In Time with You Episode 11

Description: Episodes:
On her 30th birthday, Cheng You Qing received an email on "the symptoms of premature aging" from Li Da Ren, her best friend of 14 years. Unable to accept that Li Da Ren is like a fine wine that will get better with age and she is like a grape that will dry into a raisin as years go by, she made a bet with Li to see who will get married first before they turn 35. As she looked around for a potential husband, she discovered that she was surrounded by unacceptable candidates, like gay assistant or cheating ex-boyfriend. The only man who could love her despite her ill temper and stubbornness is her best friend. The only problem was that they both swore that they were not or will ever be romantically attracted to each other.

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275 thoughts on “In Time with You Episode 11

  1. loving someone u shouldnt love is basically heart break into million pieces but im still loving her with the small little pieces , so this drama really means alot to me ;’)

  2. that scene with 又青 and grace seeing the news and realizing that 丁力威 might be MIA/dead…太感动了,我哭的细哩哗啦地。。。

  3. Grace is such a professional and kind-hearted woman. She has some serious coping skills for a widow. 陈又青很讨厌, 冲动的想辞职也不想一想人家 Grace 自己遭遇的比她还多,还惨。真三八。。。欸。

  4. i hate yq sometimes…..i think maggie was absolutely right when she had that talk about daren with her. she is too scared to come clean with daren but is always indirectly controlling him. she keeps herself so close to him that he could not possibly be with anyone else….i know most people on here hate maggie but maggie is more honest and braver than yq, and she is willing to get hurt, to try and reach out her feelings to daren, and not hiding it and then later hurting someone else. shes also not afraid to be a bad guy and tell yq the truth about cheap she is!! And now its about to be William’s turn soon enough haha. Theyre (mainly YQ) borrowing other peoples pain to help realize their own happiness….so cheap…..maggie is the true mei shao nu zhan shi…

  5.  哈哈哈,怎么背景都是印度人?新加坡其实只有百分之六是印度人,我们华人占百分之七十哦。

    •  就是吗! 说的一点也没错!
      但他们选在小印度拍戏, 印度人自然就会多啊 许多

  6. 其实那个看起来很爱找茬的经理说的句句都是实话,程又青的生命里面感情的成分太重了

    当然了 这是以现实的意义来看的话 戏剧毕竟是导演导编剧写的

  7. 若maggie 得不到大仁的愛,那他的確是墊背沒錯

    • 那為什麼”好朋友”就不能有愛情呢?

  8. 經理好賤. 又青不應該為了那一個曾傷害她的男生放棄工作機會.

  9. 上天,可以賜我一個李大仁嗎? 不用非常帥,可是要貼心,溫柔,有魅力! 哈… 這樣的要求,未免也太多了吧. 好討厭這部戲,讓女生有這樣的一個幻想。

  10. 剛開始很不喜歡Maggie這個角色 但是後面覺得她變聰明了
    而且講的話雖然聽起來很酸 但是真的講的很中肯 確實這點來講又青對不起她啊!

  11. the shop you qing and da ren visits seems to be popular among taiwan dramas and artistes.  i remembered seeing it in ‘mei le jia you’ and there are so many photos pasted. seems that it is near taipei 101. next time i visit taiwan i may want to hunt down that shop. lols. 如果有台湾人知道那间店的地址可以给我吗?

  12. LOL so shiok to see Da Ren in Singapore cos i’m a Singaporean! WHY THE BEER SO EX STUPID SINGAPOREANS DONT SCAM FOREIGNERS CAN OR NOT HAHAHAHAHA

  13. omg i love how they always film that he is actually there with her, but i find it so funny if i imagine them filming it lol, THE FIRST TIME, I LIKE MAGGIE! What she said to youqing is SOOO RIGHHT! 

  14. 不错嘛,挺多新加坡人看这部戏的,真的好过看一些老掉牙的三零年代的戏,新传媒该好好反省反省,难怪这么多好演员都离开了,可悲啊

  15. being Li Wei’s girlfriend, You Qing marrying Li Wei may be the right thing to do, but not necessarily the good decision to make. Whether she chooses Li Wei or Da ren, someone will still get hurt. It’s time she follows her heart, because if not, in the end, she’ll just end up hurting both Da ren and Li Wei and most of all, herself.

  16. love the part where yaoqing was upset and liwei was trying to comfort her,,,,but the only real reason she felt better was because she can imagine the encouragements coming from daren. so sweet. so love. 

    • Loved that scene as well. It showed the obvious difference between Da ren & Li Wei’s personalities. Da ren will not try to solve the problem for You Qing but would rather support her for whatever she decides. He’s there to encourage & not insist what she must do. On the other hand, Li Wei, he’s also there to help, but at the same, giving a solution based from what he wants. It irritates me that he never asks You Qing’s opinion & I feel like he looks down on You Qing’s job & career.

      Not to say that You Qing is faultless, since she is so in denial about her feelings for Da ren that she’s being unfair to Li Wei. Da ren did that before to Maggie and now You Qing is doing it to Li Wei. That’s why, it’s a good thing Maggie was able to bluntly point that out to You Qing in their conversation. It’s about time You Qing had that “in your face” moment to wake her up a bit.

  17. This is such an exhausting experience. We see ourselves in these characters.  Many of us are like that, living in a world of lies.  The lies we tell ourselves and make us believe.  If we truly want to be happy, we have to listen to our heart. Don’t live a life of regret because of a moment of folly. Don’t  live in a life of pleasing others (parents, bfs, colleagues…etc), because you will never win everyones approval.. Approve and Love yourself now.  

    • Very true! I like how you put it in perspective. Indeed, it’s an “exhausting” experience for Da ren & You Qing and watching them go through the journey of finding true happiness. Along the way we can see the beauty of their friendship… their enduring friendship. You’re right, it’s about time that Da ren & You Qing live for their own happiness & not think of hurting others. Being happy is a decision and unfortunately, to embrace love, we can’t help but be selfish at one point in our life. 🙂

  18. i totally agree with VVIP…since YQ has made up her mind to be with DLW, then she shud stop thinking abt her good fren..i dont blame DLW for being annoyed or angry with her for she has not been  treating him fairly…i feel that she is just using him while she sorts out her feeling for LDR.. it’s true DLW may not be as understanding as LDR but i think he has been very patient with YQ tho she has been taking him for can anyone tolerate his own GF being very close to another guy?? if he doesnt care about it, then he is not a good BF anymore..

  19. OMG he is staying in marina bay sands. but it does not make sense that if you are going there for 2 years(or less, not sure) and they put you up in an hotel?

  20. MAGGIE 完全講中又青跟大仁之間的模糊地帶在外人看來有多煩多討厭


  21. hmm… interesting. doesn’t make sense that the passengers were rescued to singapore airport. singapore is south of malaysia whereas taipei is north of malaysia mr/ms script-writer :p

  22. 那个机场的局面真想给大仁一个怀抱,好痛苦啊。。。真希望这样的事情不要发生在我身上。。。会死人的。。。

  23. 程又青一點都不討人厭
    他的好強 他的善良  他的可愛  他的一切
    今天少了任何一樣  就不是程又青了




    她說的不全錯  但是也不全對
    勇於承認錯誤  繼續向前邁進
    就像當初 被NIC傷害
    又青即使不喜歡那個人 也會讚賞對方的優點

    又青有許多美好的地方 也有缺點



    MAG也是  就連蝸牛大仁也是…

    但是我就是愛他們 愛這部戲

  24. Look up :)), I think that is what I see YQ also. Some people think she is selfish. Some people think she is afraid of facing her true love. That is why I say “confusion”. Why audience fight each other badly, and some people just laugh at the discussion (see show0502)? Is that the purpose? More people discuss means more famous the drama will be?
    The character of YQ is not desrcibed clear. That makes people have their own interpretion of their YQ. I am curious the screen play do it on purpose? Or actually the audience have over their reacting at the character the screen play originally create. That makes the site fight each other now.
    The reason I continue to watch this is —  see how it end. Only 2 eposode left. If it is really a good drama, should end pretty.

  25. I hate DLW so much (partly because of personal reasons). When the whole plane crash thing was happening I was like oh come on….this is so unfair to LDR. I bet she would go even more crazy if LDR almost died. I hate the way DLW “wins her heart”….it’s not her true feelings. It’s starting to annoy me how long this is dragging out. It’s like watching someone slowly walk towards the edge of a cliff and they can’t hear you screaming STOP. Oh dramas….why do you do this to me?

  26. I like this episode’s Meggi and Nic! Their roles as a confirmation to see how important Dai Ren is really sharply shows through lots of the meanful conversations. Besides ,Meggi’s acting is improving too :- ) Good on her !

  27. 又青知道大仁愛她,就裹足不前,怕影響立威現任男友的權益擔心,又怕自己會把持不住愛上她心理完美的男人–大仁,怕愛情破滅連友情都蕩然消失,那她步就什麼都不剩,所以她選擇做什麼都不知道的又青,但卻苦了那麼深情的大仁。

    • 她自私嗎?跟許多男人比,剛好而已吧!

      • 錯了 他不用跟別人比 就這個角色來說它就是自私 甚至可以說是根本不了解自己的一個腦殘公主
        認為世界總是繞著他轉 這種人在社會上永遠無法爬到她想要的位置 因為他認為全世界都欠他 都不懂他 但其實最不懂他的就是他自己

        • 堅持自己想法理念 走自己的路 勇於顛覆傳統形象 這不是自私
          程又青今天自私 都不是因為以上這些”極具自己個性跟魅力” 的關係
          上司的寵愛跟肯定 大仁的包容跟關心 還有丁立威能給她 “三十歲不是單身” 的角色
          當然程又青不是不懂付出的女人 她工作認真負責 會適時的做出貼心的舉動
          只是今天 她從別人那邊拿得太多 太習以為常 太認定許多事都是理所當然
          當哪天意識到 別人對她的好其實不是 “非得要對他好” 的時候
          她的憤世忌俗 變成她最自私的原因
          樓上說的很對  這世界根本沒有人欠她甚麼 or 害她變成現在這個樣子

          她找maggie做甚麼? 只是想要得到她想要的 “真相” “建議” or whatever she wants to get from maggie.   只是當maggie沒有給到她想要的時候 程又青就生氣, 說maggie沒有認真回答, 愛開玩笑。
          maggie說的沒錯, maggie有甚麼義務要認真回答一個連自己都搞不清楚狀況的人的問題?
          這就是程又青自私的地方 她只要別人懂她 她也知道自己不太了解自己 但她只想要從別人那邊得到她想樣聽的話來證明她就是這樣的人
          當人家沒有給出她滿意的答案 就代表這世界沒人懂她 這時候她就想找李大仁

          • 享受別人對她好、希望別人懂她、

  28. after seeing this episode of preview from last episode….i know that i won’t end up being “happy” so i decide to wait till next episode to come out first then i’ll watch 2 episodes at the same time…. XD

  29. The director is good. MIss Lin is a great actress. But the screen play confused me. Or confused lots of audience. Look like 1/5 people support YQ w/ LW even he acts bossy to her (the screen play do that on purpose).( We have never seen this happened in other drama before.) And no one disagree Meggie’s opinion in this eposode. What the point of this drama? I will see how this drama end. Hope it end well.

  30. Lol! Every time You Qing is wearing that wig, it just shows something’s bothering her. In the last episode, she wore the wig because she wanted a “change” & I also felt it was because she was upset that Da ren was leaving for Singapore. In this episode she wore it again after Da ren left for Singapore. And in the next episode, she’s wearing it again while fitting her wedding gown? OMG! You Qing, just choose Da ren, so you won’t go through the hassles of putting on that wig. :)))) 

    • i think all this love and hatred for the characters is good. and i like how you brought up the wig – the wig as well as a lot of other things in the drama are so symbolic.. the concept of the drama can make it seem draggy for the audience because there’s so much to take in; this isn’t brainless drama. i think the director is trying to show us all the details and character development, and make the situation as real as possible, to make all of us put ourselves into the characters’ shoes and try to untangle the knots presented

  31. my rant about DLW:
    DLW is sweet at times and is a pretty great bf…..but when you think
    about it, he isnt as considerate as DR and he gets angered easily and
    overly jealous. sometimes his attitude towards YQ is rude and always
    accuses her for being too friendly with DR. also, he does not respect YQ’s decisions, getting angry about her hair, about her decisions in her work and always fights with her over little things.
    and remember he has cheated on YQ before in the past which is still
    inexcusable. DLW treats YQ like his possesion and wants to choose what
    he thinks is right for her when thats not what she what she truly wants. in my opinion the two just dont match…

  32. Part 5丁立威說的話,感覺好熟悉喔!

  33. I don’t know why everyone is hating on DLW. I mean he is YQ’s boyfriend and YQ is just acting like a bitch towards him….learn to appreciate mann….if he was my boyfriend, I would never treat him like that…..HE’S SO SWEET! <3

  34. 很有質感的一部偶像劇。對白頗有深度,戲不拖泥帶水。裡面的產品置入行銷,也變得合理起來。

  35. I seriously think that DLW is a little too pushy…I kind of get really annoyed every time there’s a scene with him and YQ…it’s like you know he’s going to start an argument with her by being all egocentric..

  36. Thank you for choosing Singapore. Im currently not in Singapore, and i really missed it a lot. Thank you for bringing me back to Singapore.

    • Me 2 🙂  I still miss SG … despite being away for more than 10 years … so many changes .. last time I was back was maybe two years or more ago .. can’t remember .. lol ..

  37. I love this drama but honestly, when will all the pain & sadness end?! arghhhh!!! One can only take so much! The past four episodes have been already heart wrenching but this episode is… ughhhh! Watching this, I felt more confused than You Qing! LOL!!!

    Seriously, I understand You Qing’s dilemma but girl, it’s time to make a decision! The ball is in your court. If you’re not really 100% sure you love Li Wei, which is so evident, break-up with him! I actually thought Li Wei is so sneaky & cunning, asking her if she would marry him in such a situation. Seeing You Qing so worried about him, of course she wouldn’t say no. She is so in denial, that I don’t understand why. Now that she has a clearer picture of the situation, she’s being unfair to both Da ren & Li Wei. And in the process, she’s hurting herself the most. Needless to say, also the viewers…hahaha!!!  Ok, I think I have to go back watch Lovesick again (Ariel & Bolin’s romcom movie). I need something to make me smile after this episode. LOL!!! :)))))

      • It’s very recent, I think it came out first in Mainland China last October but hasn’t been shown in Taiwan. I think it’ll be shown this Dec in Taiwan, not so sure. But you can find it on-line, English subbed. It’s a romantic comedy & they’re so adorable there as well. 🙂

    • I can understand why Li Wei was asking You Qing to marry him in this situation.  He was simply fear of losing her and wants to be with her.  The reason I say this is not because I support Li Wei this character but Christine Fan and his husband experienced a similar incident.  Chen Chien-Chou did not thought of proposing to Fan until they went to the States and was involved in dangerous snow storm (something like that).  I remembered that it was something like Chen Chien Chou did not want to lose her (I forgot)… no matter what, the reason is simple.  Li Wei might have died.  He survived.  Now he wants to have no regret and be with the woman he wants to marry…..
      Wellz haha. I suppor You Qing x Da Ren !

      • yes, you’re right. Maybe Li Wei really does love You Qing. I just can’t help but question, the timing. Going through such a scare may bring about understandable emotions from Li Wei. But, I just felt You Qing said yes, more out of guilt and because she was caught in that situation. sigh….. 

    • she is SO CONFUSED! she can’t let go of either of them yet! maybe, she wants confirmation from daren himself. remember she knew abot daren trying so hard not to love her but failing? from maggie, which can be said is hearsay(legally). these 2 should be knocked out of their senses.trying so hard to be BEST FRIENDS but their feelings are saying otherwise.

  38. Why………..noooo this episode.
    It’s okay it’s okay, I’m still on You Qing and Da ren’s boat!! Go you too, 加油!!!

  39. She is fucking pissing me off!!!! We Leos are not like that at all toward love! We don’t hold back. In situation like that we would go for love and not afraid…Fucking chicken! Aaaarrrrrrrrr..

  40. YQ should make up her mind….keeps looping just hurting the three of them…..She can let go of DR when he left for S’pore….so this time…what is the difference….she can decide to marry LW….so ….just a tape can stop her from it???    what now

  41. 怎么感觉是像两个性格相似(准确一点来说是性格有99%相似)的好朋友在冷战呢?我总觉得这两位性格太相似不是好事,因为两人都没胆踏出第一步,让我看得有点无奈。幸好又青有Nic这个旁观者,才能引导他们两的关系发展,要不然他们肯定会当一辈子的朋友,但各自都会怀着一份想要拥有对方的自私。

  42. wonder why did the producer decide to film in little india of all places iconic and pleasant in Singapore whilst they’ve DaRen to live in Marina Bay Sands (the newest poshiest hotel casino…)…

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