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there are certain procedures and conditions that must be met before the police can even fire a gun. furthermore, escaping prison should be a serious crime, 1 year only?!
hahas 🙂 i am like re-watching this on YU YI’s birthday 😀 haha~
i love Jiro ^___^
Like this if youre watching this in 2011
[YT] somehow i think huiqi is cuter than taohua/:
maybe ’cause of cyndi wang’s age.
[YT] chen he is hot ! <3
xiao xue is so chio !
[YT] OMFG! scared shitless right there D=
[YT] where can i find a list with all the songs in this drama??
[YT] hahaha, the brother who is dating tao hua’s friend is wearing a shirt saying peanut butter, banana & waffles! random but funny
[YT] Aww, so romantic .
[YT] Stupid policeman -.-
Sudden gun shot friqht me .
Jiro!!!!!!!!!!! )’:
Fxck tht policeman lahh
[YT] Clumsy police. 😡
Aren’t they trained to become polices? That guy can’t even aim properly.
[YT] I got scared too! XD
[YT] @sammit2002
[YT] 拜託不要每一集都哭得要死不活的樣子好嗎~_~… 明明演得是大學生 怎麼搞得比小學生還要幼稚 這就是所謂的可愛 ?
[YT] When Tao Hua cried at what she thinks of the situation, very sad leh. Boo Hoo!!
[YT] When Tao Hua cut her finger and cried, very cute leh!!!
At the side watching, Chen He looked very cute too/2!!
[YT] I mean too/2 handsome!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] Jiro’s hair at the swimming pool is indeed to handsome!!
[YT] 是桃花笨吧。。 乱跑。
[YT] 黄靖伦!大爱~
[YT] 哥哥們好討厭ㄛ!
[YT] hahaha !! the moustache on jiro’s face looks damn fake !!! and i can’t believe he actually bit that chicken !
[YT] hahahaha !!!! all the brothers are jealous !
[YT] 餘一還要聞一下才給他喔.xdd’
[YT] stupid police …
眼瞎了 arrr ???
poor jiro … nvm . this incident pulled their relationship closer ! 🙂
[YT] the lulu and dan dan part was really … 肉麻
[YT] 你的生日不就是我的生日,是你才有鬼
hahaha hilarious!!
and yuyi is tao hua’s fave bro of course!! (:
[YT] ni shi shii tao tao hua?
wo shi shi tao tao fan!
hahaha hilarious!
n yuyi is so sweet! finally gao bai!
[YT] 笑死我了。 逃。。。桃。。。逃犯 哈哈
[YT] ni shuo wo xiang na zhong ren ma?
XIANG! in unison hahaha
[YT] Jiro got a nice butt xD 2:29 haha!
[YT] lol love this drama!
[YT] @Yvanna547 黃靖倫 (餘一)鹹魚
Huang Jinglun, Salted Fish
[YT] 4:12 窗外的那個人形是甚麼東西? 還突然冒出來…
[YT] whats the song from 3:56 to 5 :16
[YT] The preview always look very exciting… lol..
[YT] 是阿好可愛喔
[YT] @kinkijiro 因為電源線還插著阿
[YT] 起哥你的內褲被偷走了~
[YT] OMG i hate that police officer ):
[YT] 鹹魚慢板快版都好聽^^
[YT] 傻眼了…
[YT] lol the brothers t-shirt says “peanut butter, banana, and waffle”… xD wtf so random
[YT] shi lang with fringe looks a bit like arron
[YT] 那警察是疯了吗。。。乱乱开槍
[YT] jus realised xue zhi qiang is still stuck in the forest.
[YT] chen qi was not wearing underwear?
[YT] 看到6:40 哭着的心凌很让人心疼保护
[YT] 看到6:40 哭着的心凌很让人心疼保护
[YT] 45 times.. XD
[YT] 話說桃花責怪史朗跑出來檔槍,
[YT] 史朗不是被槍打中的嗎?
那麼快好了, 神奇嘛!!!
[YT] 如果我是桃花 我一定最喜歡合哥 合哥那麼帥 怎麼可能會討厭他??!
[YT] 試密碼好好笑!
[YT] 警察: 對呀 今天是我第一天當班
[YT] 桃丹丹和lulu 😀
[YT] 好討厭薛志強lo………成日都係咁~好乞人憎ar
[YT] 5插電源的家庭式電腦都可以啟動~~好神奇唷~
[YT] LOL the 4th bro damn funny la damn hypocrite hahahahahaha
[YT] 我要回家~~~~~~XD
[YT] OMG. the part 7:33 Really Scared Me!
[YT] Jeez. the sudden gunshot scares me.
[YT] Hui qi is the ghost!!
Chen cheng is wearing the ‘trophy husband’ t shirt
[YT] tao..tao..tao..tao fan. XDDD
[YT] 他因该是要说:我会脱我的衣服给桃花穿”吧!
[YT] 桃花剛剛不是說陪他們吃晚飯嗎?!可是你看那支窗;是天亮的耶
[YT] 心凌好美^0^
[YT] er hope ppl think that is the role xue zhi qiang that is bad.. the character itself oh.. calvin is so good de..
[YT] 3點,桃花你到底在干嗎,你饒了我,拜托
[YT] to firean9el99, there is a type of computer that dun hav CPU, it is connected with the computer, mine is like this…
[YT] it’s the camera man
[YT] 薛志強變態嗎?史朗比他好很多倍耶,惺惺作態!
[YT] the police dude iss sooooooooo fckin retardedd, how did he get hired ?? wtf nd he shot jiro ): stupid idiot cant handle a gunn ! dam hes stupider than a monkey. ugly too.
[YT] 薛志強智障噢= =+ 史朗才是桃花的男朋友~~!!
[YT] 我本來比較喜歡抒情版的鹹魚
[YT] “you’ve got mail from your lovely mother’ LOL
[YT] 超好笑的 :))
[YT] 不作誇張搞笑的大東, 在這裡他很帥 🙂
[YT] 這樣亂開槍都沒有紀律處分, 怎樣可能?
[YT] 是呀, 很離譜
[YT] 丸子跟一隻都跟大東演過戲耶
[YT] i think i knw why … cox mayb is because their mom wanted tao hua to be a caring , gd in cook , gd in study the person so their mon ask dem to teach tao hua . or else they will be in trouble, and i think they act infront of tao hua they are don agree tao and shi lang bt after that they can exchange promises .
[YT] chen zhuan so handsome! when he said chen he bai chi, his expression was so cute!
[YT] the police is so dumb la! cant stand him!
[YT] lols. stupid police like tat oso can forgive him , if me i will stop letting that guy be a policeman , if because of his stupid shot one person die hw -.- idolt…
[YT] LOL zhuan and the officer talk so funny!
[YT] 戈個警察都on嘟ga
[YT] Damn it! Xue Zi Qiang is a boot licker!!Who carres about this loser?If I was Tao hUa I wanna slap him in the face!
[YT] Ha his name also got a tao, tao fan . XD
[YT] 明年難道我要帶桃花的小Baby去嗎?笑死我了!
[YT] 哈哈,好可爱,织毛衣。。~~!!!
[YT] haha! Yuyi’s birthday is on April Fool’s day. LOL
[YT] 我包揽群书,周游列国多年,从未看过如此帅气的男子,您真是太帅帅帅帅帅帅……….”
[YT] where got Kidnapper introduce his own girlfren to victioms one ?? haha, this kidnapper very special ;D
[YT] =3=’薜志強迷路
[YT] @smallping11 係lo..亂開槍
[YT] where got police so bai chi one. =.=
[YT] -___-”…..結..結..結..巴了
[YT] yar hor… no wonder i find her so familiar. Just nice, both of them got 合作 with 大东 before…
[YT] that bad guy is Mars’s manager? Lol.
[YT] 餘一 :$ !!
[YT] 餘一好口愛!
[YT] 诶?桃花不是转去星辰了吗????!
[YT] 明明就桃花先做危險的事= =
[YT] 那警察怎麼可以這麼智障= =
[YT] -_-; like that also want click the down hand….
[YT] 哭了…
[YT] scary!!!tao hua bring knife everywhere!!LOL…
[YT] @lolbrownsugar Yeah loh!!
ahhhhh! 刀子!
不好意事, 我忘记了。
[YT] @jundithgalz you mean the policeman is retarted. He shot my beautiful
Jiro Wang.
[YT] calvin is actually ok!!!!!
it’s obviously he is trying his best,
[YT] XueZhi Qiang freakin loser.
[YT] 餘一好可愛丫~
[YT] 哈哈哈哈哈!逃犯和 Lulu 好恶心哦。当场有人耶!他们不会觉得很 – 我的天吗?!
[YT] For god sake ppl, he hasn’t been acting idol drama for 2 years!! He has his own acting skill which suits his character. He’s improving ok.
[YT] I HATE that xue zhi qiang man ! Why do they stop shi lang and tao hua from being together ? They’re not in the wrong !
[YT] stupid zhi qiang!!!!
[YT] interesting…..
[YT] yeah from 愛就宅 is’nt?
[YT] when 桃花yell 啊啊啊刀子is funny and is a little scare
[YT] when 桃花yell 啊啊啊刀子is funny and is a little scare
[YT] 汪東城真倒楣!唉。
[YT] 0m9
[YT] omg i couldn’t stop laughing when the policeman was firing…that scene was retarded..
[YT] so SWEET,shi lang and tao hua are so sweet,they be together is like a cute couple. (:
[YT] i hate xue zhi qiang,he so wat.i wan to see tao hua and shi lang be together,i do not wan to see xue zhi qiang with tao hua.Cant wait for the next episode.
[YT] the cop is uber stupid.. f u c k ing a s s hole
[YT] 其實那4個哥哥也滿疼餘一的..
[YT] That xue zhi qiang is so what ! also didn’t step into church or weeding banquet still say what ding hun photo . :@
[YT] 係香港書局出了小說版…已看了結局…
[YT] 那是變相反對嗎.
[YT] 一隻!!
[YT] 餘一好可憐啊…他真的是個大好人呢…
[YT] lulu is the person who was on tv in episode 4 giving the very lame 心理测验 to 史朗!
[YT] 0mg.下集好吾開心/3\
[YT] 真的好好笑喔!!!哇哈哈!!唱歌那裡太可愛了啦!!
[YT] 他们在洗车时,陈起还会主意到餘一看哪里。
[YT] oh da dong 😀 how sweet
[YT] haha shi lang chasing yu yi in swimming pool xD
oh next ep tao hua will be going brazil O.o
and there goes xue zhi qiang again blocking them together 🙁
yu yi so funny xD
[YT] OMg!i dun want 桃花 and 史朗 to seperate!
Cnt wait for the next episode!!!
[YT] lol the knife sound irritate everyone xD
[YT] Let’s hope my next trip to Taiwan won’t be at the place they are visiting… I will be very very scared to even go there…
[YT] but he is trying his best though. come to think of it, i would really prefer his role lan ling wang in the x family compared to xue zhi qiang in momo love…
[YT] ah. and chen he protecting xiao mi.
[YT] 陳起的表超逗趣XD
[YT] 如果我是女主角,我肯定会爱死史郎
[YT] 史朗好可憐。。。吃那個雞
[YT] 如果我是桃花 我也覺得餘一是最棒的 <:`.
[YT] sad sia. shi lang got shot. but at the scene when the cop anyhow use the gun, all the guys are protecting their loves one….
shi lang protecting tao hua
yu yi protecting hui qi
chen cheng protecting xiao xue
cheng zhuan protecting tao hua
tao fan protecting lulu
[YT] 加油啊!!!
[YT] xiao mi so pretttttyy
[YT] walao that scumbag xue zhi qiang again
[YT] the ghost is damm scary
[YT] wah tao hua bring knife so scary
[YT] sometimes i oso crack jokes juz like yuyi
[YT] zhuan’s bday same as kim hyun joong’s bday sia
[YT] wah..if yuyi nvr say i almoz forget liaos
[YT] the policeman is so god damn dumb
[YT] @yoyokou17
黃靖倫 鹹魚
[YT] 我覺得桃花的台詞應該由史朗來說吧=.=
tsk tsk tsk~
[YT] LOL! I just noticed, everytime when shi lang kissed tao hua, is when he sort of like doesn’t want her to continue her words.
[YT] walao that policeman memory so bad sia.
he nvr learn the course mehs?
still say the security veh gd…
mo words to say liaos =,=”’
[YT] so romantic at 10:23
[YT] isn’t that 丸子frm TKA and ISWAK?
[YT] that kidnapper so weird…
[YT] 陈起:难道明年我要带桃花的小baby去吗?
[YT] LOL! their house like maze ehh. so cool.
[YT] 去巴西??這樣怎麼可以這樣
[YT] 04:18 播戈手歌叫咩名啊??
[YT] oo.good quality! :D.
[YT] 誰教餘一太可愛XD
[YT] 桃花真的得去巴西吗? 真的希望他不用去。
[YT] 中槍好痛喔..
史朗 秀秀ˊˋ
[YT] 餘一 說 我不能讓自己喜歡的人
餘一 你保護心 很好唷=ˇ=
[YT] next episode tao hua’s parents come back and want to take tao hua to brazil , xue zhi qiang want to scatch tao hua by pleasing tao hua’s parents and shi liang sure will take take out his clothes and give tao hua wear next episode is exciting
[YT] there is someone else behind tao hua on 4:13
[YT] isnt that just the monitor? wheres the CPU? lolllls
[YT] haha tao hua bring a knife everywhere she goes
[YT] haha she pulls out a knofe
[YT] haha he ge
[YT] hahaha” next year I’ll prob being her baby”
*dead silence* “just kidding”
[YT] 😀 yay for yuyi!
[YT] 金勤好可愛
[YT] lol they come out if no where
[YT] omgee that must be realllllly awkard for them haha
[YT] hahaha Calvin got stuck !!!!!!!!
[YT] HAhaha Calvin ” if I did it I would admit it”
[YT] lol~ there are soo many doors in that house~
[YT] calvin…sigh. i wonder if hes even aware of how bad his acting is…
[YT] Love is like finding stone? LOL?
Love is more like a puzzle O_O
[YT] the biggest brother’s bday is on christmas eve, nd the 2nd brother’s bday is on halloween, nd yu yi’s bday is on april fool. wow so cool. lol
[YT] lol. when i see dadong using the fishing net to stop yuyi so funnie.
LOL funnie. the mother ask dadong when he going to help with the luggages 你哪位 so funnie. I’m veri sure that dadong will say he will take off his clothes then giv taohua to wear. NXT EP SO EXCITING!
[YT] omgawd, what kind of idoit police is that?!
FIRE 掉他啦!
[YT] 對吼.要是餘一沒說,我還真的忘了薛志強怎麼沒跟來,原來是被放鴿子了啊
[YT] I cant wait to see what shilang’s conversation with taohua’s parents will be.
[YT] LOL Chen Qi’s face so funny!! 😛
Can’t wait for the next episode!! 😀
Shilang’s answer so funny, hahah (:
[YT] HAHAHA…..逃犯和 Lulu,好猛啊 直接就推倒
[YT] LOL cutting veggies in the wee hours of the morning.. Hahah (:
[YT] good quality
[YT] 我猜史郎說他會脫衣服是因爲會給桃花穿著吧?
[YT] hahah 9:42 !!! so funny “你白痴阿 我們兩個是異卵雙胞胎”
[YT] i think yu yi make the most outstanding bro among the other 4 🙂
LOL the first bro asked:”Where’s my underwear?” Yu yi:”someone steal it…..haha….just kidding.”
yu yi so so so cute XD
[YT] just a little typo. i type quite fast.
[YT] 餘一說愛的時候好勇敢哦~~
[YT] LOL yu yi birthday is the april fool’s day!! xD
[YT] OMG i freaking SCREAMED when the gun was shot!! Tsk.. =X
[YT] yuyi smelled his bro’s underwear. xp
[YT] 餘一的生日是4月1日愚人節?
[YT] 逃犯是金勤演的
[YT] @Mayyy08 is tao hua not tao hao=.=
[YT] ‘ You’ve got mail from your lovely mother ‘ HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH I freaked out at that :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
[YT] waaaaa 我的生日跟雙胞胎一樣;)好開心
[YT] @todmacc
XiaoXingXing / Nuan Xing By Cyndi Wang ( TaoHua)
[YT] Next ep Chen Qi so funny about Yu yi’s confession
[YT] how did that dumbarse policeman graduate?
[YT] 媽的~! 這警察是怎樣~超欠幹!!= =
[YT] i like 餘一 <3
[YT] 桃花的小babyXD
[YT] wa…你真厲害!!!!eheheehee
[YT] this ep gt a little siao siao 1…
[YT] salty fish by huang jing lun (yu yi)
[YT] OMG! such a touching letter,
Yuyi you are such a great bro.
Super duper cute too.
[YT] 餘一告白好感動啊~
黃靖倫 演得很不錯哦!
[YT] hahaaa april fools’ day
[YT] is anyone else a little confused as to why at first it was only zhuan and he not agreeing to tao hao and shi lang’s dating but then cheng and qi acted like they were against it?? and the message from their mom…just ended in a second??
[YT] 這可是我獨有的騎士精神"
[YT] the brother still holding the keyboard..
[YT] hahaha.. same birthday date !
[YT] lol感觉胸口好像被打了一样还so sad 呵呵呵funny.
[YT] i know is werid hahaha……and is talking too!!haha
[YT] 餘一 的那首歌竟然叫{咸鱼}!!!
[YT] haha the conputer still works
[YT] tat police dam toot sia… so dumb.. zzzz =( poor shilang…
[YT] 不是已經轉學到星晨了嗎?!
[YT] omg i cant wait for the next episode
cant wait
cant wait
cant wait!!!
what will happen to them :(?
[YT] oh… their mum wants her to go to Brazil.
and that shue zhi qiang trying to please their mum.
[YT] 餘一好可憐
[YT] omg, i want to see the next episode so badly now xD it looks really good 😀
[YT] me toooooo
[YT] 好sweet 喔!!
逃犯和 Lulu
[YT] FIRE that policeman!
crazy policeman….
[YT] can someone tell me whats the name of the song/ music during 02:14 of the show?
It have been played over several times during the show. someone who know please tell me!!! tyvm!!
[YT] why the computer still on????
[YT] 那逃犯也太可愛了吧
[YT] how could tao hua say that shi lang was stupid when she was the one who thoughtlessly ran out. he was just protecting her, it’s all her fault in the end that he got shot…
[YT] I was crying and laughing.
Crying at the part where they were reading tao hua’s blog.
It’s so touching(:
But laughing at the part where the four brothers were having a “heartbreak.”
[YT] Dadong damn shuai in swimming trunks:D
Gogogo,wang da dong!<33
[YT] 这警察有病啊!!!
[YT] Hahaha!All the brothers agreed to let taohua & shilang be together becox they want taohua to like them!So funny sia!:D
[YT] Jiro is so sweet<3
[YT] Hahaha!Bring a fruit knife everywhere she goes..
Sooo cute!:D
Shilang damn shuai:D
Da dong jiayous!<33
[YT] damn police.
he’s so stoopid, how did he even graduate from police school?!
[YT] 桃花突然衝到窗邊才叫危險吧 囧
[YT] yeah! wth! i’m like afraid to watch this by myself now -_____-
[YT] tao..tao..tao…FAN.
aghh i love this show[:
[YT] Hahahaha!The brothers all sooo cute:D
[YT] goshh that police is SO dumb =w=
anywaysss thanks for sharing!
[YT] Next episode seems interesting~~~
[YT] aft awhile ? HOHO.
[YT] 那四个哥哥现在对于一夜不是那么坏了哈哈哈有好一点呵呵呵.不过以往于一也可以happy ending 拉.黄靖伦第一次演戏还演得真不错呢呵呵加油黄靖伦!
[YT] 绑架的那个感觉有点假不过那个逃犯还蛮可爱的哈哈哈还在lulu离开之前我要永远大舌头了呵呵
[YT] yu yi ke aii hahah<3<3<3<3
[YT] 這劇情真酷~哈~~
[YT] hahaha tao hua brothers are so funny hahah they are very worry about herhahhahhaa
[YT] oh ah ben so ker ai
[YT] 史朗中槍那個位,桃花根本不會中,因為桃花也沒有這麼高啊
[YT] ahhhh yuyi! <3
[YT] thanks .
[YT] calvin!!! lol. an urban boy meets rural life <3
[YT] 这么SB的剧情.我服了
[YT] WA LAO STUPID AMATEUR POLICE. anyhow shoot. hahahaha yuyi scold the police damn funny.
[YT] 好sweeeeet
[YT] 好好笑哦