走投機路線還冠冕堂皇,看下去了,拒看。
[YT] 說他沒有想跟凱竹爭,剛剛他還在想怎麼超越凱竹~~ 他到底是不是兄弟阿!!還跟兄弟搶女人(重點是女人根本就不喜歡他)
[YT] 小真的肺炎就這么兩天就好啦?!現在醫術這么好啦!
[YT] 就像若梅說的 愛情是雙向的
青有錯 可是凱竹也有錯
[YT] Thank you very much. ^^
[YT] 突然觉得青青有些讨人厌
[YT] 青青居然还在回来后直接上班····这么大的洞不是应该先来补吗?
[YT] 對阿 他真的好機車………
[YT] 小馬這混蛋……