Man . Boy (小孩大人) Preview

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14 thoughts on “Man . Boy (小孩大人) Preview

    • So does this mean from now on, any TV show or movie that has people running around or living in a forest-like environment, they are all trying to copy the Hunger Games?

    • do you even understand mandarin? it’s completely different story plot with totally different themes. What r u talking about = =

  1. 天ㄚ~這真的太讚了!所有演員都好厲害,好期待看到正式影片

  2. OMG! Finally, another Lee Wei drama, he is super dubber manly. Preview is interesting! I look forward for this show.

  3. OMG I love Lee Wei and Tender Huang! The kid is super cute too! To be honest, I’m kind of worried about how this drama will turn out. We shall see =)

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