Inborn Pair Episode 24

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51 thoughts on “Inborn Pair Episode 24

  1. Li’er is veryyyyy cool!!

    i love her character! She is really can change wei chen into better person! 😀

  2. 太佩服这些演员了。观众都看不下去,他们自己居然还能演得下去。。。剧本超级烂。。。被骗了。。。

  3. 这部片子,唯一让我觉得真的是在演戏的人: 阿公和weixiang

  4. 天哪!!女主好烦!!这部剧我是因为男主才追的…反倒是很喜欢黎儿~哈哈很可爱!但是奶奶也是…为什么每次说话这样- -真受不了…装什么病啊 太假了

  5. I’ve been following all the episodes until now, I seriously don’t think that yijie is worthy to make so much effort and waste so much time to please her. She is at the very beginning being overly self-centered and not considering others, and how come that weixian boy, who knows her barely enough time, is obeying her like hell?

    • simply because yi jie is grandma’s choice and wei xiang is a filial grandson so no matter how annoying she is most of the times, wei xiang has to please her. it’s also in the description of the story…. he doesn’t have the heart to say no to grandma’s lifelong dream.  

      • Wei Xiang had a feeling with Yi Jie from he worked so hard to get Wei Xiang’s family picture after Wei Xiang’s house got fire.  And another feeling when Yi Jie’s wearing the bridal gown. 

  6. 奕婕。。 重點不是他寫了甚麼在卡片上面。。。是卡片它本身寫了甚麼。。 “I <3 U, You are always on my mind" 。。。 好不好。。。

  7. “Oh~Oh~Oh~Oh. ”
    That was so cute when they both sang it, haha. c:
    Can’t wait for next episode.. 
    I’m in love with this drama, even though it tends to drag a bit long. xD

  8. does the family know already that wei xiang and yi jie’s marriage is just a fake? poor me, i don’t understand mandarin nor chinese 🙁

  9. 奶奶的道德標準真是雙重阿,她責怪偉翔假裝她生病,自己明明假生病在先,而且柯家的人是沒大腦嗎?奶奶假裝得癌症,現在活蹦亂跳,都不覺得奇怪嗎?

    • 會嗎?柯媽本來就不想要宋奕婕當媳婦,她心裡屬意的是羅芸,偉翔娶了奕婕,生活又被奕婕+奶奶搞得亂七八糟,柯媽當然心疼兒子

      • 你可以不喜歡一個人,但你不能因為不合你意而去惡意中傷, 尤其是在外人面前. 這種主觀意識外加自己的家務應該要在家裡面講. 這已經不只是婆媳之間的問題, 而是所有人與人之間的相處都一樣.

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