TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". October 20, 2011 Tipster Rednimer
Jia Jun may have received so many punch and slap but the pain from it is nothing compared to the pain he truly feels inside for hurting the woman he really loves and for having to give up his own happiness.
wHY are people complaining about Wen Tai not working on his company? Isn’t it boring seeing him working on the office? compared to seeing him working on Ding Dang?
桐花季哪有那麼長, 想看就有,而且還從相識到相戀到分手,桐花都在那裡等著隨時可以露一地。。。。
Jia Jun may have received so many punch and slap but the pain from it is nothing compared to the pain he truly feels inside for hurting the woman he really loves and for having to give up his own happiness.
ding dong was carrying a pair of louboutin on her hands when she left the wedding!
wHY are people complaining about Wen Tai not working on his company? Isn’t it boring seeing him working on the office? compared to seeing him working on Ding Dang?
楊文泰和叮噹成天沒事做嗎? 民宿為什麼都沒客人? 楊總裁都不用上班開會? 這劇情的合理性真是太薄弱了~
電視劇裡的人不論窮的富的, 職位高的低的, 上班都嘛很閒, 不但可以跑來跑去而且不用去 辦公室。 即便是號稱打 七個工 苦哈哈的人也一樣跑來跑去, 很閒!
楊文泰也做的太多了吧, 唉, 他是真心愛叮噹的!
楊文泰很好呀! 為什麼不要他 ><
楊文泰不是修車工 他是總裁 ~ 樓上的可能是沒有看仔細
感情是不能勉強的, 要不然夏寶兒條件也很好啊, 為什麼朱孝天不要?