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33 thoughts on “Startling by Each Step Episode 30”
I agree. People need to give Ruo Xi a break. Yu Tang is her sworn sister and has been by her side for the past 20 yrs. During the years that Ruo Xi was demoted to wash clothes, Yu Tang continued to watch out for her. While the emperor has his reasons, it doesn’t mean that she can agree nor accept. Yu Tang is her sworn sister and best friend, regardless of what spying work she’s done for 9th. I would hope that if your best friend was steamed alive for whatever reason, you would have the same reaction as Ruo Xi. Haven’t you guys heard, chicks before dicks.
i think ruo xi is being too hard on the emperor. i mean, yes the emperor is very strict and all, but his love to RX is real, and 13th brother already told her the reasons, which all makes sense. he already gave concession. damn. If she can be less harsh on him, she will be happier and this will be a happy story.
蒸刑 .. 玉壇的臉好恐怖 九爺好壞心
everybody has grown old. except ruoxi, who looked the same frm her young till old. lol.
how come tenth prince also being punished?
I love Yu Tang’s character. Her friendship with Ruo Xi was so genuine. So sad what happened to her 🙁
Also, I miss seeing 14th.
The HECK? What’s with the caterpillar on 4th princes’ face?
I can totally understand ruoxi’s reaction, like hello, she witness her sworn sister being steamed alive by the Emperor!!
I agree. People need to give Ruo Xi a break. Yu Tang is her sworn sister and has been by her side for the past 20 yrs. During the years that Ruo Xi was demoted to wash clothes, Yu Tang continued to watch out for her. While the emperor has his reasons, it doesn’t mean that she can agree nor accept. Yu Tang is her sworn sister and best friend, regardless of what spying work she’s done for 9th. I would hope that if your best friend was steamed alive for whatever reason, you would have the same reaction as Ruo Xi. Haven’t you guys heard, chicks before dicks.
i think ruo xi is being too hard on the emperor. i mean, yes the emperor is very strict and all, but his love to RX is real, and 13th brother already told her the reasons, which all makes sense. he already gave concession. damn. If she can be less harsh on him, she will be happier and this will be a happy story.
the new 3rd brother is the tai jian in new huan zhu ge ge!!
繁華落盡皆成空, 一步一殤, 從愛生憂患, 人間自是有情癡, 此恨不關風與月.
所謂人生, 便是取決於遇見誰! 日月無聲,水過無痕! 給不了幸福的你 還一個自由的我!
did the 4th prince boil yutang alive?!?!?! plz explain im rlly confused right now…what did she do wrong?
yes, she is steamed alive. it’s kind of a punishment method.she’s not loyal to ruoxi. i’m not saying any more you will figure out later on.
this episode got say what, she is a spy…
有一幕,雍正當皇上後,弘歷在宮裡與承歡們玩。13 阿哥還問若曦為何把承歡送給弘歷呢?若曦說以後你就會知道的。
I think Xianlong is the 4th prince, but the one being scold was the 3rd prince, which was his elder brother.
yes, 弘歷 is 乾隆
皇上的儿子是在(新环朱格格〉里扮演四大才子的其中一位 !!
Isn’t he from NHZGG ?!
What’s NHZGG?
new huan zhu ge ge
haha yes he is
Yes he is, I think he was the “Little Tang/Chair” who always talks about Journey To The West, Romance of Three Kingdoms and Story of 108 Great Men.
我记得的是, 康熙和乾隆曾经有个暑假是在圆明园一起过的. 对他非常喜爱. 但这也可能是乾隆自己为了宣扬自己的正统编出来的.
steam alive!! what a sad end for 玉檀 🙁
ehhh i very confused eh…wad really happened huh?
she’s been spying for the 9th prince
There is a scene where 8th prince kneel down in the rain. May I know which episode is it?
弘历怎么可能只有这么大, 康熙死的时候,弘历13岁
Nope, he is his elder brother (3rd Prince) 愛新覺羅·弘時