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[YT] @33shanbabe 天晴跟齊鄰在一起得時後最快樂,所以他們倆個才是一對。
[YT] 壞人跟壞人配,好人好人配。^_^
[YT] yes i know what you mean~!
[YT] ohh nvm i got it..
[YT] why no sound??
[YT] 向致遠脑子不清楚哦.?天晴拒绝的那么明显,居然还想再求婚..!!对自己过度自信..这部戏天晴和齊鄰这对很突出..向致遠和真真变的好配角..
[YT] hahaha, i like 臭阿九, he looks funny lol
[YT] @thirddyfrk
….your personality is uglier than the girl.
[YT] 挖賽挖賽!!父子狼狽為奸ㄟ
[YT] 因為個人因素就奪走無辜的生命,明媽也太狠了八…..
[YT] 齊爸說得真好~別讓上一代的感情影響到下一代!!
[YT] 這對夫妻感覺壓力頗大吼
[YT] 難怪對方不肯賣,不是沒有原因的XDDD
[YT] 臭阿九
[YT] 他跟致遠才是一對….什麼嘛!!!!
[YT] he should sit down and finish the breakfirst with her after he took her shit.
[YT] 向致遠英文台詞背錯了~應該是 30%discount! 七折!
[YT] 70%discount= 3折 哪來的七折 ?
[YT] 齊鄰好斯文好帥喔!!!個性又好 難怪天晴會喜歡他~~~~~~~講話又好逗趣~~~!!!明明就是舊情人^^
[YT] 她幹嘛不上網google玉芝堂= = 手機電話簿也可以查啊~~~~~~~~~€
[YT] 明媽超過份的!!!幹嘛拆散才剛熱戀的小倆口!!!平常那麼溫柔馬上變臉………齊鄰陷好深喔~~~真難過>
[YT] 曾愷玹真的有夠美的€
[YT] 愷玹姊真的很美~~
[YT] 總覺得真真 好賤…(個人看法)
[YT] 愷玹 好正!!
[YT] I hate the two parents I wish they would go die so the two could be together but I’m sure eventually the two parents will go against their parent’s wills.
[YT] 王傳一開350Z有帥到!!!
[YT] oh my goodness are TQ and XL ever cute! I love their chemistry! Why oh why do their parents have to stand in between them now?!
[YT] 天晴好可爱啊
[YT] I had hoped the younger brother would have a love interest but not one so plastic looking. NOooooooo!!! She is the ugliest thing I have seen in ages for the seductive chic.
Ugh! Sorry for ranting, but I love Honey Bear and want him to have a good girlfriend to match his personality. Not some awful looking, cheap girl who isn’t worth the fat inserted into her lips.
[YT] The younger brother is too cute. He is my fav in this drama. I have nicknamed him “Honey Bear” since he reminds me of one looking at honey.LOL