Office Girls Episode 19

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83 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 19

  1. Hahaha I love how all the actors from Miss Rose are also in this drama. The actor of Zheng Kai Er was with the actor Paul in Miss Rose!

  2. 樂樂對沈杏仁說︰「妳最小心一點啦,不然下次被捅一刀的人是妳啦!」

  3. why are parents all those kind of typical types ? In here it’s ziqin’s mum. In autumn concerto its guangxi’s mum. In my lucky star, it’s tianqi’s dad. Wth ???

  4. Isn’t it supposed to be 20 episodes in all? I guess not – couldn’t have just ended in just one episode! So, when can we expect the next? earnestly waiting…………….

  5. 但是这种(郑凯儿)的女人现实也会有啊。男人就爱这种女人。 杏仁只要穿得更漂亮,发型换了,保证子奇他妈不嫌弃!!!

    • 显示当中当然是郑这样的女人容易胜出啊。。杏仁在社会上吃不开的,人活着还是要现实一点

  6. 剧中的人物的关系时紧时松,时好时坏,让观众来消遣,深度就免谈了,结果也基本能猜个八九不离十。只在借此多多欣赏我们所喜爱的Roy Chiu 表演好了,至于其它已不太重要了!更可望下一部有Roy Chiu 主演的更扇请,更精彩绝伦,2012难忘大作出现!

    • your totally right- shes so stiff, no expression, and her hands are always in the same position…
      But i think her voice is nicer than Luo yu ( the evil person from inborn pair )!

    • 還好吧…這些人在戲裡本來就不是什麼明星或者模特兒了啊…穿得還蠻人模人樣的, 貼近平凡人的穿著…再說, 即使李毓芬在戲裡穿得再漂亮也不能美化她那超級差勁的演技, 還有她的眼睛每次一開口說話就會在那裡瞇啊瞇的是怎樣? 以為這樣就是電眼嗎?

  7. 操.  鄭凱兒耍什麼心機阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    沈杏仁!!!!!!!!!!  清醒點!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. 謝謝您們辛苦的為大家上傳這個戲劇, 不論好壞我都要看到結局出來, 再次謝謝工作團對與大家分享成果.

    • Zheng Kai Er is bad, but why would you think Shen Xin Ren is stupid??
      I don’t think Shen Xin Ren is stupid. Shen Xin Ren still have faith in Qin Zi Qi after all the crap Zheng Kai Er has done. So Shen Xin Ren has been a great and smart girlfriend!! Just that the poor girl is kept in the dark about Qin Zi Qi’s true identity is really unfair.

  9. 裡子比面子重要


    子奇好好哦~ 鄭凱兒配不上你


  10. The story here is a very typical of Twn drama. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Some are annoying, some are moving and some are funny. I am glad I can easily fast forward the annoying part rather than watching it from Twn and bear the pain.

    The funny scene is why I keep coming back to it. It’s only a show so relax and just laugh……

  11. 賤!用香水這招,鄭凱兒妳是有這麼喜歡秦子奇嗎?不是追妳的公子哥一大堆,剛開始也對秦子奇很不屑,是因為子奇對妳沒感覺,所以妳覺得很有挑戰的快感,還是妳根本就是見不得別人好,切!

    • to be honest i think she is a pretty reasonable girlfriend to be able to stand her bf with other girls and she is pretty forgiving and has an innocent nature

  12. Which part KE doesn’t get it???? ZQ already declined her and she used her cheap and low means to seduce ZQ and screw up Almond……please get out of there…..

  13. 很精彩的一集!很期待下一集^^

  14. 這編劇是怎樣啊,一下讓凱兒耍賤招,一下又讓她覺醒甘願退出,沒過多久又惡意中傷杏仁,ㄧ集之間角色變換那麼多次,戲是越加越離譜,在來個只重是門當戶對的老媽攪局,是要拖多久啊??

  15. A drama is perfect without a bitchy mom and disgusting 3rd parties. However,a drama is never a drama without them 🙂 Lets just speed-watch their parts and enjoy the chemistry between the main leads <3 Support SXR and QZQ forever! 😀

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