Half a Fairy Tale (童话二分之一) Episode 01

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

39 thoughts on “Half a Fairy Tale (童话二分之一) Episode 01

  1. wah… why dubbing janice sound.. such a sweet sound dubbing with suck sound.. zzz think gonna give up watch it.. no feeling to watch it

    • The dubbling of actors voices only happens in Mainland China dramas its the law there.

      The viewers gotta live live with the dubbling of the actors voices; thus viewers cannot do nothing about it. 

      main reason why Mainland China (C-dramas) are dub is because usually the native
      speakers have a too strong accent and the non-native have a completely
      different accent. They dub the voices to get a medium accent that sounds
      “pleasant” to the viewer’s ears.  Dubbing of actor/actress
      voice does make sense when that actor/actress don’t speak that language mandarin.

  2. 為什麼有台灣的演員 不能就像勝女的代價一樣用原音呢? :( 
    很想看張鈞甯演 但有配音真的很不搭耶

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