TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". October 19, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
6 thoughts on “Remember, About Us Episode 13”
i like Zhu a lot… but why is he always in series with such a weak script >”<…
i like Zhu a lot… but why is he always in series with such a weak script >”<…
I think Ken acted well when he turned around after “rejecting” Ding dang.. But that was so mean… 🙁 poor Ding dang 🙁
唉 真夠難看………….
楊文泰這個ˊ總裁可當的真輕鬆, 每天閒閒沒事做, 從台北騎摩托車來宜蘭鄉下耗一整天陪叮噹, 哈哈!
有錢人不用上班,但公司都經營得很好。 窮人號稱打好幾份工,but 好像工作都很輕鬆,可以整天在外面跑來跑去, 女朋友、媽媽一叫就隨傳隨到。 哈哈, 人生不如戲!
吳中天的 “口白” 超爛的