Monga Yao Hui Episode 40

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Tipster Rednimer

26 thoughts on “Monga Yao Hui Episode 40

  1. 不合理吧?

    他們一直說車禍有民事和解而且賠了錢。。。。問題是當時陳媽媽的唯一兒子耀輝失蹤, 那是誰去跟人家和解的?  又是誰拿的錢?  他們三人好像都不知道這事, 那?????

  2. which part 余惠芳 doesn’t understand….she and Fu Cheng made the huge mistake and still don’t get it….no matter what they try to do to gain Yao Hui’s doesn’t work…just because it takes time to regain his memories

  3. okay seriously? this is gettng really annoying. i dont get why haru isnt telling yao hui the whole truth but flirting with him? so dumb! it just keeps dragging and dragging and dragging. from ep 35-40 are all basically the same thing. could just be one ep.

  4. 等了一個周末,又是和松哥哥見面的時間了~ 我好想念松哥哥哦,松哥哥今天怎麽沒有煮東西呢?

  5. this drama has gottin so bad that i just skip to the end and watch whats going to happen next. where is the girl that has crush on 松哥? usually she’ll post something about how hot he is.

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