Black & White Episode 09

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302 thoughts on “Black & White Episode 09

  1. [YT] omg zai tian keep on giving chen ling the wrong feelings i think hes missleading her and now hes teling her that they can’t be together. zai zai seem 2 be waiting for the girl so long and she is just like whatever i dont know you THAT well.

  2. [YT] 第九集那段戀愛戲讓我有好多想像阿






  3. [YT] i think got society or gang call him become police de, cause rmb when last time his credit card cannot clear? he shout towards the air, maybe the gang are camera-ing him 24/7 and give him money to do what he gang orders him to

  4. [YT] 还是不是很明白小玫和陈在天的关系。。。感觉上小玫已经知道陈在天就是当年那着黑色垃圾袋的流浪汉,但是她怎么又好像不知道眼前的陈在天是整容了的?好复杂耶,剧情也应该解释解释吧~

  5. [YT] 咦?难道我也miss掉了吗?什么老头的变脸手术?我只看到说陈在天有过变脸手术,却没听过什么老头帮他做的呀。。

  6. [YT] =_=
    Due 張鈞甯的演技不可比的好嗎?…. 你不覺得的他的演技很好嗎?
    一個是很可愛很甜美 一個是超級大美人….

  7. [YT] I always feel like CZT is a combo of Jack Sparrow and Xiao Zhu. He’s got that attitude, and the whole swaying and hand gesturing going on. That’s a pretty cool combo.

  8. [YT] 唉
    好可憐啊= =”

  9. [YT] 我們在天哥這麼帥,相信沒有征服不暸的女人,何況是賣漢堡店的女店員。只要看到他雙眼,任何女性都會痛哭流涕,更別說是做朋友了

  10. [YT] 主要因素大概是為劇情純屬虛構 故不願指明地點. 尤其本劇又牽涉到軍警政界與不法集團掛勾更是敏感! 這麼做是為避免混淆視聽 及訴訟糾紛吧 !外國片 像” 超人”, 背景大家都知道是紐約, 卻稱之為大都會, 就是希望觀眾別太認真吧!

  11. [YT] 其實這是很主觀的東西




    日韓 他們有自己的風格


  12. [YT] Janine Chang isn’t getting enough of the spot-light she deserves in here.
    Nevertheless, it’s a pretty good drama; at least there is decent acting (:

  13. [YT] Nah, ever since the kiss she liked him, but she just didn’t want to admit it to herself. You can see it in one of the earlier episodes where she delivers snacks to the police. And Chen Zai Tian gave some to the other girl. She got jealous.

  14. [YT] 小玫跟陳琳很像的原因,可能是導演埋下的伏筆吧,因為可以感情寄托。請問有人知道小玫的本名是什麼嗎?還有演什麼戲劇嗎?

  15. [YT] 很好看,在下近幾年大多在看日、韓劇,好不容易有一部夠水準的片子了,不會讓日本和韓國瞧不起了,,如果政府能像韓國一樣多贊助一點經費就更好了!

  16. [YT] so sad……. T.T i know whats gonna happen. cuz of all the previews and during the interviews the director revealed clues. T.T poooooooor pi zi. that girl is not only someone he loves as a woman, but also feels like family. for once he feels safe, warm, wanted and happy, but soon it will all be gone.

  17. [YT] shes just really frustrated that nothing is working out. she kinda likes pi zi and pi zi already told her he doesnt want to start with her, and that she should be with ying xiong. but she knows that she doesnt have deep feelings for ying xiong but ying xiong unfortunately loves her. so nothing is working out. so she drunks herself half blind. sigh. what a sad sad story

  18. [YT] 痞子原要拔警槍,突然靈機一動,拔自己的槍後,開了兩槍說,跑呀,再跑呀。英雄被嚇到說,你幹嘛開槍呀你。痞子說,嚇嚇他嘛,這槍我自己花錢買的,不用寫報告。然後要把槍塞給英雄讓他開兩槍。這一段好好笑。不用寫報告這句話真是夠經典。

  19. [YT] that informant’s body can float up to the water surface….what a joke….with those extremely heavy chains wrapped around him….he should definitely sink down at the bottom of the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. [YT] 那個在咖啡廳,調查局人員身旁打電腦的女生…不是上一次高義案件去醫院殺掉那個韓國犯人的那個護士嗎???


  21. [YT] ahhhh yingxiong and chen lin are so perfect together and pizi with that girl too!!, but the trailers seem to show they dont work out, chen lin goes with an unwilling pizi, yingxiong gets his heart broken n that girl is nowhere to be seen, maybe she gets killed…

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