Material Queen Episode 07

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55 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 07

  1. i kinda really like the character yan kai ming, though scary, he is driven, smart and observant. The scriptwriter really made his personality show through, and nice work by director too. But i think chen xiao dong could do better in his portrayal :/ though i know he’s trying with difficulty due to his friendly looks. 


  3. this kind of fashion show in CNMK is never the same with those super models….

    just way different from traditional, might as well call it a break through

  4. Yan Kaming’s scary. Though it seems like he really likes Chuman, and yes he’s rich. But you can never relax around a guy like him.

  5. I get moved every time the theme song pops up in the drama. Such an addicting song. And I’m loving this drama, even though the drama is about superficiality and materialism, it’s anything but. Like someone mentioned, everyone has their flaws, they’re not necessarily likable but they’re relate-able. Chuman may not be the kinda girl I would like to befriend in real life, but I find myself rooting for her because I can empathize with her. 

  6. 超好看的一齣戲 又花廢了那麼多的心思和金錢
    希望能夠入圍金鐘獎 也希望收視率能夠更好


  7. I must say Taiwan drama has been  improved a lot! The producer looks into every details, such as the market set-up. I thought the market is a real market. Great job!

  8. Patricia Field’s voice sounded really nice, like some fairytail intro. And this episode isn’t as boring as I thought it would be, didn’t think that the “fashion show” could be a highlight.

  9. Her mom looks so young O.o…..And I’m loving this drama at the moment, it’s not your typical idol drama with the innocent cutesy girl, all the characters have flaws. 

  10. 我倒覺得劇情還好耶!! 就是很大眾化口味! 我倒覺得陳曉東演得這一個角色 倒是比較吸引人! 而陳楚曼在兩個世界(現實金錢與愛情真心)尋找他自己的人生答案與出路!
    如果與日劇大和拜金女相比  我覺得倒指劇沒有把主題更明確簡要的點出來
    那一部日劇都好幾年前了 我覺的導演應該要在更努力一點在內容的延展興還有豐富性 

    • 陳楚曼是誰? 為何一定要跟大和拜金女王相比? 大和只有11集, 每集1個小時不到, 才會讓你覺得明確+簡要的點出來… 還有啦, 大家都知道什麼是”拜金”, 好萊塢也有好幾部”拜金”相關的電影, 歐洲也有, 再來就是要加入其它元素, 這部片子的其它元素明明就跟大和不一樣, 怎又會被拿去跟大和作比較了? 時代不同, 地理文化背景也不同, 你沒看出來嗎? Last but not least, 麻煩先把中文學好 ……

  11. 知名品牌以及名牌商场按季推出的”catalogue” 她讲出来是“我在’目录’上看到这个项圈” 啊~

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