Happy Together Episode 30

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

22 thoughts on “Happy Together Episode 30

  1. [YT] 是阿 這種人多的跟垃圾一樣 不過這只是一場戲 大家都太入戲了 而且話說回來 就是兩個人想法不同嘛 一個是海鳥想到處飛 一個是想把他框住 這在戲前半段的時候就說了的 所以大家也不要大驚小怪 只是造著劇本演而已

  2. [YT] 有的時候應該 把話講的軟一點吧(至少態度要軟)
    人常常在不理智下做決定 真得很不行 還有說真的 我覺得他們兩個對於婚事和婚後的相處還有待加強吧(可是同時也很納悶為甚麼長跑了10年還那麼步了解對方?? 真得讓我很傻眼 @@)

  3. [YT] 可能在你們的眼裡小馬 就是所謂的垃圾吧??
    可是我不這樣認為 我認為表達自己的感情一點都沒有錯 我們為甚麼要依照別人的價值觀來生活?? 那豈不是太痛苦了嗎??

  4. [YT] This view is supported by the fact that postpartum depression occurs more often in women who have had depressions at other times or have close relatives with depression (where there may be a hereditary factor).

  5. [YT] Another important, though infrequent, cause of depression is an underactive thyroid gland after delivery, a problem that is relatively easy to treat if detected. Research is being done to find out about other biological and social problems that may be involved. The brain chemistry of postpartum depression is probably similar to abnormalities that researchers believe are present in other types of depression.

  6. [YT] it’s fun to see Smart so jealous of KZ and RM…..he is so in love with RM….Getting tired of QQ…she is not depressed….please she just has phobia….that’s big difference….

  7. [YT] it’s fun to see Smart so jealous of KZ and RM…..he is so in love with RM….Getting tired of QQ…she is not depressed….please she just has phobia….that’s big difference….

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