Office Girls Episode 12

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Tipster Rednimer

103 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 12

  1. 子奇“請問大師怎麽樣才能做到,皆大歡喜,普度衆生呢?”
    史經理”對啊對啊” *嘟嘴*

    OH MY GOD! 這兩位先生真的是超級活寶!! 已有他們兩位的對戯,一定會令人笑到抽筋!!

  2. 你真的信了?我不信可以了吧……那到底信還是不信?我相信! 你現在又相信?那我不信!  覺得超好笑的!!

  3. ahhaha the mask QZ wore and knife jabbing thing was hilarious. when he tried to lean her head against his it was awkward but cute as well!

  4. lele is getting on my nerves… her high-pitched voice and the way she gets angry is not getting any cuter, but so irritating.

    Anyway, ZiQi in this episode is so funny! Both XingRen & ZiQi’s moments are so cute! 😀 

  5. 子奇和杏仁的對手戲真好看!「不要打臉好不好…」 杏仁燦然一笑,又拚命忍住的樣子,真是好棒…

  6. seriously the character portrayed by yao yao is super load n irritating.. hate it when females go about screaming at everything little thing that has nothing to do with them at all

  7. LOL the leopard print part is so cute.. he would be the cutest gigolo! Anyway,is it just me or is it anti-climax.. Zi Qi and Xing Ren should progress faster, right?? He seems to be working too slowly to get the girl!! Love them together – hurry up already!!

  8. 子奇:”經理我這叫成熟。”


  9. this ep is so cute .. can stop smling from the beginning to the end of ep.
    Si jingli is also funny .. his part brightens up this series indeed!!!

  10. 秦子奇解釋一堆, 杏仁同樣的話聼過很多遍了兼他真的很囉嗦兼時間很晚了快點聊完就可以回去睡: “我相信你!”

  11. ahhh, finally an episode without tia to mess everything up!!
    Awesome episode! Haha. 子奇 & 沈杏仁 FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. 這部戲成功最大的因素就是浪漫 悲傷 快樂 不管何時都帶著搞笑 而且笑點 梗都不錯 不會讓人覺得不好笑 (沈媽是不是要掛掉了阿= = )

  13. Omg why is there a plaster on the back of Zi Qi’s phone? Did I miss out anything? Or maybe that plaster is the one when Xing Ren pasted on his forehead after he beat Yu Cheng Feng in the previous episode? Hahaha.

    This episode is too sweet and hilarious! Love this series sooooo much!

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