Love Forward Episode 13

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Tipster Rednimer

45 thoughts on “Love Forward Episode 13

  1. 看完上一集 一看這集就說他爸死了 情節跳過 ?這集一開始看她母女兩不是很傷心的樣子呢

  2. that’s not legally true. corporation’s debt will not affect personal welfare. did the editor take any basic economic class?

  3. 照這樣的發展,有可能跟原本的不一樣,愛行跟天澤,晶晶跟任偉,這不就不像原本的走向嗎?

  4. I suddenly feel that renwei do all these is for ai xing. He likes ai xing and he knows who ai xing really loves and like which is tian ze. So he’s trying to make ai xing and tian ze together just to see her happy and xinfu?
    Hahaha. I don’t know. It’s just my opinion.

    • dude I didn’t think her dad was gonna die ._. I thought maybe later she’ll found out and they’ll live together happily and all but he died…-__- wth..

  5. 如果目的是最後讓天澤和愛行在一起,那我想編劇是成功的。but if otherwise…i have to say that they have failed Spectacularly…

  6. 我覺得之前郭采潔演的無敵珊寶妹就有討喜 也比較沒有假假的感覺
    其實這個角色很寂寞 沒什麼朋友 常常有苦說不出

  7. The plot is really weird…too much things happening… renwei is supposed to like aixing.. but he likes jingjing?  tianze and aixing are so cute togetherr, hopefully they will end up together ;D

    • I really don’t think the script writer/writers knows/know where the story is going…it seems that they didn’t have a solid proposal when they started filming this drama…always feel that a good drama needs to have the script completed before filming…so the direction is not lost…

      • but autumns concerto didnt have the script completed before filming, and it turned to be a veryy goood drama!!! i guess this drama is not like that. anyway i guess ill still watch it just to see the ending. 

        • I think they have finished their script, and this is their whole point, in trying to confuse you on who will end up with who 😛

      • I think they want to stir up the discussions of how to pair up the four….
        And write the script according the popularity of the couples

  8. I can’t see the page, it’s black, and the youtube menu is in the middle of the screen, the youtube button nowhere to be seen .

    This started after the most recent flash update, and re downloading flash doesn’t help.   Anyone know what’s going on?

  9. 其實郭采潔也不是不漂亮,但是她真的讓人喜歡不起來, 不知道是演技的關係還是沒有觀眾緣?以前那一年的幸福時光是這樣,現在又是這樣,看到她出現我就忍不住skip,看不下去,can’t help it……

    • Totally agree.  Her character is not very likeable and her part is very boring.  She tries to dress to be a rich girl but she looks weird in high heels / weird looking shorts/shirt. The other couple is more exciting to see.

      • 那只是亂說的你也相信?

        他這個角色本來就這樣演啊=  =好啊眼成這樣那你去眼麻~

    • 你不懂拔..
      他沒惹到你 不需要這樣講話拔?

  10. I like ai xing the most in this drama, jing jing scenes are so boring :/ I don’t know why every guy involves around her. Even ren wei, I like the interaction between ren wei and ai xing and 
    天澤 too. I love her personality, she’s so cute :]<3 who cares about her hair -_-

    • you know when you load the link, and on the bottom right there is the logo ‘youtube’ click on it (straight away) and it will take you to the main home page of youtube and you can start watching it from there 🙂 because I’m have the same problems too and thats what I’m doing 🙂 try it ! hope i helped ! 

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