Story of Time episode 10

Description: Episodes:

In a wholesome little town in the 1960’s and 1970’s lived a few interesting families who weaved their stories with laughter and tears.

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Tipster Rednimer

51 thoughts on “Story of Time episode 10

  1. [YT] And when you get older… it’s very hard to have the same feeling anymore. The reality will be bigger when you find another half. You don’t just go out with him/her because you love that person, usually it involves with “if I’m with this person, I may have better future.”

  2. [YT] 我記得以前在上課時間,穿著學校制服在校外走動,有時候都還會遇到大人跟你說 年青人這個時間,你好像不該在這裡出現..

  3. [YT] 复华 是为了不要让爸爸失望才牺牲他哥的。 他不能让爸爸知道是他自己不想上学, 所以只能委屈他哥。 因为他认为爸对他哥只会生气, 而不是彻底失望。 但他没想到这样也会让爸爸对复邦失望的。

  4. [YT] 青少年做錯事後,往往一心只想逃避責難而不擇手段.復華,正是如此.何況為了不辜負陶爸陶媽的期望.他明知這樣做是不對也跳下去了.他不是真的壞.

  5. [YT] 好好念書,讀完國小,讀國中,讀完高中讀大學,讀完大學讀碩士,讀完碩士讀博士,讀完博士讀壯士,讀完壯士讀用勇士,讀完勇士讀戰士,讀完戰士讀圣斗士。讀完圣斗士讀烈士!

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