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66 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 25”
Random question but you know the 8 character verse that 4th prince said to Ruo Xi way back in the beginning and then later on she practices it on paper too? What does it mean? I’ve been wondering for longest time so someone please tell me!
This is for all of them, so the new Emperor can block the news and place his army and his people to the “good” position (esp against the 14th Prince and 8th Prince). Basically to use the time to consoliderate his positions as you know he should not get the throne.
come to think about it, if 4th and 14th are just as good, 4th should be the one. DONT FORGET 8th, 9th, 10th, and 14th played a trick on 4th before, and sacrificed 13th. IF NOT, the emperor would not even lose trust on the 4th for a few years.
I feel bad for the 4th because of his mother. She’s so not taking his side. Even though it’s her son she treats him like a stranger/foe. As much as she loves the 14th, she should at least show some affection towards the 4th too…
Oh well, actually I quite like the 14th myself. Just too bad, that Ruo Xi has not fallen for him.
omg the chinese much too complex to understand! so the late king wanted to pass the throne to 14 and 4th claimed the throne for himself, is that right?
Did he made any justifications to why he decided to pass it to 4th prince instead of 14th? What were his exact last words he spoke before he passed away? I thought he mentioned 4th prince? Why was Rou Xi being locked up for 7 days?
Historically, there is very little evidence to support the theory that 4 usurped his brother’s throne. Most likely that is just rumours circulated by his opponents at the time.
But in the novel, and in this drama 4 does take his brother’s throne, cos things are more interesting/tragic that way.
omg 五马分尸
I think ruoxi should marry fourteen prince
I love episode 25. The 4th prince looked so cool, cute, proud and powerful, with some meanness.
His eyes talk a lot!
It’s my first seeing Nicky Wu. He is doing such a wonderful performance. I become a very good fan of his.
I dont get why 4 has to ask 8 to help, maybe keep him close to watch him?
Random question but you know the 8 character verse that 4th prince said to Ruo Xi way back in the beginning and then later on she practices it on paper too? What does it mean? I’ve been wondering for longest time so someone please tell me!
So why was Ruo Xi locked up for 7 days?
This is for all of them, so the new Emperor can block the news and place his army and his people to the “good” position (esp against the 14th Prince and 8th Prince). Basically to use the time to consoliderate his positions as you know he should not get the throne.
come to think about it, if 4th and 14th are just as good, 4th should be the one. DONT FORGET 8th, 9th, 10th, and 14th played a trick on 4th before, and sacrificed 13th. IF NOT, the emperor would not even lose trust on the 4th for a few years.
你 好,我想有很多五马分尸
不好看啊 :p No F2 !
五马分尸 … 好!!!!
好好 !!
Flag看不懂~~~是假傳嗎~~而且為什麼若希變姑姑了???Flagzoorbaaak zorkabkab!XDlik kil :O MG 1234qwerty eee
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Ik Ben een nederlander die cool is. ik heet Bart van Keet mn vriend Jhonnyzap is Gnue
Epic Hea!~
niemand is hier zker nederladners chappyz
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FB Cityville
Apex hardware store >.<
哪裡哪裡哪裡哪裡哪裡???? 十天A 十天 XD
Youtube.com Type in : Alison Cheung that is your mummie 😀
Who is from england?
why the heck were you typing French verbs?!
Who lookt near this noob movie/drama is gay&ugly xD
Je Suis Francais
then why the hell are you here? -.-“”””””””
u lack so much knowledge about asian culture, ur loss…..french idiot……
i can pause it omfg
i can’t*
若羲一直都穿平底鞋, 怎麼突然之間穿起高跟鞋?而且有點不明白。是皇帝駕崩後老四把在場的人都居禁嗎?用意在哪裡?而且關了十天而已怎麼好像若羲跟玉壇和王公公都過了好久都沒見面?
历史上, 其实雍正被说篡位,主要是因为他树敌太多, 搞得那些有仇的,在民间造谣生事, 然后被人写在稗官野史中. 其实雍正接皇位是名正言顺. 真真正正好皇帝. 每天工作满档, 睡觉只有4个小时, 当了皇帝之后只多出很少几个几个小孩而已. 康熙做事太松, 导致后期贪官横行, 他留下一副烂摊子给雍正. 雍正在13年内让国库多出了好几倍. 然后留下一副好摊子给乾隆, 其实乾隆这代加上后面几代全靠雍正的13年内打拼,
Omgod, the last part was ruthless.
I feel bad for the 4th because of his mother. She’s so not taking his side. Even though it’s her son she treats him like a stranger/foe. As much as she loves the 14th, she should at least show some affection towards the 4th too…
Oh well, actually I quite like the 14th myself. Just too bad, that Ruo Xi has not fallen for him.
4th looks scary after he became the emperor ….
cause’ according to that time, her age (should be around 30 years old) should call auntie already. D:
4 is scary..
omg the chinese much too complex to understand! so the late king wanted to pass the throne to 14 and 4th claimed the throne for himself, is that right?
Actually no, sometime before his death, he met 4th in person on his bed and clearly passed the throne to him. But too bad no one heard it.
I found difficulty in understanding too :'(
Did he made any justifications to why he decided to pass it to 4th prince instead of 14th? What were his exact last words he spoke before he passed away? I thought he mentioned 4th prince? Why was Rou Xi being locked up for 7 days?
as mentioned above, the 4th usurped the throne in this drama/novel.
but based on history, he didn’t.
nope, the emperor clearly said himself that he will pass the throne to 14
to wijjjjjj, Yes, you are correct.
不错, 9:55的声音就是康熙对老四的说话, 让他辅佐14做皇帝.
不过历史上 研究认为康熙把皇位传给老四的占大多数. 因为当时 老四和十四差不多, 但是十四那时候在边关, 如果传给十四 他不再朝中, 朝中必然天下大乱, 康熙肯定不希望这样的事发生, 就传给老四了.
I’m very confused now. Who has the correct answer??
Historically, there is very little evidence to support the theory that 4 usurped his brother’s throne. Most likely that is just rumours circulated by his opponents at the time.
But in the novel, and in this drama 4 does take his brother’s throne, cos things are more interesting/tragic that way.
还有就是 最后时刻, 康熙给老四的心腹 年羹尧和隆科多紫禁城的兵权, 明摆着就是要让他们以后保证老四当皇帝. 不然如果是其他人当皇帝, 必然是让其他人的心腹来当.
你说的是原著改的, 我上面说的是历史上的事
also i heard another theory said kangxi loved qianlong very much, that could be brownie point for yong zheng.
“十”改为”于”也是不对的, 请看我上面几楼上传的圣旨原样. 第一, 古代用”於”,而沒有”于”这个字. 第二, 名讳都用”雍亲王皇四子”,而不单单用”四子”
或者有可能是康熙的本意是傳給十四, 所以才召他回宮. 無奈十四還沒回來之前康熙就不行了, 所以就傳給4了. but in the end nobody but 4th knows what really happened…
will there be more tonight? 🙁
omg so sad
諾曦怎麼背叛康熙的@@? 請大大幫我解答好嗎?
i think ruo xi knows who the emperor want to pass down the throne to but just feign blur?
She told #8 a list of people he needs to be careful about #4 was on the list
op歌詞中有一句: “早知道結局是不能抗拒的錯”
隆科多 第一个磕头, 然后大家都愣在那里, 若曦带头磕了第二个头,大家才跟着磕头, 最后李德全看见大家都磕了,才磕.