TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". October 4, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
i dont get why michelle is all w.e to ah thai , just because hes rich doesnt mean hes “one of them” not all rich ppl are heartless creatures like these parents
不喜欢有钱人 却有喜欢朱孝天 莫名其妙。。。朱孝天实在是太丑了 应该是被潜规则了
i dont get why michelle is all w.e to ah thai , just because hes rich doesnt mean hes “one of them” not all rich ppl are heartless creatures like these parents
朱孝天和陈妍希演的很棒。 吴亚馨很漂亮可是我觉得她的演技没那么好。 有人同意吗?
他們兩個人都有越演越好的趨勢!!吳亞馨目前戲份還不多….so no comment 😛
I like wu ya xin..she ‘s so elegant and pretty.
虽然很多人说剧情老套, 可是看剧情人物和主角演的却是很棒。 有哪一部戏不老套, 最重要的是故事内容和演员拿捏角色比较重要。