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[YT] wow. i thought they’re just friends. how come Smart is proposing to Ruo Mei already?
[YT] 小馬好慘= =
[YT] 汪媽媽有時候也有點過分
[YT] 說小馬耍手段利用拍馬屁達到目的
[YT] = =”’ 傻眼 東皇幹嘛拿石頭砸自己的腳阿
頭殼燒壞喔 @@
[YT] they should’ve have someone retype it while the others were looking for it!!!!!
i was right!!! they really didn’t have a copy!!
Smart is moving too fast! Also where is that guy that called Qing Qing about Michelle’s past?!!? that needs to be told to everyone!!!
[YT] I think they might not have a backup copy because usually on these big projects they don’t have copies so others can’t take it and steal infos.
[YT] 小馬這麼會把那麼重要的資料放下來了?他應該出發前在過目一次!那個Michelle太狠吧!
[YT] 也說的對
[YT] 同意
[YT] 不會有個square感情吧?
[YT] 如果她不是那麼冷她不會是新的若梅啦
[YT] Smart的甜話太多啦!還有他根本不認識小馬就說他壞話!他一級用汪家來逼若梅去見他父母!若梅已經說明她不喜歡他了不過他還是不停的試!真討厭哦!如果我是若梅的話我一定會一早不跟Smart做朋友。
[YT] Can he print the proposal again??? Why wasting time to search for it?
[YT] 如果蜜雪兒沒有偷拿資料
[YT] 黃夫人的戒指為什么是戴在中指上啊?
[YT] 樓主太邪惡了,亂倫的啊
[YT] 不然還有二十集怎么辦,就讓編劇再自娛自樂一下吧
[YT] OMG smart… thats a little too fast. but i wish ruo mei could go out with him a little more… because it doesn’t seem like she likes him yet
[YT] 就是,我也不想竹梅配
[YT] 不太可能ㄉ劇情 難道下一步是 萱 竹戀
[YT] 這麼重要的資料都沒存檔沒副本嗎?
[YT] 天ㄚ 不要開玩笑了 這樣下去不是他們瘋掉 是我們觀眾會瘋掉 這未免也太亂了吧
[YT] 天ㄚ不會吧 凱竹~~~~
[YT] 若梅也太冷了吧
[YT] SMART有點多話
[YT] smart的話 不會東家長西家短 跟個三姑六婆似的