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[YT] 找不到台階下的兩人, 唉.
[YT] 張宇 is definitly one of my favourite character in this drama !!
[YT] I like Jia Jia’s personality and all
but I find that too much facial expression is kinda too much
it annoys me somewhat
[YT] 軍火山是什麼啊?
[YT] hai bao ming le….
zha dao
[YT] 還有心蓮她頭部以上跟頭部以下分兩邊演戲~真的好棒啊~
[YT] 大哥,我們要回家吃飯了~
[YT] 對啊~球求 都可以
[YT] 好酷喔
[YT] this video SUCKS HELL
[YT] 封培伦, good job!!!迫使 朱光年和潘心莲承认心中对对方的爱!!
[YT] 哇。。這火。。一下子生這麼大。。=____=
[YT] 說實在的
好討厭這種老公喔= = 看了一肚子火
[YT] this video sucks hell
[YT] YES! JIA JIA AND YAO WEN!!!!! Finally! 😀 😀
[YT] lol ur slow reacting my friend~
[YT] sumhow find that shaowei like the elder sister of xiao qiao….haha!
[YT] 嘉嘉和耀文有新進展囉~
[YT] 他前面有說 他自己講”求”這個字不會怎樣
[YT] 你觀察真入微!!!
[YT] wow this is so good! looks like there’s lots happening in the next episode too!! ^^
[YT] 那個羅美維是誰演的阿?
[YT] i want yaowu to be with jingjing! ):
[YT] Hope this is going to be one of the most successful dramas in TW, I think it is very different from the normal dramas,
Love this family!
[YT] me too. At first when I started to watch the drama, I watched for the young couples but now I am watching for this couple! They are so funny, love the mom!
[YT] haha jiajia very cute with the pose^^
but i want yao wu to be with jing jing leh haiz:(
[YT] lol jingjing very cute worhz~
sian 張宇 is the bad guy:(
[YT] but i think jing jing prettier haha^^
[YT] omg that girl has like the same cloth and hair style as jing jing
[YT] 魔。。。模範生!lol i love how they always use this trick when they almost give away their identities
[YT] omg yao wu can not like jiajia shes supposed to be with yaowen….
[YT] I so agree with you. At first in the 1st episode, i seriously thought she was a bitch.. But now, I think she’s so sweet and caring <3
[YT] 魔。。。模範生! 哈哈 每次都來這招 XD 笑死我了
[YT] 放開那個男孩! 哈哈 還有pose..
[YT] they will get back together l8er
[YT] so sad, they still both love each other..
[YT] 讓影后跪在地上喔? 哈哈 專業阿~
[YT] 我愛這段!!哈!!好搞笑!!
[YT] o.O 那個女生不是最怕”求”這個字嗎?
[YT] al the true expression of the mother is al expressed, wel and also the father, but the mother is more touching…-_-
[YT] oh, dats gay that they are divorcing…