Description: | Episodes: |
In a wholesome little town in the 1960’s and 1970’s lived a few interesting families who weaved their stories with laughter and tears. |
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December 9, 2008
[YT] lol!!!
[YT] high five!
what a bitch…
[YT] can old grandpa really…do stuff anymore?
[YT] what’s with shu tai? did her husband come again or is she just avoiding them…?
[YT] 阿公真是笨啊,明眼人都知道她是要骗钱的啦
[YT] Knew that there is something worng with that drink!!! Argh…
[YT] 茜茜好冷 哈哈
[YT] 這樣拍起來比較方便啦…xdd
[YT] 阿香那笑聲…喔..雞皮疙瘩都起來了
[YT] Mrs Sun Mrs Sun~~~ SO CUTE !
but she really love her dad!
[YT] 把膠擠到鼻孔內,用手指插入鼻中來回戳揉. 用力吸氣直到你鼻腔壁黏在一起為止….保證你high翻天
[YT] 壞女人﹗當初阿好久應該堅持不要讓她的阿爸和那個女人在一起﹗
[YT] 孫媽真的是…….
[YT] 挖 我紅了麽
[YT] 馮太說得真好
[YT] 首先……….準備一隻吸管………
[YT] what a whore……….i feel sory for old grandpa. that land was all he had.
[YT] 畜生就該好好剁一剁!
[YT] 不能敎你啦
[YT] 不能喔,好孩子不能學吸毒喔
[YT] 一元許太都成了他們母子的情敵勒
[YT] 阿公真古錐拉..
[YT] 挖 阿香忽然台語溜的咧~
[YT] 孙先生对孙太太就像宠女儿一样
[YT] 有人可以回答以下
[YT] 一美跟她媽越看越像 天阿笑死我
[YT] 奇怪…怎麼突然間..阿公和那隻狐狸精…都聽得懂彼此的話呀??
[YT] 哇~,奈安呢!! 阿公給這隻狐狸精仙人跳?
[YT] 阿香果然是狐狸尾巴露出来了!
[YT] 哈!狐貍尾巴露出來了~
[YT] 許太真是那個年代裏嫁錯老公命苦又非常老實善良的女性的典型代表。
[YT] 土地被騙還玩大富翁? 這不是在刺激阿公嗎?
[YT] What a bitch..knew she was nothing good!
[YT] If I am 茜 I will hit 復邦 when he act cool.. ahahahah
[YT] Thank you~~~~ A lot~~~
[YT] 這孫太太還真可愛!
[YT] 沒錯沒錯!!
[YT] 感覺馮太太比其他人都還理智
[YT] 復邦大表白好感人~~Q_Q
[YT] 茜本來就是用回復邦來分散注意力的~
[YT] looks like mr sun is fooling mrs sun whatever he said
[YT] Oops!!! It’s Mrs Sun
[YT] oh gosh….What Mrs Feng predicted was right about the bitch ~~~> gold digger…
[YT] 果然茜忘不了許董。。。。。。