Material Queen Episode 19

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Tipster Rednimer

75 thoughts on “Material Queen Episode 19

  1. i think this drama came such a long way from paris… i almost FORGOT they were in paris! the beginning was SOO good, and now, it’s like a complete different story, it was soo 唯美… now it’s completely not

  2. I saw the preview for ep. 20. Gentucky was saying “if only he (Justin) knew what’s going to happen next,  he will regret whatever decision he (Justin) made”. Gosh! I have a funny feeling that its not going to be a good ending!! sob!

  3. 全部都用後製配樂,,演員一點音樂素養都沒有

    • 演員就是演員, 還需要全學會樂器啊? 搞笑嗎= =
      其他人我是不知道, 江語晨其實會彈鋼琴, 只是沒那麼流暢.

    • 想要正統音樂



      那你會嗎 真是好笑





  4. 我覺得這部戲是為了拍二十集才拍二十集  根本不是因為劇情豐富才拍到二十集 後面很多部分都在塘塞

  5. The problem with this series is..

    The draggy middle caused me to lose all the interest in Justin and Chuman. I don’t even care for the main couple anymore.. not at all. Instead, I’m totally rooting for Yi Xian and Li Hai<3.

  6. Why do they have to film the Gentucky, Chuman and Justin talking part (outside shopping mall) so close to a McDonald branch? They should film it outside a KENTUCKY branch!!! 😀

    • i don’t really think so. please respect others on their views and stop insulting others. if you’re so good then go try to be a better actress

    • Ironically vanness is kind of the only flaw for me in this drama. You can tell he’s not a very able actor and either over acts or is completely lost. His odd hair style isn’t doing much for him either. The rest of the cast is great, sound track is great too. The storys picking up again.

    • 自欺欺人到這種程度… = =
      誰都看得出來Justin對不起依嫻.. 愛這個又愛那個, 拖拖拉拉, 結果兩個女生都傷害一遍了.

  7. last ep next wk!!! cant wait! EVERYONES GNA BE TOGETHERRRRR!! im pretty sure Chuman chose Justin together n gentucky just..sat there at the guest or something xD YAYYYYYYYYY cant wait cant wait

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