Knock Knock Loving You (敲敲愛上你) Episode 04

Description: Episodes:
Cheng Xue Ge had lived in the life of comfort and never knew the dark side of human nature until his father's company bankrupted. In order to restore the company, he must learn from his archrival, Yao Zi Wang, the ins and outs of being a shrewd, successful businessman. While working closely together, he slowly realizes her coldblooded ruthlessness was only a front to protect her battered heart. But before he could sort out his feelings about her, another man, Zhao Guan Xi, already has his eyes on her business talent and her hand in marriage.

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64 thoughts on “Knock Knock Loving You (敲敲愛上你) Episode 04

  1. [YT] But you can already start to “sense” the romace, and how it’s going to unfold later on, and their setting the plot now for the complications in the future. One thing for sure, is that 明道 and the other guy are going to fight for 子望

  2. [YT] This drama is really scary in the way of “wicked minds” … it kind of sets up a reality of how the rich become rich by devious intentions..A very well thought out plot.

  3. [YT] funny how all the 千金s hate dislike and distrust each other but all have each other’s phone numbers XD. It’s like “Oh, I need to make good use of her, let me speed dial her”

  4. [YT] Nope, I used to think she was 佳佳 but after looking closely they aren’t. Plus, they have different names too. hahah, 姚子望 is 吳亞馨 (don’t know if the characters are correct) while 佳佳 is Hsu something. 🙂

  5. [YT] ROFL, i think in every asian drama i’ve watched so far, there’s always a scene where the Guy makes the Girl change clothes and do a MAKEOVER <3


  6. [YT] thats wat he gets for not listening to zi wang. he’s too naive, when it comes to business, never believe anyone. cuz u never know who mite stand behind u to stab u. but its gud cuz now he’ll trust zi wang is only there to help him. cant wait til next ep! thx sugoideasDOTcom!!!!

  7. [YT] ya, i oso wan 姚子望和趙冠希to be together!
    if not, i think i not watch this drama anymore,hehe!
    actually i got one question, izit d 姚子望got acting at 败 犬 女 王 as 韩 佳 佳?

  8. [YT] yes.. i agree ming dao in this drama too…but i also like dylan…^^
    the one thing i dont like is the girls make up…rich girls make up suppose better than these horrible big eyes…

  9. [YT] 明道演的角色好可愛ㄛ! 趙冠希,我喜歡!



  10. [YT] Seeing the beginning and ending clips, I wonder if the 2 pairs we see at the end of the songs foreshadow what will happen…. I really want 姚子望和趙冠希to be together! They match better than 子望 and 雪歌.

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