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[YT] 看來,桃花一輩子都交不到男朋友了啦!這是什麼哥哥啊,拜託。給我的話,寧願搬出去住了!~大不了,不讀書,找工作,租房子 最起碼可以自由。幸福啊、、
[YT] 桃花的哥哥有病的啦!除了餘一之外!~ 更何況。疼妹妹也不是這樣疼吧!不讓任何男生靠近、還不如叫桃花直接去當尼姑罷了!
[YT] 我的天啊!~ 桃花也太笨了吧、、剛剛那個人,她來幹什麼,她直接說是來還傘給史朗就好啦、、幹嗎要搞到這麼誇張,還撞了這麼多車!完全無語、、鬱悶了、、
[YT] 大东在歌里的mv超级无敌帅!~
[YT] 大东好帅!
[YT] lol love this drama, so funny even though the 4 brothers kinda creep me out. Jing lun is awesome though
[YT] lol love this drama, so funny even though the 4 brothers kinda creep me out. Jing lun is awesome though
[YT] 逃跑還有空換衣服,真誇張
[YT] 02:14時餘一喊桃花的聲音好可愛
心凌的眼淚很真實 會讓人為她心疼
[YT] 是小紅帽餘一還是開喜婆婆餘一阿?
[YT] 應該是表的罷。表的是可以的。堂就真的不行了。
[YT] 虽然这是靖伦第一次演戏,但他把餘一的角色诠式的好好喔!
靖伦并没有刻意搞笑但他单纯与自然的演法就是那么轻易的让人发出慧心一笑. 连撞柱子都那么自然 ^^
[YT] 史朗在重遇餘一前已’認識’桃花 (巴士上)
偶像剧,看看开心就好 ^^
[YT] LOLOL that kiss reminds me of Hana Yori dango…
[YT] LOL wtf with the photo examination..
[YT] 哈哈,真的阿! 但是每个台湾偶像剧都是这样的。 只能看的时候记得这是不可能的..
[YT] 这个漫画本来就很白痴的..内容全部都很夸张..当我知道变成真人的时候我都吓呆了..没看前都能想到只是单纯的”偶像”剧..
[YT] “史朗 算你倒楣 誰叫你要認識我們家桃花”
[YT] 汪大東這個髮型好可愛喔
[YT] 我想問呢首插曲係咩..??
[YT] Aww… have to wait another week for the next episode~
“How come she didn’t reject?”
“I have no idea.”
[YT] 1.40
does any1 know where i can get jiro’s book bag?
thanks post a link if u can
[YT] ˇˇ….覺的微笑pasta比較好看
[YT] 7:10 Jing Lun is holding CC Lemon!! Haha
[YT] 反正都不合理了
[YT] 以前都覺得汪東城是走搞笑路線的,可是現發現斯文,安静的角色蠻適合他的
[YT] Not only for this show, previous show like smiling pasta Cyndi also acting good too. ^^
[YT] Shi Lang and Tao Hua are compatible.
[YT] Cyndi is cute in her judi suit ^^.
[YT] 余一被解剖了 lol
4.14 看镜子的时候好可爱, 还点头
[YT] 我看她還是當尼姑吧
[YT] it comes out every sun in taiwan, the same episode airs on the following sat through singapore’s channel U. once per week
[YT] Hen An Jing 很安靜 – Fei Lun Hai 飛輪海
[YT] 共产主义及社会主义是注定失败!现在全世界只有五个名字叫共产主义国家的国家.有多少个正在搞资本主义呢?大家心照明白!在共产国家的人民.个个做牛做马.共产党的幹部就大鱼大肉.当年毛泽东的肚子那麽大.中国人民个个都骨瘦如柴. 大家心里就明白了.西方的共产主义和社会主义是不适合中国的!中国共产党应该取消共党专政! 中国才有希望! 人权! 民主! 自由! 平等!
[YT] 奴隶制(共产主义),奴隶主(共产党)拥有奴隶(人民)的制度。奴隶(人民)须为奴隶主(共产党)干活,无报酬,且无人身自由。法律确认奴隶为奴隶主的私有财产,共产主义跟奴隶制也一样,国家所有财产归共产党。人民跟本不可能享受自己生产所得的回报。奴隶主(共产党)对奴隶(人民)握有生杀予夺的权力,可随意奴役、杀害。奴隶(人民)没有独立的人格,没有任何自由和权利。
[YT] 蛮ok呀!!
[YT] 史朗爸爸
so cute
[YT] 史朗叫人家冷靜一點
[YT] 那个人是史郎的表姐还是堂姐的吗?
[YT] Poor TaoHua D:
[YT] 不看就不看咯,
[YT] 哈哈哈!!
Oh my god 级
[YT] 不过不是讲说喜欢桃花的人不能比他们四个逊色
[YT] wtf, there r no other cars on the streets. the only cars, are all involved in the accident. so realistic
[YT] hey..every which day of the week does one episode of this come out? and how many times a week?
[YT] 雖然朱孝天變胖了 但是演技變好了
[YT] hahaha
[YT] Love Cyndi’s song at 8.38, anyone know the title?
[YT] 大東真的超帥的耶!!!!!
[YT] 還O級勒~
[YT] Probably b/c the acting is not up to par with the cinematography and directing. Unfortunately, the acting chemistry is not like it was in ISWAK.
[YT] 谢谢!!!
[YT] 史郎和桃花的意外之吻,让他们两个人。。。
[YT] 大東真的很帥很可愛呢XD
[YT] 哥哥們很搞笑~好抵死ar
[YT] 報警…….哈哈哈哈
[YT] 真的是四個變態哥哥………..
[YT] 哈哈很好 我很喜欢!!!!
[YT] 雲繞著天空吧?!
[YT] 大東是個很美的男生
[YT] 我的媽呀~~~~我的媽呀~~~~哈哈哈哈真的是我的媽呀~~~~看到起﹑承﹑轉﹑合﹐的
[YT] 海派甜心男主角太假掰
[YT] 哈哈哈哈..淫賊的眼睛……
[YT] nice mickey mouse polo t yu yi is wearing..
[YT] 天啊
[YT] 哈~ 好像是你對啊!
[YT] haha the dad is 洪都拉斯
[YT] 為什麼我覺得那四個哥哥
[YT] 史朗~!!!
[YT] 餘一連當背景都很亮
[YT] good!!
[YT] Oh then this won’t be called as drama.
[YT] 餘一超可愛~
[YT] 餘一超可愛~
[YT] 餘一好Cut3~噢!!Love u Baby~
[YT] 餘一好Cut3~噢!!Love u Baby~
[YT] xiao ting and gabe is cute….
[YT] this episode is rather slow and not progressive,hope that the next episode will get better!
[YT] I think Huang Jing Lun will become really famous after this drama..JIA YOU!!
[YT] I think Huang Jing Lun will become really famous after this drama..JIA YOU!!
[YT] next episode looks so exciting le i can’t wait for the show le
[YT] 哥哥們都好帥..史朗還好勒
[YT] It seems to be like the four brothers are caring tao hua as their girlfriend than sister. Haha
[YT] Love this show!!! 藍鈞天 丁春誠 and Jiro is so handsome !!! Arg, JIRO so cute 😀 Hahas.
[YT] “我是天才 ” xDD 余一好口爱 !
[YT] I bet this show sure has alot of nice songs , because ii already like 3 songs from this drama le 😀
[YT] 餘一的房間有漸漸整理出來耶 越來越像個房間了
[YT] 雖然我是個>25的阿姨了 可是覺得很好看 喜歡這種純情的感覺 想到小時候把愛情想得很單純美好的年紀
有時候戲劇只有夢幻純情會很膩 但加上誇張的喜劇元素 可以調和過度的甜膩 然後王心凌雖然也不是少女了 可是那種甜甜的少女情懷卻有表現出來 他還算蠻會演的耶
[YT] 哥哥 們 好帥! 哈哈哈!! 餘一好可愛
[YT] 不是應該要跟到醫院才對哦。。
[YT] 這是導演瞿友寧的風格啊 這個已經算節奏比較快的了 節奏慢的好處是比較能醞釀情緒 所以雖然這故事很誇張不寫實 但感情表現卻很寫實
[YT] love this show
[YT] 不是拉是余一自己执照的….你难道没有看吗?
[YT] i like this show
[YT] 偶像劇本來就是比較浪漫夢幻 .有些地方真的挺不像現實中會發生的事. 所以輕鬆看就好了.不用太認真啦
[YT] 應該是 雲了解天空?
[YT] 大近視LOLX))
[YT] 餘一是個好哥哥~ *O*~
[YT] Yu yi cute!! cute!!~cute!!~~
[YT] lol yu yi
[YT] 餘一綁頭巾…超Cute!!!~ XD
[YT] shi lang…xoxo
[YT] 好好笑. 忽然在草地就把同學摔了!*0*
[YT] jiro’s acting skills is getting better and better.. love cyndi’s hair btw..
looking forward to calvin chen’s appearance in this drama too… anyone know from which episode will calvin appear?
[YT] lol the brothers r so evvil
[YT] thank u! ^^ waiting to see huang jing lun every week 🙂
[YT] lol the dad
[YT] 大東真的好帥…*v*
[YT] Hahahaha! Yuyi so so funny and
super cute.
[YT] 太誇張啦.
[YT] 餘一好可愛:)
[YT] hahaha she flips them
[YT] i like both of them
[YT] omg her bros r crazy!!!! com’on she’s old enough 2 hav a relation ship with som 1 already!!!!! i dont think u want 2 c her die of lonliness!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 有點over。。
[YT] 我知道啊
[YT] 很安靜好好听啊!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] 王心如是史朗的堂姐
[YT] its call 很安靜 by 飞轮海 but it hasnt come out yet so u can only hear it on this drama
[YT] doesnt tao hua’s knee hurt???? its only been a few days n now she can fight
[YT] 餘一很可愛~
[YT] 那個王心茹是史朗的親戚啦
[YT] 太誇張了吧?!
[YT] 下一站 幸福 is better
[YT] Gao YiXiang is handsome here..
[YT] the hell
史朗是有女朋友的意思嗎? 問號問號
這部戲怎麼那麼好看啦 !!!!!!!!
[YT] Cyndi looks pretty from all angles!
[YT] 可是預告片 他不是有根史朗……
[YT] Yu Yi is so damn funny…he’s really the life of the show!
[YT] 是餘一用軟件拼出來的啦
[YT] 汪东城 和 王心凌 好配耶!
[YT] The only character I like is yu yi..he is soo cute!!!!! I don’t like cyndi wang..she is a bit fake….(I know, I’m gonna get like a million thumbs down for disliking cyndi, but whatever)……
[YT] 好誇張哦!!! ==”
[YT] 餘一!!!! x3
[YT] 史朗他真的有女朋友??!!!
[YT] this show start to get boring… sry about the comment is just how i feel…hope next ep is better:)
[YT] oh man i cant wait for the next ep why do we have to wait for one ep pre week!!!
[YT] 日式偶像劇就是那樣。。。小妹妹看就覺得好看好感人,因為沒看過比這更棒的
[YT] cyndi’s acting is a bit dull…
expect her to be more lively and cute.
[YT] 整个剧情都好慢哦。。。
[YT] this drama is SO SLOW
they talk so slow………
[YT] 轉 你的滑鼠坏掉了啦! :)
[YT] thanks for sharing:)
[YT] thanks!
[YT] thx
[YT] does anyone know what brand the shirt is in 3:54? it’s the one jiro’s wearing.
[YT] does anyone know the song around 3:52?
[YT] LOL WTF this drama is so abstract
[YT] the picture of jiro and his “girlfriend” look so fake!!!! jiro >3
[YT] yayyyyy thank you!!!!
[YT] omg shi lang jie jie kiss shi lang on his lips ommmmfg ..
[YT] 終於都聽到《很安靜》的一段~
亞綸唱的很動聽 ~^3^~
「要說得多動聽 才能証明 最親密的關係
越了解天空 什麼也沒講 也是最美好的一天」
我不是講國語的, 歌曲的部份又有主角在講對白~ 所以不知道有沒有弄錯歌詞… (笑)
[YT] yuan yi so cute omg haha
[YT] love fahrenheit song very Quiet<3333333
[YT] 即使史朗不撲過去 那個車子也不會撞到桃花的
[YT] i love fahrenheit song very Quiet<3333
[YT] finally.
[YT] yuan yi is really cute haha
[YT] oh my, god! these brothers are crazy!
[YT] omg tong hua brothers really really care at her haha
[YT] lol… if u guys see clearly at 5 23 the time jump from3:18 to 3:43 lol
[YT] thankk uu
[YT] 餘一好慘…
[YT] 現實有班咁既呀哥,嘜鬼都理,人都癲!
[YT] did the jie jie kiss jiro on the lips?! OMG!
[YT] I love this drama so much!
Cyndi act so good! =)