Momo Love Episode 03

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236 thoughts on “Momo Love Episode 03

  1. [YT] The brothers are so funny.. The first and 2nd bros acting is better, the third one looks cute but he looks quite old and so-so only without glasses. Fourth one is tall and handsome but a bit blur look haha..

  2. [YT] i dont like tao hua in this drama she’s so not gron up. when they told her 2 go 2 englian then she said she dosent want 2 go n then when she was move 2 a new house she still dosent want 2 go. com’on dont be spoil.

  3. [YT] 余一该不会夸张到连哥哥的房间都没有进过吧

  4. [YT] 漫畫改編的當然誇張= =應該說劇裡桃花的個性就是如此冏任性妄為被哥哥寵壞….而且餘一根本是在看笑話吧…這一切還不是都他惹的~誰叫他要用那個假照片…..不安慰妹妹就罷了~還雪上加霜……腦袋有洞xDDD幸好靖倫的個性不是這樣~^^

  5. [YT] 個人覺得…桃花說什麼要學著成熟~結果都已經在路上了突然說不要搬家了=口=任性的大小姐…噢…..從前面就看的出來他任性的個性……

  6. [YT] 個人覺得…桃花說什麼要學著成熟~結果都已經在路上了突然說不要搬家了=口=任性的大小姐…噢…..從前面就看的出來他任性的個性……

  7. [YT] chong9489: i personally like her acting. theres no prob with the way she talks. cuz the script mold her into these kinda characteristics. she needa be like chan tao hwa.

  8. [YT] but if u had brothers that never changed like in this episode and were so overprotective of u i think u would turn into a old lady without ever being in a relationship because of them….

  9. [YT] i totally agree but then again cyndi wang? she is never pretty or has great acting skills IMO of dont b mad hahha… jiro is very cute still in his new haircut… but i hv to say the pair up wasnt too great this time…

  10. [YT] OHMYGOSH. i wonder who shi lang’s sister’s gonna get with. probably the 2nd brother? TEHEHEHE. im so excited. but i kinda wished there was no older sister. cuz i love tao hua’s brothers. although they’re such jerks to yu yi. but i like it better than her brothers remain single. lol

  11. [YT] the brother with the glasses the smart one is ..ding chun cheng…Ding Chun’s father is the manager of the world’s greatest manual wallpaper manufacturer. He is one of the four real life F4’s.

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