Material Queen Episode 05

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Tipster Rednimer

56 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 05

  1. haha, that girl keeps hurting Vanness in the movie, but at the same time she feels guilty… this drama is getting more interesting and complex. Like it.  

  2. OMG…that scene with his dad…I cried for a good 10 mins!!!! very touching….I still get teary eye just thinking about it…
    By the way, anyone knows the name of the song during that scene? It sounds like Van ness sings it…and I love it!

  3. I can actually relate to the lead actress character way more than the usually cutesy retarded female leads in many Taiwanese dramas. 

  4. this drama has gotten SO much better.  I actually really like the main lead actress now.  i didn’t think there was any way I was going to feel sympathetic to her, but I actually AM! great script! 

  5. 吳建豪真的好帥喔>”<

        • 可是他們的性別不同啊..就算他們的歲數差不多..性別不同…一定會有很大的不同 🙂 ^_^”

          • 我不是這個意思啊==
            用不著”So?”吧 =3=?!

      •  the guy doesn’t always have to be older, in fact since guys on average live shorter lives than women, wouldn’t it make more sense for the women to be older so they can spend more time together? In any case, Vanness is actually older than her in real life. She looks her age, it’s just that you’ve been watching to many 30 something year old Asian actresses talk and act like 5 year olds than you aren’t use to reality.

    • 對啊! ><
      VanNess 帥慘了啦!!! 😀
      <3 <3 愛死他 XD
      而且…熊黛琳對Vanness來講…的確是…太..老…. ^_^""

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