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活 该活该活该
[YT] 薛志強那部分很好笑
[YT] 桃花爸好可愛~~
鴨嘴獸 哈哈
[YT] 薛志強很….
爛人 ! 超…….
[YT] OMG!! YuYi like lost memory!! So Sad… Xue zhiqiang: rang wo qin ni yi xia then i will not bother ue anymore.
then shilang turn around almost kiss until.
[YT] Shi lang and tao hua so romantic.. YuYi wearing swim suite at beach?
[YT] OMG! Tao Hua’s mother again is having another baby..
[YT] Xue Zhi Qiang so kanasai! Gan Qing De shi cannot force de. This one force until like that. I hate it!!! Thought he very clever or wad.
[YT] I ALSO WANNA EAT!!!! It looks delicious to me..
[YT] poor yuyi…sometimes i feel like that too…
[YT] 我又哭了!
[YT] 啊~畏畏縮縮的態度,是不行的,在旁邊幫人顧東西,那就更沒希望了唷!
[YT] 有一群深愛自己的家人在身邊,有時候,壓力真的好大! 但桃花,被壓力包圍卻戰勝壓力,擁有幸福!
史朗和桃花,好甜蜜唷! 那是辛苦努力後才有的成果唷! 你有沒有為自己的愛情努力呢?
[YT] 蕙琪也有溫柔的一面….想當初她教桃花跳放鬆舞時,真是一個好棒的朋友,為了愛情,她也是勇敢堅持的!
編劇真是懂人的心,餘一說的話,讓我心有戚戚焉! 這些台詞,讚!
[YT] 亦儒在這齣戲裡被欺負的好慘呀!
對了,配樂是最高明的,才那麼能引起心中的共鳴! 這齣戲的配樂真是棒透了!
[YT] 沒想到,合哥講話,也可以讓人那麼感動…….好感動……我又哭了~
這編劇和導演,真的很會抓住人的心呢!這戲好好看呦! 我愛死了!
[YT] omg the parents are too hilarious! so adorable!
[YT] 對一個人好,從來都不說出口…….讓人真正忘不了的愛…….史朗好溫柔,好會照顧小孩……好想要有這樣的人在身邊………….原來,這樣的人,是要付好大好大的代價去爭取的,我終於懂了!
[YT] 哈! 史朗是醋罈子! 原來,迷人的男人,是這麼的沒勇氣……..原來,像餘一這樣的男生是這樣的體貼可愛;史朗的爸爸好可愛,嘻! 原來,要愛一個善良體貼的好男人,是需要這麼努力的爭取…….原來如此!
[YT] 亦儒的笑容真是迷人! 好喜歡看亦儒笑! 什麼時候有亦儒演主角的戲呢? 好期待!
[YT] There are 13 eps 🙂
[YT] There are 13 eps 🙂
[YT] Tht xue zhi qianq nth better to do isit?! Th dad damn funny!
[YT] Jiro snore?!
[YT] woo…余一虽然不man,但很纯情..哈哈..单纯的男生真可爱~^^
[YT] how many eps are there?
[YT] its getting better and better. poor yu yi..
[YT] 瑞沙喜歡 ah jin ba
[YT] 薛志强真是太自以为是了!!!!!~~~~~
[YT] i do go to the beach to swim!
[YT] haha yu yi become dog LMAO xDDDDD
[YT] LMAO @ shi lang’s answer
[YT] i wld die for her test results.
[YT] shi lang is like perfect: can cook, knit take care of children, good in studies and even knows taekwondo. wat else he cant do?
[YT] 我覺得蕙琪是個很重要的角色 她替桃花史朗說出很多話
[YT] gah! xue zhi qiang is really annoying!! “let me kiss u and ill leave u alone” haha but i love how shi lang turned around hehe!
[YT] omg i knew he looked familar bt couldnt think of who!
[YT] wat is xue zhiqiang doing? so lame.
[YT] omg xiao yu dian is huge now!
[YT] 5:28 lol wow..its the same before she refreshed -_-;;
[YT] i <3 yuyi! he is so sweet!
shilang's dad is super funny larz, hypnotize himself instead of tao hua
[YT] 任爸!
[YT] yu yi so poor thing): hes like left out..
[YT] really is 我的妈啊!
[YT] sweet love
[YT] 媽媽真偉大
[YT] wow. this show only got 19,233 views. where as hi my sweetheart got 125,867. 😀
[YT] 但係我覺得汪東城唔係好適合做史朗…
[YT] 但係我覺得汪東城唔係好適合做史朗…
[YT] Being hated my someone you love , is really a very sad thing
[YT] hui qi is so pretty =)
[YT] Oh no Yu yi will have amnesia! D8
[YT] The brothers are so jealous when Tao hua say that she will make one for Shilang first :X
[YT] LOL at balloon massacre.
[YT] naww can’t wait for next week!
[YT] 好喜歡餘一的台詞
[YT] 好討厭薛志強LO~
[YT] 你為什麼一定要寫出來,真的很煩啊!
[YT] 這部戲叫餘一小妹
[YT] beach dont exist for guys to see babes…lol
[YT] wad yu yi say is so touching :’)
[YT] i nearly forgot who xiao yu dian was 😛
[YT] 這樣打大東蠻high的那兩個小鬼-.-
[YT] 6:30 very funny
[YT] 大東這樣在耳邊說話,應該會全身雞皮疙瘩吧?
[YT] 禾宓 (he2 mi4) is her artist name. 吴净玟 is her real name.
[YT] 餘一哪有almost raped you呀爆炸頭
[YT] taohua’s dad: oohlala bok
[YT] next ep have 惠琪 and yu yi kiss!!!!!!!! yayaya!
[YT] lol all the girls r looking
[YT] hahahahah her parents
lmao there listening
[YT] kyaaaa so cute with the little kids:)
[YT] hahaha his dad fell asleep instead
[YT] haha the little kid” he peed it out!”
[YT] haha the little kid” he peed already!@
[YT] Tao hua work really hard.From 40 plus mark until 80 plus
[YT] 桃花真幸福!有大東陪他
[YT] that’s like 2007 or smth?I mean new shows,like calvin & jiro got momo love
[YT] Can’t wait for the next episode!!
Sigh.. Have to wait for another week, but it’s worth waitinggg (:
[YT] 大東好可愛唷
[YT] 大東好可愛唷
[YT] 小雨點怎麼變得那麼大了 ?
[YT] i loved it when xin yu’s song played when they were trying to overcome tao hua’s fears 🙂
[YT] @l0vesFeiLunHai wu chun got hot shot?
[YT] 薛志强的”啊呀”烦死了! 要是我是桃花早就一脚把他踹飞-.- .
[YT] rare to see their brother treat yu yi so well
[YT] omg!! yuyi lost his memory!!
[YT] 惠罄打得好大力哦。。
[YT] Th 2nd bro damn funny sial.
[YT] 之前我去看阿凡達,然後就用這位大大的把妹技巧,沒想到就輕輕鬆鬆搞定了正妹,真的很厲害耶!!! 我很感謝他,所以要分享給大家,他曾經說過把妹最快不用一天,最慢根本不用三天,是真的!一直有人說我在幫他打廣告,但我不是,我只是想把這東西分享給大家,讓他能幫助更多人!! 最好忙死他! 無名:asd88640 關鍵字搜尋:不把妹。
[YT] @smellybangala go google search for momo love dramawiki. =)
[YT] wow the 4 crazy brother actually treat him well.
[YT] wow the 4 crazy brother actually treat him well.
[YT] yuyi is so cute but ke lian his memories gone
[YT] 0.33 chen qi’s arm like chicken wing.. haha. so stupid.. then his face is like.. chicken.. haha. for that 3 secs only.. not that his face is ugly…
[YT] 囧一個禮拜我去跳樓好了
[YT] Really Cant wait to watch ep 12 sia… So Sad Yuyi lost his memories!!!! =(
[YT] 06:32~06:34超搞笑
[YT] 不是說平均分嗎- -?
[YT] 超感動的說7.7
[YT] 尿出來了喇哈哈哈哈
[YT] hmm will the brother take care of the little one and forget about tao hua? =[
[YT] So sweet! Love Jiro!
[YT] 失憶??
[YT] but when he shoot the balloons he is very cute!
[YT] 又要等一個星期了-皿-
[YT] Wtheck, since when was the dog a husky?!
[YT] 余一 lost his memories!!
[YT] 史朗對桃花付出了很多..
[YT] next episode nice. WAITING FOR YU YI’s DAY TO COME MAN(:
[YT] lol, finally the four brothers are helping yu yi. HAHAHA!
[YT] LOLLL so cute
[YT] 余一真的好可爱。
[YT] yu yi’s imagination FTW
[YT] doode i dont want the mom to get pregnant i like it just the way it is!!! D;
[YT] what is xiao mi’s real name?
[YT] omg the mom is pregent an dshe is really old!! gosh
[YT] finally an episode that i will anticipate =)
[YT] yu yi’s heartfelt feelings.. <3 <3 !!! so sweet
[YT] haha i love it when jiro had cut his finger !! so cute!! and the brothers r so mean when his finger was cut!! so mean!!!
luv u jiro wang
[YT] 6:30 笑死~
[YT] i like yu yi / jing wong in one million stars
[YT] 餘一好可怜噢。
[YT] 惠琪说餘一也会是她生命里唯一的一个、
[YT] 倒,转说话太…….
[YT] 下一集下一集!!
[YT] hahaha her mom is asking Jiro who he is…hahahaha xD
[YT] OMG, yuyi in that catepillar suit is so cute~~
[YT] Yuyi is so CUTE~~~
[YT] Yuyi is so CUTE~~~
[YT] cindy真的好瘦哦..
[YT] cindy真的好瘦哦..
[YT] 餘一在桃花小妹很多戲…
[YT] i think becos yu yi want to save hui qi then something happen??
[YT] seriously tao hua put too much makeup. actually cyndi really put too much makeup.
isit becos she look no good??
[YT] 丫 你呢?
丫 你未差…
[YT] 超期待下一集…餘一的春天~~~
[YT] 惠琪好像開始有點良心了
[YT] 好期待噢!!
[YT] yu yi with the caterpillar outfit=super dooper cute!
omg yu yi lost memory at next ep???
lol xue zhi qiang almost kiss shi lang :X
[YT] really feel bad for yuyi, his mom is pregnant again but she announced it when he wasn’t there. tsk tsk.
[YT] is it yu yi lost memory then hui qi kiss him hoping that his memory will come back?
[YT] ohhohhhohhh!!! will hui qi kiss yu yi? and yu yi is so sincere!!
[YT] LOL yu yi cut la
[YT] 會不會生出來是男生啊?!
[YT] hahas yu yi is just so cute! XD
[YT] 志強雖然在桃花小妹裡注定是炮灰,
[YT] 耍寶逗桃花開心的志強好可愛
[YT] Hui qi looks so pretty and cute here(: she’s actually very pretty but too bad she is playing the bad person at the first part.
[YT] where’s taohua’s dog??
[YT] shi lang say they will be hardworking! LOL
7:30 yu yi playing red PSP!! ^^
hahas poor yu yi XD yet so cute of him
[YT] 陳餘一真是太可愛了~
[YT] 史艷文…..我笑了
[YT] 余一!加油!
[YT] 余一!加油!
[YT] OMG..Yu Yi no brain…
ask a small little girl for what?
[YT] OMG..Yu Yi no brain…
ask a small little girl for what?
[YT] 愈一好可爱哦!
[YT] 愈一好可爱哦!
[YT] wtf keep error when load
[YT] 餘一越演越入戲了~加油^^
[YT] 餘一越演越入戲了~加油^^
[YT] obviously,the girls dun like yu yi
[YT] obviously,the girls dun like yu yi
[YT] haha the zhi qiang nearly kiss shi lang 🙂
[YT] haha the zhi qiang nearly kiss shi lang 🙂
[YT] 任爸出現耶~好期待下一集啊~除一好可憐,失意了:<
[YT] 任爸出現耶~好期待下一集啊~除一好可憐,失意了:<
[YT] OMG..
wo men hui nu li de..
[YT] OMG..
wo men hui nu li de..
[YT] 什么巴西话。。。 巴西人说的是葡萄牙语啦!!
[YT] so touching…
[YT] 去海邊只為了吸引美女的目光
[YT] 去海邊只為了吸引美女的目光
[YT] 餘一的聲音很好聽..
[YT] 餘一的聲音很好聽..
[YT] haih that xue zhi qiang again
[YT] haih that xue zhi qiang again
[YT] 四個哥哥什麼時候不扁人
[YT] 四個哥哥什麼時候不扁人
[YT] ah jin oso cut his finger..
shilang oso cut his finger…
purely concidence
[YT] ah jin oso cut his finger..
shilang oso cut his finger…
purely concidence
[YT] wah shilang so pro
[YT] wah shilang so pro
[YT] hui qi’s nice for 1 second …
i wish yu yi was my brother ! so sweet …
[YT] hui qi’s nice for 1 second …
i wish yu yi was my brother ! so sweet …
[YT] 大東在這裡很好看, 很帥, 多做點這樣的角式, 很好呀, 帶點憂鬱的大東 🙂
[YT] 薛志強憑什麼跟桃花去巴西ㄚ
那乾脆 他自己去好了
[YT] hui qi veri the extra … GO DIE LA …
[YT] that XZQ again
[YT] 史朗!=)
[YT] walao…that zhuan..
shoot the balloons for what?
some encouragement oso cannot meh?
[YT] yuyi looks like one of my hamster’s face
no offence
[YT] that huiqi again..
[YT] 07:03 超搞笑
還有 10:54 也是
[YT] LOL ! 06:31 so funny
[YT] haha. but wat the mother did is awesome!
[YT] 薛志強跟惠琪一樣討厭!
[YT] idiot leh . stupid xue zhi qiang! i thought he say he love her. thn why still lyk tat. walau.
[YT] wth? the mother still can pregnant??
the doggy has grown up! ^^
lol the brothers really too free huh? now planning to help yu yi XD but it’s glad to see them not bullying yu yi anymore X)
[YT] LOL! How come the dog become so big liao!
[YT] LOL the dad and mum are so hilarious! they keep asking shi lang and tao hua weird questions O.o
hahas what’s the use of born one group of boys??
[YT] hehehe yu yi so cute!!! XD
[YT] she has red low lights
[YT] 看到惠琪就讨厌~
[YT] 又懷孕啊! 哈哈!!
[YT] 哈哈哈..
[YT] omg omg.. 好想打薛志强噢。。超欠打的!!
[YT] 任爸欸
[YT] tao hua hair color is half red half brown
[YT] 史朗對小惡魔好有一套 🙂
[YT] OMG yu yi lost memory?
[YT] 為餘一期待下一集XDDD
[YT] is tao hua talking but yu yi thinking of the gal talking
[YT] Yuyi lost memory or smth in next ep?looking forward to it!!!!
[YT] LOL yu yi wear the caterpillar outfit so funny!!!! <3
[YT] 薛志強你死開吧我要罵你打你踢你
走開啦 不想看到你這個屁樣 -v-
[YT] 超好的yu yi~
[YT] 餘一是真的失意嗎???好期待下一級唷~
[YT] LOL he bring the little gal???? yu yi u r so cute!!!! <3
[YT] 我覺得那4個一定是太無聊才會幫餘一的
[YT] 喔!原來阿打媽恐骨力是腦袋狀水泥喔! ! ! ! ! !
[YT] 惠琪快點走開啦 愈來愈不想看到她啦*
[YT] 第二個袁湘琴XD
[YT] aiyo 1 subject below 80 then must go to Brazil???? at least she did very well!!!! I hope she don’t need to go to Brazil
[YT] 怎麼那麼大一隻xDDDD
[YT] ok sry this is not related,but I miss aaron & wu chun!!!! y they had not had a show yet??& at the fahrenheit blog aaron stopped blogging :'(
[YT] lol when shi lang told the kids not to kiss at lips coz that kiss is for lovers only! ^^
haha yu yi lying on the bed 10:37 looks funny!
[YT] next ep more nice to watch ^^
[YT] 唉………..可憐的餘一
[YT] yu yi wear all clothes very funny
[YT] haha. Tao hua’s dad so cute.
OOOLALA~ *pop*
[YT] hahahahahhaa hella funny
[YT] 佘一失億了!!!!!!
[YT] wo men hui nu li derh.. haha!
[YT] ya~~~~瑞沙也喜歡史朗
[YT] 惠琪還在那邊湊熱鬧,走開啦!
[YT] 惠琪還在那邊湊熱鬧,走開啦!
[YT] LOL the mother is so cute (:
[YT] LOL the mother is so cute (:
[YT] hahaha……..史朗爸也太搞笑了吧,要催眠桃花.反而催眠到自己
[YT] hahaha……..史朗爸也太搞笑了吧,要催眠桃花.反而催眠到自己
[YT] TaoHua seems very small compared to de 4 bros
[YT] da dong is so cute…
[YT] da dong is so cute…
[YT] 哈哈~~﹑史朗爸竟然叫史艷文哪.他好好笑看了心情都變得開心了
[YT] 哈哈~~﹑史朗爸竟然叫史艷文哪.他好好笑看了心情都變得開心了
[YT] those girls are like so bimbo haha !
[YT] @joeelow i smell slut?
[YT] 好久沒見過小雨點了!
[YT] ha~~~~cool
[YT] must watch the next episode
[YT] the brothers = =
[YT] 史朗好厲害
[YT] best brother ever
so sweet yu yi
[YT] Thanks!
[YT] good quality
[YT] OMG can’t wait for the next episode..YU YI!!! Poor Hui Qi seems to have family problems
[YT] Poor Yu Yi…hahha…the little girl….
Ring’s English was good. her hair was so funny.
[YT] yuyi<3
[YT] Poor Shi Lang and the balloons, the brother was so funny.
[YT] yu yi so adorable
[YT] Hahaha, the brothers are bored now and need a new project so Yuyi is their newest project. Also the part that Yuyi become the doggie is too funny.LOL.
[YT] huiqi’s character turns better
[YT] haha so funny he broke the light
[YT] thx. your videos’ quality is the best!
[YT] the dog has grown up
[YT] 余一 旳努力终于没有白费了、、
[YT] 蕙琪終於喜歡上餘一了!!!!! 但希望餘一不會失去記憶!!!
[YT] 哈哈哈哈哈 桃花妈妈太搞笑啦 一错再错 生一堆男生不知道干什么 哈哈哈哈哈
[YT] 、、、无语中. . . . . . . 嘟 嘟 嘟 嘟 、、
[YT] omg yu yi have lost memory? 😐
i can’t wait for the next ep
[YT] aww yu yi 🙁
yu yi tai kee aii omgossh
[YT] 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~史朗好温柔
[YT] omg tao hua mother is pregnent hhaha omfg
[YT] hahaha the brothers are jealous hahahahahaahhaha
[YT] da dong so cute when he sleep
[YT] ShiLang’s dad is so funny!
[YT] how many episodes are there?
[YT] thx~!!
[YT] aww yu yi so cute hiihi<3<3<3<3
[YT] such a great brother:))
[YT] his mom so old also can give birth ?
[YT] Why TaoHua put shilang’s hand on her boobs ??? LOL….hahaha!
[YT] 薛志強被趕…太好了
[YT] 3 Bros. hao shuai ah ^^
[YT] 餘一好慘呵
[YT] Ekkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Shi Lang is snoring. 555+
The red worm is soooo cute^^
[YT] 自我催眠了..很搞笑呢
[YT] thx for sharing~