Material Queen (拜金女王) Episode 01

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283 thoughts on “Material Queen (拜金女王) Episode 01

    •  it’s because they’re anti-feminists and think females must be shorter than the males and weak and stupid innocent to boot.

  1.  ah, Hong kongers and Canton people, the main reason why the rest of the world thinks Asians eat everything and anything that moves (or subsequently doesn’t move)

    •  if you watch on you’ll realize he’s not at dumb as he appears to be. How do you think he made so much money in the first place? Certainly not by being dumb.

    • really? I would think becoming rich from scratch would mean you need to be smart. What happened? you lost all the money your parents left you? 

  2. 這個照抄法國電影 hors de prix的劇情也照抄的太嚴重了! 唉,但熊黛林差Audrey Tautou也差太多了吧

  3. 吴建豪会说法语,我是说为什么要选择法国,以及这些奇怪的情节,偶像剧嘛!

  4. 莫名其妙 講那麼多廢話 自己不會來演?
    一群不會演戲的小廢物 .

  5. Personally, I thought reading all the comments was more entertaining and amusing than watching the drama. I like the drama and all but it was ridiculous to see how many people are arguing points that are.. well, kind of unimportant to the plot or props or actor’s/actress’s acting skills. I highly appreciate those that are actually commenting for the purpose of discussing the drama, thank you guys…and girls (lol just putting that in there just in case someone out there is gona call me out for being sexist or something)

  6. 只要你不是真心的,就无法真心地说出“我爱你”???这,这,这…本来就是这样不是吗?骗小孩阿!

    • 她是根本无法说出“我爱你”,直到她是真心的想说出为止。可能是因为导演想传达讯息,告诉大家虽然说“我爱你”不必花钱,但也不能轻易说出。


      • Oh wow…maybe YOU’ve disliked the Blacks and Whites but WE’ve not
        At least I’ve always liked Black people a lot….
        Admit it, only talented actors/actress of that race is welcomed, like the one who acted Dr. Tang in The Hospital….
        Moreover, she just doesn’t fit this drama

        • I’m just using the discrimination the white people had for the blacks in the past as an example. You’re thinking too much. Besides, discrimination isn’t only just about race/country.

          If she’s really that bad, do you think the producer of several hit dramas will choose her of all people to be the lead?

          • Who knows, maybe the ‘sponsors’ insisted her in this drama and the producer/director couldn’t say no.

  7. I actually didn’t think I was going to like this drama but I actually really do not only because does it have a good story line but also looking at the behind the scenes, they actually have put a lot of work into drama unlike some others 

    • 怎麼阿啦阿講話都那麼自大理所當然阿 經際進步並不代表人的素質也會跟這進步… 唉真可惜

    • 怎麼阿啦阿講話都那麼自大理所當然阿 經際進步並不代表人的素質也會跟這進步… 唉真可惜

    • 国家落后,人民素质差,贫富差距越来越大还在那边“摆样子”。这就使所谓经济发达的国家啊。

  8. hey it’s Ip Man’s wife!!! don’t hate. lol and actually i quite like the fact that she’s not another small weak innocent girl. I’m sick of weak airhead lead females.

  9. I thought it was her role to be initially, shallow and unlikable…since it’s only the first 2 eps maybe there will be character development? And yes, she’s tall, because she’s a model? Anything less than 174 and she’s too short be an international model. Just saying. Still,  it’s rather sad there’s so many prejudice people here, being narrow-minded because of where the lead actress is from.

  10. I heard Jerry Yan gave this drama up to star in a MAINLAND drama for Dragontv.
    this Material queen drama only has a single mainland actress, but Jerry Yan
    went all out and went mainland altogether. People need to accept the
    fact that things are changing. The mainland you dislike so much is going
    ahead. It’s where the money is, it’s also where all you’r Taiwan stars are
    heading, and they’re abandoning their “Taiwanese-ness” and calling themselves “Chinese” while doing so. Money sure can make you do interesting things huh?  

    • They are going to China for the $$. We have LOTS, and i mean LOTTTTTs of Chinese Nationals coming to Singapore and are they willing to abandon their Chinese-ness and call themselves Singaporeans? Nope. They are just there for the money. They rake in enough of that, and they will go back home. That’s the extent money can buy you.

      •  Yep. Go where the money is. more than 200,000 Taiwanese give up their Taiwanese-ness to become Chinese citizens a year.

      •  Singapore isn’t really where the money is any more. Chinese people go there for the lifestyle and education for the kids. They’re spending more money in Singapore than they’re making it there.

      • Actually it’s the other way round now, it’s the Singaporians that are trying to go to China to do business and make money. Hardly any mainlanders go to Singapore now unless it’s for a holiday or lifestyle.

  11. Some people need to realise that unless some of the Taiwanese people or so they think they are Taiwanese, their roots are either Taiwan Aboriginese (who are the REAL Taiwanese) OR from Mainland China, of course, they think they are better and refuse to even think they are Chinese (Taiwanese language is Hokkien, from Fu Jian in China *sigh…*). They need to go to China to see that their Taiwan is nothing compared to China. Many friends been to Taiwan, and besides the food, nothing is good enough. The actress is fine, I like her snobby-ness because that is what her character needs. VaNess, shall keep watching, but he is hot!

  12. 難怪我覺得服裝有出奇的認真漂亮! 原來是Devil wear Prada, Sex and the City加 Gossip Girl班底
    打造出來的! BRAVO!

  13. 比我想像中好看耶! 除了Lynn的講話很難聽,不過習慣一下就好了. 她真的很美,身形好好, 就是國際top model的樣子. 蔡康永那一幕做的很好!!!!!!鼓掌!!!!!

  14. Some of my favourite couples have been Taiwanese/mainland couples like with Vicki Zhao and Alec Su, Jimmy Lin with Li Xiaolu/Liu Yifei.I don’t mind that there’s a mainland girl here…but I think the two of them lack chemistry. It’s not just her fault. It takes 2 to tango. Though it’s rather sad she has such rude comments inflicted at her mostly due to prejudice of her background.

  15. 我只是針對某些大陸人 不是全部:

    就是有你們這些人 大陸給人的感覺才會那麼沒品
    如果對台灣的偶像劇/藝人有那麼多意見 那就不要看阿 又沒有人逼你們看
    你們這樣只會更讓人看不起 看不慣別人好就亂罵

    and for the person who said that sonia sui would be more suitable for the character…. I SO AGREE. shes wayy more pretty and has better acting skills 而且他也比較有氣質.

  16. L, 妳的身份想查出來真的很簡單. 如其它善意網友講的意思就是..給妳一個台階下,就下去吧! 妳要堅持妳那種共產社會下鬥爭的思想.回妳們的中國的各大網站,那裡妳絕對會找到一堆跟妳想法一致的說法. 為什麼要來開放自由的論壇上與人鬥. 我看其它人都只是就事論事對這齣戲的主角安排及劇情,發表每個人的看法. 在民主國家發言, 不管每個人的想法有多不同. 我們堅決維護他或她的發言權. 自由言論,但絕不人身攻擊絕不惡意! 被人指出事實, 妳就像一個爭不過人家就亂發脾氣小孩…真的很可笑..都成年人了,妳省省吧!

    其它人,我要強調的是, 台灣沒有大山和大水,也沒有一望無際的大草原….我們的島是一塊秀氣之島.最大的資產就是人. 我們的人創造了自由民主的無形珍寶, 如同暗夜的一盞燈,牽動全球的眼光. 這是中國集合13億人的智慧與金錢也無法達到的. 請各位來到這, 尊重我們的人與想法. 不同意以上的普世人權觀念者,請移玉步至其它網站.

    • 很簡單的問題 什麼是民主? 民主就是每天上街遊行 只顧自己的各種既得或者可能利益而去爭辯 還是為了有錢人而進行各種改革 我看不見的吧 這個問題的確值得你們好好思考 整天民主民主掛在嘴邊 還是要想想什麼是民主~

      • 你扯遠了吧! 還是看不懂正體文? 我只看到上面的發言是指希望大家來這看戲,發言時互相尊重.不要人身攻擊. 思考什麼民主?! 這早就是陽光空氣水.台灣人的無形生活中的一部份.沒有人會整天民主民主掛在嘴邊.

        • 自以為已經達到的民主最可悲~ 我只不過想讓你們好好思考下這個問題而已 當你能解釋什麼是民主之後 你也就知道民主並不是你想的陽光空氣水的一部分 而且事實上 台灣也並沒有真正民主 你去參考下你們的民主範本 英國的民主就是永遠在遊行 遊行永遠不會改變政策 美國的民主是基於他們的初期的資本累積 而這些資本累積恰恰是掠奪外部的資源 而且美國的民主是有錢人和中產階級的民主 所以也不是什麼最重要的民主 到底什麼是民主 我只不過針對你的這條東西而發表點感概而已 如果我看不懂正體 我也不會用正體來回覆你們了 這已經充分表達了我對你的尊重了~

          • 最可悲的莫過於 自以為是美國人的朋友,最後只是被美國人當成是條。。。可悲吖

          • 大陆人的本质终于显形了。全世界民主,只有你们中国和你们的那要靠你们才有饭吃的好朋友北韩公产,却偏偏要把全世界民主当成美国人的思想。既落后,又偏激,好一条不知自己可悲,被洗脑的可怜虫阿!

          • 大陸的共產才虛為吧… 有平等嗎?? 只能支持一黨 也沒人權,… fking low class race

  17. The title says it all … it all revolves around the main actress.   Looks like the lead actor may not get a good deal out of this drama i.e. whether it be Vanness or someother lead guy.

  18. is 熊黛林 born on October 1980? OMG!!! So scary… i thought she was 41 years old….
    OMG!!! LOL!!! Seriously, 熊黛林 needs a good surgery…. Go to Korea for one..

  19. OMG! 熊黛林 is soooooo ugly! Why the producer chose her to act with 吳建豪? She does not deserve this role… she does not have looks nor acting skills!  Omg… ugly woman…. not pretty at all.
    Omg.. gonna throw up………… 

  20. I dunno if they match but I think Lynn’s acting is pretty good! It’s only ep1 but Lynn s acting might even be better than Vanness!?
    I like the mix culture and languages. LOL This is a global world. Take it easy people!

  21. Dude…whoever said that Sonia Sui was a better candidate…I SO AGREE…

    I mean I don’t care that the main girl has the accent or what not…but Sonia would have just worked better as a whole…way better acting….legit

  22. I was going to say this show look really grand for a drama and they really made the effort to make the scenes comparable to a movie…

    And then I saw the rest of the comments…

  23. 爆發戶大老粗 和 他 的確性欲不滿的二奶的戲碼。。和一個導火線的感性提琴猛男。。

  24. 這些戲真的教壞下一代。 如果她有不靠美色賺錢的本領就不用為了錢嫁有錢人吧。 作模特兒和演員壽命很短才要老了之前嫁個長期飯票。。若是有不靠外表的工作就可做很久,lawyer, engineer, teacher, designer, manager, anything, 好好作不靠男人也可以過的很不錯。。。嫁喜歡但沒那麼有錢的男人也會ok(身遍朋友例子)  女人要爭氣點不要總想不勞而獲會比較快樂。不要活在沒必要的框框內。

    話說我同意真對白劇情有點老掉牙。。 好像10 年前八點檔。 媽媽奶奶在看的那種。。女主角是票亮但想老牌明星的那種, 我想這是很多臺灣網友反彈的源因之一(大陸網友覺的臺灣的比較小家碧玉, 但文化不同人見有異)。 她在“葉問” 演 葉問的太太, 蠻喜歡那戲,主觀覺的她比較不適和現代劇。

    但第一集而已, 看看吧。。不過我只有時間看一倆部戲的話(我要工作的,,呵呵) 我可能只看醉後和完美男人吧。。 比較和我味口。。hehe

    • but the show isn’t even done yet…

      maybe the ending might have a different message than the one that is being shown in this ep… 🙂

  25. Wanna know why they’ve got a mainland Chinese in the drama? because Taiwanese economy is going DOWN and they need mainland support for money. Sorry, it’s true. And in their last attempt to distance themselves from the mainland they think are so inferior, they’ve gone and hired a bunch of Koreans who don’t even speak the same language to star in their dramas. Which is funny because you don’t see Taiwanese in Korean movies/dramas/groups. They opt for mainlanders instead.

  26. I found the interaction between Van Ness and the house keeper the most intriguing. Lynn and V have no chemistry. It’s so obvious. 

  27. I found the interaction between Van Ness and the house keeper the most intriguing. Lynn and V have no chemistry. It’s so obvious. 


    • 整型就可以 SUPER PRETTY 用錢包裝就可以HIGH CLASS. 跟現在的中國一樣, 千年老妖用民脂民膏來打造假象. 加拿大經濟專家已經發表論文,中國真正有消費能力的只有三十萬. 而那些人都有黨政關係不是普通人. 這些人把錢當水一樣用.  台灣人啊你要被溫水煮青蛙,被人木馬屠城.那是你家的事. 全世界的人只會冷眼岸邊看好戲. 沒看過韓國會跟北韓合作戲劇如此合樂融融…南韓比台灣有骨氣多了. 台灣用錢砸,兩腿就跪下去了. 直接喊中國祖國內地了. 如康X來了…不勝枚舉. 台灣媒體早就淪陷了….

      • 那你们这些台湾人干嘛还来中国发展。如果就像你口中说得那么装B,干嘛还来中国?看看你们家的Da S。。。难看死了。 一个大饼脸。

        • 妳應該要好好珍惜, 妳能出來國外享受自由的空氣.這是妳在妳的祖國享受不到的. 妳自己很清楚妳的祖國是一個怎樣的國家. 妳比13億中國人幸運太多了. 他們連看病及基本用品都買不起. 注意口德,免得未來妳的福份留不住.

          • 如果沒有前面 Est 的話,就不會有 L 的回覆。。。 既然Kikart你可以容許 Est 如此裝b的言論,為何不能接受 L 比較粗俗的回話?

  29. 真的超沒fu
    而且在法國見人就 說中文

  30. 用中國籍的演員不是不可以,但要看用在劇情的那一個環節上. 要用的合情合理. 去看瑰寶1949,家書-我在1949, 等你// 都用的不錯. 讓人感動起共鳴.
    城嫂在這部片應該是要來娛樂大眾. 舒暢大家的心情. 因為看完
    都很想給她巴下去. 我還舞女, 酒後的心聲咧…

  31. 最一開始的時候新聞有說是要找舒淇來擔任女主角,還讓我期待好一陣子,結果 …

    • 你把中國人的腿打斷,他們還是會努力地爬到外面來看看….這部改名叫中國拜金女比較符合劇情. 大和拜金女的女主角, 嘴臉也沒熊那麼猙獰吃相難看, 讓我想到youtube 的世新比中指的中國機車女.

  32. 非常贊成. 對演員本人沒什麼不喜歡. 只是這組合太瞎…女主角不適合, 又太大隻. 整齣戲看起來只有一個想法… 就是白浪費錢了. 不會看下集, 比賀軍翔的新戲還爛.

  33. 組合很新鮮?! 根本是亂組合. 兩個人根本就沒Fu…
    下了戲應該沒互動吧!  女高男矮…
    沒默契的演出讓人無法感動. 了解陳花了不少錢去拍. 但讓人無法感動的戲,是無法成為經典之作. 既然打的是台灣的名牌讓全世界買單.是否更應謹慎選角?
    一直批評台灣人的不滿留言, 你們去看土豆網吧! 中國中央台,朝鮮台都很適合你們. 台灣是亞洲目前最民主自由的地方. 〈希望明年大選後還是….〉台灣人有權說出自己要看什麼?  你們管個屁!

  34. The violinist was playing with both hands, 3:16, he was playing with the left… the rest of the way, with his right.

  35. 唉! 既然標榜是台灣的偶像劇, 或許啟用本土的俊男美女…像隨棠, 王少偉, 溫昇豪, 都是賞心悅目演技派的好演員, 也比較合本土口味. 為何去找些老土又老醜的??? 好可惜, 花錢花的冤望.

      • 這就是所謂的本土及親切感, 不了嗎? 不然就來個大陸曠世鉅作. 反正就是不道地了. 同意原留話者.

        • 我也是台灣人 不是不了解 而是不認同你說的就該用本土演員 不care你說的親切感 大家喜好不一樣囉~ 如果說要本土你可以看民視連續劇 ok   

          • 沒錯, 就是喜好不一樣. 我也不喜歡硬把不適合的演員放在戲裡. 滿失望的, 不會再看下集.

          • 是嗎? 我身邊的台灣朋友超及本土又親切. 是你本身對台演員太無情了吧?

          • 我觉得你就是对中国的演员有偏见罢了。 
            如果要本土,那请你们的台湾演员别在国内发展 也别在那些台湾明星嫁到国内来。。你看你们家的大饼年。。什么大女王的大Shi..

            台湾电视剧大多数都是偶像剧。。除了这些你们还会什么。 在大陆发展的台湾演员不都是从偶像剧出来了吗?==

          • 誰管誰嫁誰, 或誰到哪拍戲. 就戲而言, 這些男女演員加起來實在無法為這戲加分. 你對不認識的人(那些台湾明星嫁到国内, 你们还会什么…) 做人身攻擊, 去跟大S說吧! 實在是腦袋燒壞了. 

          • 我也觉的. 这个Mr. or Ms. L 到土豆看就好, 在台湾的网站插花赶吗?

    • 隨棠 is a model too. She certainly can fit into this role. The lead is a model and almost 30 years old. Why not? At least, Sonia is better at acting.

  36. She was born in China but she’s based in HK. Technically she’s an HK star. BTW, what century are we in guys? Haven’t you guys learned from history that racism is pure evil? When you spend so much time judging a person because of where they came from you fail to recognize their good qualities. Isn’t it tiring to feel hatred toward people?

    • 100% right with you!  Isn’t Taiwan supposed to be one of the more civil places on earth?  Why so ignorant?

    • I think most ppl here don’t mean to hate each other (chinese from different parts of the world).  It’s just strictly from the point of this Taiwan TV story, some characters might or might not fit the story lines here, without really hating the leading male and/or female actors.  I believe all the actors/actresses are trying to do their best already.  But different ppl just have different expects of this story.

    • I have been reading your comments. And finally there is someone like you who is rejecting Lynn BASED on her performance, instead of her nationality. There should be more people like you (judging solely on the drama). Seriously, it’s just sickening to scroll down to read the comments (which I thought was supposedly meant for the drama itself..). There is so much hate here.. unbelievable.

      But I will shut up now, before I get bashed and people here will mistaken me as “a Mainland Chinese” and before you know it, I’ll end up with a link directed to Tudou.. T____T”

    • @Whatthe..Don’t take ppl’s comments too seriously.  I’m saying this ‘cuz I got bashed REALLY bad on Tudou (it was the most bizarre thing).  So, I just there are ppl like that everywhere (those who criticize n complains all the time)…just don’t let them affect u.

  37. People who are criticize Taiwanese people. Remeber this is a Taiwanese website. why don’t you go see this show from instead of this website. This is how we operate in Taiwan. We have total freedom to debate and express how we believe. I guess Chinese from other part of the world just cannot get it.

    • Total freedom of debate? I’m sorry.. but it doesn’t seem like that at all by saying: People who are criticize Taiwanese people. Remeber this is a Taiwanese website. why don’t you go see this show from instead of this website.

      It’s so funny how you are saying how openly you guys are, but at the same time, you can’t accept what other people are saying. It’s scary how I don’t even want to scroll down to look at these comments, cause there are so many of you bashing, being rude, discriminating, saying disgusting things. Don’t we come here for entertainment? Why do you guys have to talk about politics again and again? And no, I’m not from Mainland China (before you want to direct me to Tudou.. >_<). My parents are from HK and they emigrated to Europe 30 years ago. So thank god I live in a country where we have total freedom in speech, but we also have a very civilized society where we learn to respect every single person based on their personal qualities, regardless of their gender, nationality and sexual orientation.

  38. No you real dumb moth,Taiwanese is not Chinese in fact. Only ppl who were born in China are Chinese. Ppl born and raised in Taiwan are perfectly Taiwanese even we do know Chinese language & culture well. So Shut up and get some knowledge ok!    

  39. STFU, taiwanese has its own unique aspects that differ from Chinese = CHINA. This b**ch ruined “taiwanese” drama.

    • well then i guess u won’t want to watch extravagant challenge …the “taiwanese” drama that has got koreans starring as the main male leads….nor do you want to watch any “american” dramas that has got oriental stars because they’ll “ruin” american dramas.

      do you not see how racist your comment just sound? it’s ridiculous

    • lol you’re an embarrassment to your so called “Taiwanese” people. what a racist jerk. keep up the great work!

    • Well that’s ironic, aren’t you guys self declared the Republic of CHINA?
      Btw how come Vanness calls himself a ABC? ABC=American Born CHINESE? Whatever, go and enjoy your Hayate the combat butler, Absolute boyfriend and Extravagant Challenged cause they’re oh so “Taiwanese” you hypocrite.

  40. OMG…can you people stop being so freaking immature already!
    Instead of arguing and complaining about the actress or nationalities…
    Can we have comments that ACTUALLY pertains to the PLOT of this drama…jeez…

    AND if you really want to argue…NO ONE IS TAIWANESE!  Taiwanese = Chinese…even if you were born in Taiwan…you are still technically Chinese…you are truly Taiwanese if you are from one of the aborigines tribes…only then…can you really be considered taiwanese.
    SUCK IT!

    • Hey, I’m Hakkanese. Neither Taiwanese nor Chinese. Get that. I’m gonna keep watching this drama…  bye.

      • Hakkanese is still Han Chinese. My god.. otherwise we have Fujianese, Zhejiangnese, Teochewnese.. and a LOT more.

        Way to go SHUT UP YOU DUMB TWITS. I’m sick of this. Scrolled down to read comments about the drama itself.. and there is only bashing.

      • LOL! exactly! and ummm hakkanese technically isn’t even a real group just like people who calls themselves “cantonese” THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS CANTONESE, SHANGHAINESE, BEIJINGNESE, HAKKANESE…ETC.

        my god… all these cantonese, shanghainese, hakkanese, beijingnese or whatever are all dialects you’re speaking of! get that fact straight people! im hakka and i dont even consider myself hakkanese.. wtf is hakkanese == 

        • don’t be hating on other groups just cause you are so close minded that you can’t accept how people call themselves. and in case you haven’t noticed, people from different parts of china have been acknowledging themselves by the area they are from for ages. also, dialects are not the only things that set these groups apart, the people from all these different regions follow different traditions and even the food they eat is different. so stop hating on people who believe there are sub-groups for the people living in china cause i’m cantonese and i really don’t appreciate you declaring that i don’t exist

    • They meant NATIONALITIES, not RACE. Why don’t you try using your brain instead of internet resources for a change?

  41. 說句實話~那山東人把那股土味老粗味都演出來了~~查了一下還是對岸的國家一級演員~演技真的不錯~~我們台灣演員要多加油啦~~不要好事賣偶像臉~~演技也要多多加強啊~~不過吳建豪跟熊真的是很不配…囧lll  劇本其實滿差的~~說要拜金也可以~~但是就覺得深度不夠…這部戲唯一吸引人的大概是熊的衣服還有在巴黎拍的噱頭吧..撇開這些~~就是覺得有點少了些甚麼又搔不到癢處的戲

    • 女主都沒演過戲。 。 。內地很少人知道她的。 。 。我也覺的選角不適合,但是怎麼可以說是因為她是內地人呢?范冰冰,鞏俐也是山東人,哪個不是國際範兒的?大小S祖籍也是山東的。

  42. 啊….我本來很期待這劇.我以為是台劇. 基本來說, 只有純台灣人演的戲劇才能引起台灣人的共鳴.和全世界人的興趣.  如下一站幸福或犀利人妻.如果要搞這種是引不起普羅大眾的興趣. 錢白花了. 最後收視率應該就跟大S演的那一部一樣吧.真的不需要這麼討好別的國家的人.

  43. lol it takes about 6 – 8 hours to go to Nice from Paris by TGV and it’s definitely not a day trip…Opera and Eiffel is walking distance…Screen writer should at least get the facts right

    although the drama looks pretty good and LOVE Cai Kang Yong’s appearance 

    stop judging – who cares the actress is from Mainland or now…go get a life!

    • I don’t think so. Maybe after the show the girl will marry a rich man from China just like Barbie Xu after “summer desire”.

  44. 管他中國人還台灣人  他很正就好  我很像上她!! 哈

    她中文口音也不是很重 所以不討厭


    • 還好啦,她的口音其實很ok, 每個人的演技也還好.問題其實是這種老掉牙的劇情,實在覺得了無新意. 像陳導演那麽有才華的人好像應該拍出更好的作品. 再看看吧. 比”下一站幸福” 好像差很多.是不是因爲沒有小小彬? 呵呵

  45. 為什麼不找個台妹來演? 像這樣的心機女根本不像台妹的特質. 外國人大概都會錯認她是台灣女孩. 尤其她又刻意講台語,唱舞女的歌詞.剛查了一下她是出生中國籍南京人.中共奶水養大的背景.紅色背景.來歷不單純. 可惡的壹電視! 台灣女孩形象被陷害.
    那個山東大老粗, 讓人想把他的頭塞入馬桶裡.

    • Exactly!!! Don’t get what were these Taiwanese producers thinking!!! Why do they keep inviting CHINESE ppl to act in TAIWANESE dramassss! God damn it…..

      • A lot of shows now aday are invested by China people. You got it wrong. It is the other way around. China has all these low class 暴发户.

      • I DONT GET WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE CHINESE PRODUCERS!  alot of the taiwanese celebrities trying to pursue a career in china, their acting is terrible since most of them only act in idol dramas and nothing more! unlike chinese actors and actresses, there is actually such thing as PRESTIGIOUS ACTING ACADEMIES in china. i dont get why chinese producers keep getting taiwanese guys to act in the dramas etc. their acting is lousy as hell!

      • How would Taiwanese people feel if (ex) Western people bash a Taiwanese actor acting in a Western movie?
        If this is your philosophy, then why would Western people invite Asians to act in their dramas, and why would Asian people invite Westerners to act in theirs?
        This open discrimination against Mainland actors, people, I guess you’re not ashamed of it at all.
        Will it hurt to be more open and appreciate their work?

    • 沒見過比這更無聊的評論!“心機女”不是台灣女的特質?不要這麼的雙重標準啦~ 看個視頻都能出口成髒,您的特質倒是很能代表台灣形象。

      • 心機女是髒話嗎? !您不是台灣人吧?! 心機女的在台灣的意思是指一個女人為求目的不擇手段,只求目的達成.很符合角色的拜金形象啊. 怎麼會是出口成髒? 匪夷所思!

    • 大陸的口音 真的很讓人受不了了   有一種村姑的味道

      • 大陸也很受不了台灣口音好嗎?

      • 你口中的大陆人也受不了你们台湾的口音 好不好。说得好像自己国家口音最标准是的。 你们那里的人讲话嗲嗲的 够恶心了。。。

    • 你們真是計較…幹嘛批評她?中國人就中國人有什麼不好?不管你怎樣說她 她仍是這戲的女主角ㄚ~這是不會為你改變. 不能久接納一點的看嗎?
      但是我也同意山東大老粗是人渣 x3

    • wtf. she doesn’t have a thick accent. i thought the little girl’s voice was more annoying. 

      though i think the special effects in the first part is overblown.

    • I don’t get it.  Why are Taiwanese producers putting so many CHINESE actors/actress into TAIWANESE dramas?

          • 唉,都是華人,何必這樣,都什麽年代還要種族歧視,真羞恥。。。

          • Our family came to Taiwan in 1700’s during the Ming Dynasty. Chinese people from another part of the world just cannot get it! People from Taiwan were not treated the same when Chinese people came over to Taiwan. That is why they are acting this way now. The China Government is acting the same now toward Taiwan. Taiwan has to use the name “Chinese Taipei” to compete in any sports. People from China never treated people from Taiwan with respect. Why do Taiwanese people have to accept this actress. They have the right to “dislike” this actress. They have the right to criticize her. This is a website for “taiwan” drama. If Taiwanese cannot even have their own opions about everything, and F@@ it.

          •  So? Your ancestors are still Chinese. You are still a hua ren. Agree with Yuko.

          • Maybe they were, but they were not treated well by people from China. We are Taiwanese just like the people in America proudly call themselves “American.”  We were cut off from China for so long that we are just like another entity.  People from Taiwan developed its own culture and value system. So don’t try to call us “Chinese”. Maybe we speak “it”, but we are not.

          •  American’s call themselves American, but many still proudly know their roots. Americans still say they’re part Irish, Italian Jewish, Polish, Scottish etc. and these people certainly were never treated very well by Americans or their original home countries either, but they certainly don’t hold such bitter grudges against them. Not from all the way in the 1700’s either. My grandparents and many others were born in the mainland and later immigrated in 1949, they nor the rest of my family are “cut off” from China. Anyway, your reason for hating a person because her government isn’t to your liking is retarded and based on uneducated prejudice. Yes, you’re like America alright, like the Rednecks from the south American.

          • of course you have the right to dislike the actress…but for one of the dumbest reasons of all, her nationality, rather than her acting skills…grow up

          • you are the one that is dumb, 99% of the people living in taiwan are chinese, chinese not only means 中國人, also means 華人. so are you saying people in taiwan are not 華人?

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