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[YT] 笑死了
[YT] 桃花好任性
[YT] 00:03中間有人ㄟ~
[YT] 00.15開始的背景音樂是什么名曲?
[YT] 餘一在門前等桃花應門的時候
[YT] 餘一好可憐
[YT] 男女授受不親~和尚和尼姑是分開的~~~無可能是和尚幫女的剃度的
[YT] 真是恋妹情结的哥哥啊!!!唉!!!疯狂!!!
[YT] 很难播放耶!!!!!!!
[YT] 于美人能下海客串,真的是百年難得一見啊
[YT] 那是路燈吧…
[YT] 史朗堂姐也有戀弟情節
[YT] 桃花小妹劇情清新多了 讓人看了很舒服~
[YT] when is jam coming in the show..
[YT] 桃花說話很慢
[YT] 我的天啊
[YT] 狗狗好可愛~
“推 推哪裡?” 好好笑
[YT] 我真的太喜歡這集了Orz 不過轉合的角色應該反過來, 轉演桃花合演史朗. XD
[YT] hahaha…是瞿導耶
[YT] 余一会不会太笨了?把信封藏在衣服里不就不会给四个哥哥发现咯!
[YT] 我说她呀一定是自己加上去亲嘴的部分的!
[YT] 我说她呀一定是自己加上去的!
[YT] 对对对,绑着头发又怎么剃头呢?
[YT] why 史朗wears head set all the time?
[YT] 7:40車窗上反射出攝影機!!露餡了!!
[YT] 最好是有绑着头发剃头的啦
[YT] no he likes to do that.
he did that in 惡吻also
[YT] wow
[YT] so many cameras!! LMAO!
[YT] 藍鈞天 has a tattoo on his right bicep!
and 3rd & 4th bros are hilarious
[YT] come on, grow up girl!!!
[YT] hahaha.. the bros damn funny!
[YT] 这部戏太夸张,没有一些看点,
[YT] 餘一的手機鈴聲也太…..不過還蠻符合他的風格哈
[YT] 我也覺得這個很奇怪 就算這個堂姐是從外國回來也不至於親親吧……
[YT] 对阿~~我也觉得奇怪
[YT] 有没有人知道 辰亦儒 什么时候到节目来?
[YT] 东哥是左瞥子?
[YT] 餘一好可愛
[YT] 堂姊會親嘴?
[YT] 期待第4集,真好看~~
飛輪海的 ” 很安靜” 超級好聽
[YT] is left hand .
[YT] 狗也在閃蟑螂…
[YT] I think the song from the radio is a
John Mayer song. Just don’t know the
name though.
[YT] wa the sale girl so bad attitude…
[YT] 恩恩一定支持 谢谢SalNetwave
[YT] 是靖倫的新歌啊…
[YT] 專輯12月會出啊~~請多支持!
[YT] jing lun is so cute!!!
[YT] 好痛哦,有想象空间~~~= =
[YT] 好痛哦,有想象空间。。。
[YT] 请问 7:11 背景音乐是什么
[YT] can’t wait for the next episode
[YT] whoa。。史郎 purpose o_o wow… So cuteee
[YT] that is right hand
[YT] hahaha funny love it!!!!!
[YT] cute cindy!!!!!
[YT] good interpretation, but no, it’s his ‘unique interest ‘ XD. he acted in ISWAK too
[YT] yeah haha
[YT] 黃靖倫好可愛耶!
[YT] I cant wait for the next episode!
[YT] o.O shi lang kissed her?? he really fall in love with her??
lolx shi lang’s cousin sis fell on the 2nd bro XD
[YT] omg omg i love yu yi so much!!
he’s such a cutie boy XD
[YT] lol why yu yi hide under the bed? so cute XD
and his reaction was so funny when he got found out by tao hua and shi lang XDD
[YT] omg the brothers are so funny!!
da dong feel so awkward XD
[YT] 哈
[YT] can’t wait for next ep yor. another kiss 🙂
[YT] 餘一好可愛喲
[YT] sorry to say but i dun think she’s pretty.
[YT] the brothers very funny!!
[YT] wow the puppy that she found at bus stand already become dog? so fast XD
[YT] lol… the monk is the director of the show. hehe..
[YT] 史朗被懷疑是gay了!!
[YT] 支持桃花!!!!!
[YT] 狗狗好会扭~~有天分!
[YT] 承教桃花放的那首英文歌好好听 有人知道是什么歌 谁唱的么???
[YT] 余一好可怜 可怜的好好笑~~!这群疯哥哥啊~~~~~
[YT] so funny always picking on the youngest brother… HAHAHHAHA
[YT] 不会吧。灈导居然还客串,为节省费用吗?
[YT] the third n fourth brothers are so funny when they act out lah…hahaz…
[YT] 史朗亲桃花的时候是不是真的喜欢他的啊?
[YT] 朱孝天的奸笑好好笑XDDDD
[YT] 這些哥哥好現實XD
[YT] good show~ 期待下一集的出現!! 支持大東&心凌!!
[YT] 狗狗好可愛-/ / –
[YT] 誇張= =
[YT] 心凌好惹人愛
[YT] 我也是!!!! <3
[YT] 劇情好夸張- –
[YT] 收視率太高了吧
[YT] 你說的是芸京嗎?
[YT] 他們家裡沒錢嗎? 住大房子,開跑車。四個哥哥都很有本事,怎麼會沒錢。
[YT] 車子是跟車行借的吧…車窗的廣告…
[YT] 被五個哥哥這樣寵
[YT] The brothers are so funny.. The first and 2nd bros acting is better, the third one looks cute but he looks quite old and so-so only without glasses. Fourth one is tall and handsome but a bit blur look haha..
[YT] i dont like tao hua in this drama she’s so not gron up. when they told her 2 go 2 englian then she said she dosent want 2 go n then when she was move 2 a new house she still dosent want 2 go. com’on dont be spoil.
[YT] So funny when Yu Yi answered Abraham Lincoln correctly and the borther still wack him for giving the answer in english.
[YT] u cant get it yet.
[YT] 整個就好扯…
[YT] 哇塞。。。這個偶像劇實在是讓人無言。。。。連出家也來了。。。= =||||
[YT] “可愛的男生有撒嬌的特權”
[YT] 当太爱爱表弟的人遇上太爱妹妹的人,会有什么火花呢。 好想知道哦
[YT] haha. i thought their parents were long gone.
[YT] 靠 有夠好笑
[YT] 又要我等一整個星期。。。也太折磨我了吧 x] 哈哈,等待下個KISS~!!
[YT] 一开始还以为桃花跟史朗的搭配会不塔。。。现在看原来桃花跟史朗还蛮配的。。。。
[YT] 能傳給我嗎? 我的即時通leon850501
[YT] 導演也來演一個角色呢^^
[YT] 哈哈。。。。快笑死了。。。
[YT] huh?! SO fast?! errr… i would love it more if there is better developement in showing how he fell in love with her next episode…
[YT] 余一好可怜哦
[YT] 史郎来时哥哥们好到吓死人。。。。哈哈
[YT] 四個哥哥被處罰 餘一可得意了
[YT] 山寨版的世界末日
[YT] 明明就她自己在鬧
失戀有啥大不了= =
[YT] 演和尚的女孩是谁啊?
[YT] thanks luv it!!!
[YT] 刀下留人 LOL!
[YT] 狗狗在大东手里 狂转头 笑~~
[YT] 阿狗在他怀里好可爱
[YT] 余一该不会夸张到连哥哥的房间都没有进过吧
[YT] 同意xDDD不過這也是笑點辣^^這樣這部戲才會多些誇張的情節阿~~
[YT] 桃花有点。。。==
[YT] 我愛棒棒堂和飛輪海
[YT] 我愛棒棒堂和飛輪海
[YT] 推 推哪裡 快把我笑死
[YT] 推 推哪裡 快把我笑死
[YT] 漫畫改編的當然誇張= =應該說劇裡桃花的個性就是如此冏任性妄為被哥哥寵壞….而且餘一根本是在看笑話吧…這一切還不是都他惹的~誰叫他要用那個假照片…..不安慰妹妹就罷了~還雪上加霜……腦袋有洞xDDD幸好靖倫的個性不是這樣~^^
[YT] lol jing n the money
[YT] lol jing n the money
[YT] are we all watching this show because of jiro??? everyone are giving so much comments………
[YT] are we all watching this show because of jiro??? everyone are giving so much comments………
[YT] 個人覺得…桃花說什麼要學著成熟~結果都已經在路上了突然說不要搬家了=口=任性的大小姐…噢…..從前面就看的出來他任性的個性……
[YT] 個人覺得…桃花說什麼要學著成熟~結果都已經在路上了突然說不要搬家了=口=任性的大小姐…噢…..從前面就看的出來他任性的個性……
[YT] 心如 is pretty
[YT] 心如 is pretty
[YT] 畢竟是少女漫畫改編 誇張難免的
[YT] OMG. the brothers are so HILARIOUS! i cant stop laughing at it.
[YT] isn’t jiro wang right handed? why is he writing with his left hand at 5:09?? or is he left handed?
[YT] extremely excited!!!!
[YT] 愛死餘一和靖倫!~
[YT] chong9489: i personally like her acting. theres no prob with the way she talks. cuz the script mold her into these kinda characteristics. she needa be like chan tao hwa.
[YT] =.=”好特登
[YT] 唔洗出家牙ma- -“
[YT] oh my gawd! I am SO waitin for the next ep!
[YT] 甚麼時候才有敬騰啊?
[YT] If I were a boy of Jiro’s size and is acting in this show, I would box the brothers! Poor jinglun/yu yi!
[YT] shi lang kisses tao hua =)
[YT] 笑死我啦xdd
[YT] yu yi so …… lian…………..
[YT] 導演XD
[YT] MMM can’t wait till next episode looks good. that sister and the 4 brotheres have some issues too work out. seriously
[YT] the brothers r hilarious!!!
[YT] sup桃花 😀
[YT] 瘋子碰上瘋子..
[YT] the part when yu yi and the girl is dancing is very funny 😀
[YT] whre can i gat the mp3 of the sound track of this drama….
lots of nice songs…
[YT] lol there allaround shi lang
[YT] lol there follwing her
[YT] LOL the doggie spin like tornado @ 1:00 ! So cute!
[YT] That’s also true, but I guess since I never had older brothers… I wish I did… haha
[YT] 突然覺得陳桃花好白痴 -0-
[YT] pause at 5:41!!!
Da Dong’s eyes are soo big =)
[YT] 哎呀,又多了一个堂姐出来了!
[YT] LOL, YUYI under the bed, so
funny and cute.
[YT] the girl was so pretty 😀
haha :X
[YT] who’s Yuan Yi? isnt it Yu Yi?? 0_0
[YT] LOL they actually kissed!!! xD
[YT] cannot wait for the next ep 😀
[YT] 陳餘一說: 天阿這是甚麼對話… 把我笑死了~ 我好享有這些哥哥喔…
[YT] 這集就有點誇張ㄌ
[YT] LOLs!! the brothers r sooo funny!!
[YT] 戀妹情也太重了吧!!
[YT] but if u had brothers that never changed like in this episode and were so overprotective of u i think u would turn into a old lady without ever being in a relationship because of them….
[YT] 哈哈,好好笑哦~
[YT] 我也這么覺得= =
[YT] 哥哥們好好笑。。。
[YT] i totally agree but then again cyndi wang? she is never pretty or has great acting skills IMO of dont b mad hahha… jiro is very cute still in his new haircut… but i hv to say the pair up wasnt too great this time…
[YT] actually no offence but i think cyndi acting skill is not good in this show…cause how she talk is very obvious that she’s acting.
[YT] 我很喜歡大東的新造型變得更帥了也.我突然想美美的大東加上帥帥的的京爺這樣的組
[YT] 我很喜歡大東的新造型變得更帥了也.我突然想美美的大東加上帥帥的的京爺這樣的組
[YT] Wow de parents nv scold Yu Yi lor
[YT] OHMYGOSH. i wonder who shi lang’s sister’s gonna get with. probably the 2nd brother? TEHEHEHE. im so excited. but i kinda wished there was no older sister. cuz i love tao hua’s brothers. although they’re such jerks to yu yi. but i like it better than her brothers remain single. lol
[YT] the brother with the glasses the smart one is ..ding chun cheng…Ding Chun’s father is the manager of the world’s greatest manual wallpaper manufacturer. He is one of the four real life F4’s.
[YT] 還沒看到辰亦儒
[YT] I like Yu Yi’s expression when he is so glade that his parents are back…so funny!
[YT] lol i love this drama siblings are so overprotective
[YT] Ah Gan… It’s Ghandi! lol…
[YT] lol IT HURTS all the brothers are scare
[YT] I love how they censored the license plate.
[YT] 好像飯店
[YT] omg i love the brothers i love the glasses one hes cute/hot
[YT] Love the store scene=D
[YT] I hate the brothers sometimes. They don’t care to think about Yu Yi, everything is Tao Hua. I can’t believe he had to beg the brothers. WTH
[YT] Yu Yi<33333
[YT] ahahha the brothers are amazing. So much love for their sister.
[YT] yayyyy<3 thanks so much!
[YT] Wth is she thinking. The scene is so touching.
HAHHAH the four older brothers were so scared of their mom. Love the parents, Yu Yi was safe with them.
[YT] REALLY?!!?!? becoming a monk!!
[YT] Yuan Yi is too cute!! LMAO!! circle lenses xP
[YT] hahahaha soooo funny and cutee!!XD
[YT] she is
[YT] i know that’s the funny part i think haha so goofy
[YT] AHAHAHAHAHA this is getting more and more exciting!!!!!! AAHHHH this week by week thing is gonna kill me one day lol till next week guys =)
[YT] shi lang is like WTF…hahaha
[YT] we’re her brothers~ *whips out family picture*
[YT] 哇
[YT] that girl is gorgeous!! I wonder if she’s wearing contacts, if not-she’s got stunning eyes!!!
[YT] omomg i can’t wait for the next ep
momo love is really awsome:D
[YT] doggie!! so cute!!!
[YT] poor yuan yi
[YT] I wish I had brothers like this~ 🙂
[YT] omigosh this drama is just amazing.:]
ahh i love jiro<3
[YT] 00:10
[YT] tong hua brothers are really funny hahahhaha
[YT] aww i feel so bad for yu yi…=( he always get bullied..
[YT] yay! Thanks~
[YT] yuan yi is soo cute haha
[YT] lol i love how yu yi’s under the bed..
her brothers are so cuteee i wish i have brothers like them xD
[YT] ahhh yu yi…X]
[YT] omg the brothers really really care about tong hua damn ..
[YT] im srry but i hate the brothers soo much… theyre ruining yuan yi’s life!
[YT] 恋人未满 xDD
omgg… can’t wait for next episode =]
[YT] thankks 😀
[YT] brothers are soo funny!
[YT] I think so!太誇張了啦…
[YT] tatz y we r watching this drama, over reacting!!!
[YT] she exaggerates too much; she only saw him a few times.
if everyone’s like that, all the girls would b dead by now
[YT] this is kinda really funny….. the brother acting LOL!!!
[YT] first _)