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[YT] 毛草阿姨講錯台詞說成;喂,你幫我查一下,台灣最好的腦部手術律師。了噎。
[YT] 等了好久~若梅終於拿下了眼鏡 雖然之前有拿下過,但上一次是短暫的 這一次希望可以保持這樣.這樣的她真的好漂亮!!!! : ]
[YT] 旁邊兩個走道是 溜滑梯嗎?
[YT] ruo mei is like plain while qing has her own dreams and wishes to do. both are good and actually 2 guys likes ruo mei too. smart and xiao ma
[YT] i so agree with that. they think women are born to stay home but nowadays there’s many women who can work and take care of the family at the same time but Qing Qing’s father and Kai Zhu just can’t accept that
[YT] 看Gino這樣看著若梅和若梅這樣看著Gino很明顯兩邊都有一點點感情。不過現在Smart和若梅好像愈來愈像情侶。Smart真得猜對了。小馬是後悔放棄若梅不過他是願意這樣做因為是為了若梅好。
[YT] 看畫展真甜蜜阿!!!!
[YT] 小馬很欠揍啊~~~
[YT] 我也覺得小馬其實比較好
[YT] 小馬是希望若梅能走出自己的陰影
[YT] 小馬不應該這樣對以萱
[YT] 青應該知道她的地位,那就是在家生小孩!
[YT] 我覺得小馬比Smart好。小馬是對若梅有點過分不過他們看不到Smart另外一面。如果看到的話他們就會知道小馬是好的。還有小馬是真真的對若梅好。Smart我目前看不出他是真得對若梅好還是想贏小馬。希望若梅最後是跟小馬不跟Smart。
[YT] wtf! sorry for my language 不過那個Michelle太過分啦!是她做個不孝孩子不是美女。還有汪媽媽很煩人哦。我開始有一點討厭她
[YT] Miss Huang and Kai Zhu are half siblings. Xiao Ma isn’t. Ma Mom and Mr.Huang was only friend and he tried asking her out but nothing happened between them.
[YT] 小馬終於徹底的把若梅趕走了。不過他們的心是不是還是對摺對方呢?十年的感情不是說要忘記就可以忘記的
[YT] 我的天啊!以萱好可憐啊!小馬這樣利用她!不過若梅和馬媽媽都看得出來不過以萱應該沒有看出來吧……
[YT] wow這次又有新開場片啊
[YT] 這個michelle 真的有毛病耶……
[YT] 就是說,michelle去死好了。
[YT] 高畢的十年後 也就是說近30 青的叛逆期舉動慢了五六年 或許是 婚姻憂鬱症使然 (婚姻好像由一個枷鎖跳到另一個 在極度被愛的狀況下 對婚姻的不確定 進而叛逆)
[YT] actually rm and kz tgt is not bad tew :] but i prefer smart and rm more
[YT] I think Chingching is normal, but her father and Kai-Ju have some strange thought. Guys are so selfish sometimes
[YT] Ching’s father is so naive! Stupid!
[YT] Ching-Ching is not ready to be a daughter in Law at all! Kai-Zhu is so bossy to her!
[YT] @encanata Miss HUang and Kai-Zhu are half siblings, but Xiao-Ma is not… 🙂
[YT] chin chin has really changed. She is not whom she was before anymore.
[YT] Smart的弟弟比馬的大
[YT] How can Michelle be so cold blood with her own mother. How dare she blames MeiNue for not taking good care of her mother when she is the one who left her won mom. It gets me so mad to see someone being such a bad person.
[YT] 竹的弟弟比馬的大
[YT] Smart 好好喔!!
[YT] Are Xiao-Ma, Miss Huang and Kai-Zhu half siblings?
[YT] 你沒看上一集麻?
若男跟定一要的 然後若男再給若梅的
[YT] qing qing is so annoying i like ruo mei more than her qing qing whine so much dont know why 2 guys like her
[YT] 那個Michelle也夠過份了吧,掉下自己媽不管還怪別人
[YT] 總經理難道沒有自己的辦公室嗎?居然就坐董事長的位置,雖然是兩口子
[YT] RM sooooo pretttyyyy 🙂