Material Queen Episode 02

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87 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 02

  1. I didn’t expect to see such a nicely made drama when I clicked the page.  Very unusual for 偶像劇! Keep it up!  I think the actress is beautiful and is convincing as a gold digger.  Where she comes from isn’t important at all.  If people don’t like the accent for some reason, just don’t watch it. 

    I do have a problem with the selection of the main actor.  Seriously he is not handsome enough.  I believe the gold digger is gonna fall for the poor guy in the end.  He’s gotta be damnned good looking.  He seems a bit old.  Maybe he got picked because he speaks some French.   

  2. 女主角

    中文名:熊黛林外文名:Lynn别名:阿Lynn、小关之琳、天王嫂、城嫂国籍:中华人民共和国民族:汉出生地:南京出生日期:1980年10月10日(天秤座)职业:模特,演员毕业院校:苏州大学服装设计与表演经纪公司:文霞明星经纪代表作品:叶问,我的野蛮女友2主要成就:2002年中国最佳职业时装模特三围:33c、23、34身高:1.79米体重:55 Kg生肖:猴血型:O 型


  4. She’s like the typical mainland gold-digging “小龙女” except that she claims that she’s taiwanese. Not trying to side with the taiwanese here. I’m just stating a fact so please don’t hate on me. LOL 

    •  Oh, the Taiwanese gold dig too, it’s just that the mainland gold diggers have the ability to nab the real big shots that makes them more noticeable. But it really isn’t a “fact” , it’s a stereotype. You’re just stereotyping.

    • This is the detailed information about the actress. I am not judging on anything, so you don’t even need to reply. Thnx.中文名:熊黛林   外文名:Lynn别名:阿Lynn、小关之琳、天王嫂、城嫂     国籍:中华人民共和国      民族:汉    出生地:南京      出生日期:1980年10月10日(天秤座     )职业:模特,演员        毕业院校:苏州大学服装设计与表演        经纪公司:文霞明星经纪代表作品:叶问,我的野蛮女友2       主要成就:2002年中国最佳职业时装模特      三围:33c、23、34身高:1.79米体重:55 Kg生肖:    猴血型:O 型

  5. i feel like this is about to become a rip off of “sena” from “long vacation” and “sakurako” from “yamato nadeshiko” 

  6. does anyone know the song in the last part of part 7? is part of vanness’s new album cause it kinda sounds like him?

  7. 这样的制作团队,主要构成人员除了制作人都不是台湾的,却打着台湾出品的电视剧推出,台湾人不是应该感到骄傲才对吗,为什么还要诸多挑剔批评.如果全是台湾演员或者团队,试问真的可以邀请到与好莱坞的合作吗.

    • perhaps u didnt watch first epi? he’s hired by norman family to impersonate william norman. nobody had seen the real william norman. 

  8. 一切都還算不錯,可惜女主角的演技,太像”演”的…很不自然,男女主角間,真的很沒愛

  9. This drama does look pretty interesting.  I have nothing against the plot, the production, and the drama overall.  But I do have to say that I was surprised when I saw the main actress…  She seems to be older than the role she plays, and thus too old for Vanness…  I have to say, Ady An and Vanness made such a great couple last time in Autumn’s Concerto, that I think this one is still a bit weird for me.  But I will wait and see if I’ll get used to it.

      • dont forget that Ady’s real character is rather open and manly, and not how she is when portrayed in the dramas she acted in. 🙂

      • Same producer I mean. She’s both the producer of “Fated to Love You” & “Autumn’s Concerto”. Ethan Ruan said so himself in part 7.

        And I agree with some people that although Ady An & Vanness make a great pair, Lynn will probably pull off much better as the “Material Queen”, seeing how much people started hating her already. Isn’t that the whole point of the drama? To discourage people to be like her. 

        Besides I believe most of us had a good impression of Ady, so let’s just keep the good image of Mu Cheng in our heart, always. 🙂

  10. her acting just got more and more unbearable for me…
    she’s got so many extra facial expressions and movements, it’s just too much for me!

  11. 服裝好漂亮 不愧是慾望城市的服裝師 製作人也非常的用心 主打女性觀眾群 從 敗犬女王 便利貼女孩 鐘無艷 到現在的拜金女王 有突破喔 
    這集裡面朝南市場拼湊了很多電影劇情 艋舺跟功夫的片段 還有波蜜果菜汁的廣告台詞 感覺好親切

  12. It’s not bad at all.  Gave them some time, it’s going to be a good drama.  I like Vanness, he’s a good actor.

  13. 好多人罵喔 = = 故事是不錯刺激 可是全部(攝影 服裝 等等等) 都很專業阿.. 沒必要作人身攻擊吧… 我聽過很多大陸人口音 熊黛林算很沒有口音了 而且她也很漂亮 而這部戲本來就是有大陸 香港 台灣 以及其他歐美國家參予 有必要分東分西嗎… (我討厭搞分裂的人)
    我是台灣人 台灣第一次有國際大作 新聞局參予 也所謂實行”軟”革命 不管我喜不喜歡這作品 我都支持 希望發揚光大 也絕不會作人身攻擊
    所以 請做一個好的觀眾好嗎?

  14. 受不了.王董的中國腔也太刺耳太吵. 台灣的公務員誰會講.那是香港話吧!  犀利哥是中國的吧! 亂湊什麼劇情.
    為什麼台灣的新聞局要補助這部片? 拿台灣的納稅人的錢來補助這部片有沒有搞錯! ㄇㄚ的.

    • “我是一介文員”是香港話?

    • 是阿 男主角一个美国人 女主角一个大陆人 配角韩国人 全都不是正牌台湾人 连制作团队都是好莱坞的 只能说台湾太缺人才了吗 哈哈

  15. 她是台灣模特兒? ! 她是台灣人嗎? 是新人嗎? 為什麼她的口音那麼怪? Cash 王原來是她台灣的男朋友.所以王董也是台灣人囉?

    •  不是新人阿 她是熊黛林!还演过电影《叶问》呢  是城嫂 郭富城的女友!未婚妻!是大陆人 后来去香港发展

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