K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 24

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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448 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 24

  1. [YT] but i think maybe its because xiatian’s love for han also was a main reason. so if guan yu can play the guitar for diao chan the effect would be better. and besides this is different shi kong so maybe cannot work leh?

  2. [YT] Han’s name outside this show is also called Han (it’s her 艺名). So there is nothing wrong for ppl to call her Han, jus like how ppl call Jiro and arron.

  3. [YT] 我把這段片看了又看…
    發現以前那個酷酷的 所有心事都藏在心裡的脩變了
    還有 在脩抓著大喬的手的時候

  4. [YT] 脩..對大喬只是想保護而已拔…

  5. [YT] sun quan is ye si ren ba. cos sun quan is sun ce+ da qiao’s dad/dad-in-law. in xfamily, same thing, ye si ren is xia tian and han’ s dad. cant wait for him to appear.i think nw left zhu ge liang haven appear. else more or less the impt chara appear liao..

  6. [YT] iie think lubu the 1 who killed sun ce . Just now qot arrow shot quan yu dats y dey sae quan yu the killer coz dey find quan yu blood stain on the tree .. iie Think onlii ~

  7. [YT] 如果觉得等的不耐烦,可以先读书,准备考试的来临。考完后再一次看到爽。
    oRedbeaNo 说的也有道理。应该怪呂布和孫策。

  8. [YT] 寒!!!我真的很喜欢也很希望修跟寒在一起,可是阿香跟修也很可爱。。。下一回的戏好exciting,可是阿香很可怜。在这部戏里面,修跟阿香是在一起的。

  9. [YT] 我認為就算大喬長的多像寒並竟不是寒,而且大喬有他的小親親耶…再說阿香跟脩經歷過這麼多風雨~好不容易脩才鼓起勇氣跟阿香告白~~不會對大喬有什麼遐想吧~頂多是有種必須保護他的心態吧~支持阿香與脩~支持!!

  10. [YT] must be when someone using jian zhao on guanyu then he return zhao on the someone. that someone might be sunce. and it’s totally not guanyu’s fault. he also don’t know who did jian zhao and that type of skills is sun family one.

  11. [YT] Won’t be ending too soon. They haven’t explain why Xiao Qiao and Zhou Yu break up. Haven’t found Sun Ce, and some people haven’t appear. So won’t be ending too soon, my guess is 40+ episodes.

  12. [YT] they didnt show sun ze dead before..
    but then they sure got show the part when guan yu was being tou xi by some ppl who throw something at his eye.. and that’s the part whereby he unleash his palm force and hit it at the tree.. that why there is a mark there..

  13. [YT] 不過夏天分身是孫策,孫策跟大喬在一起,不過三國裡 劉備+阿香=政治婚姻這裡卻是 冒牌貨劉備(脩)+阿香=太閃了在脩的時空是 脩+寒=有緣無份我只能說,盟主他們太過分拉!寒沒有記億竟然把她配給夏天,沒有記憶的寒+夏天=愛(這是用寒當

  14. [YT] 什么三英赞吕布啊
    三英中 两个排名是第五第六 再加一个进不了前十的,打不过吕布很正常啊

  15. [YT] 我给历史打败了。lol. i think 阿香’s bro (jiro) isnt dead… i mean, in history, he faked it (n he has 3 kids. lmao)… so.. hmm.. lol. and 脩’s gotta think bout all the時空秩序stuff. lol. (how can u die in one universe n b alive in another? -referring to jiro.) n i think甘昭烈was just a concubine… n not to kill any ones hopes.. doesnt 劉備n阿香divorce? ehh….

    wen貂蝉said”我应该喜欢英雄的” i really thought of 痞子英雄 b4 they put tat up. haha…

  16. [YT] 啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!高喊!!

  17. [YT] the flask back make me want to watch the x-family again !i can’t believe sun ce die !!!he so strong he won’t die one!can’t wait for the next episode to see what really happen to sun ce

  18. [YT] 關羽那拳看起來有點弱,怎麽能剎孙策?!

  19. [YT] 孫策在真正的三國裡是被行刺而死的,只活到二十六歲而已,而且我覺得霧應該是呂布弄的,讓孫策和關羽兩個都看不見,兩人就會因自保而使出致人於死地的絕招,但是就算關羽出了一拳,孫策這麼強怎麼這麼容易死啊!是被打傷,但回報的人說孫策死了好交差之類的,我本身是大東的粉絲,聽到大東在終極三國死了,也會難過,希望沒死

  20. [YT] 我覺得是呂布或董卓設的陷阱,

  21. [YT] Hais.. Xiu still rmb han..
    Da qiao hairstyle,not nice 😡
    hehe about the same as ko one.. but this time is not straight frige..
    Still like her x-family hairstyle.. and just realise xiu looks more cool in x-family.. :D:D

  22. [YT] sun ce never die. if he die, i kill the director haha. Han suddenly take off the clip and fight i was so shocked. The flashback scene reminded me that Han and Xiu are actually enemies by blood.
    Han is so cool. Can’t wait to see the next episode.

  23. [YT] 孫策應該沒有死吧…只有失踨而己吧!!

  24. [YT] oh the flash back is so cool it makes me feel like i want to watch the x-family again. oh ~~i don want sun ce to die i don want da dong or xia tian die i remember when zack suck xia tian powers the time after xiu pass to him his power , xiu got say if one Counterpart ( fen shen ) die all the counterpart will die ! i can’t for the next episode to see what really happen to sun ce

  25. [YT] 在三国里,孙策的确是很早就死了,不知道是被谁杀的,但好像不是关羽(呃`也许是吕布,因为他在森林里面发疯!没准误伤了孙策)。孙策死后是他的弟弟,阿香的二哥孙权即的位。Sigh… 本以为不会让大东的分身孙策死的:'(。但是既然孙策已经死了,我想孙权应该不久就会出现,不只到会是谁演孙权的角色!

  26. [YT] 靠…當雲幫忙吸出羽手臂上的毒,又發現他的屁股也中箭時,那個表情好好笑哦…..
    當羽醒來時,知道他手臂,屁股的毒被雲吸出來後..羽紅著臉說”真的謝謝你”, 雲也紅著臉說”好說~好說~”

  27. [YT] 大桥!我挺你!
    虽然我还满喜欢关羽,可是,如果孙策真的是关羽杀的.不管是误杀,还是什么. 我挺大桥杀了关羽! 孙策不直是阿香心中的神,他也是我心中的神!!~

    TO 关羽fans: 不要怪我,只是受不了这种刺激. 我的小策策可能就这样挂了…..(哭死….)

  28. [YT] Xiu still likes Han abit…He like transfer the feelings for Han to Da Qiao!
    I hope if there is a next series to K.O,Xiu & Han can be together!They always dun have a chance to be together 🙁

  29. [YT] 忠叫甘昭烈 媽耶!
    脩和香 好閃呀!! 
    變的很不一樣 真的超喜歡看脩香的
    香開始懷疑脩了= =

  30. [YT] 我想應該是呂布硬闖孫策的地盤
    我覺得孫策還沒死 因為大喬好像有說
    在找到阿策的下落之前 我會一直纏著你

  31. [YT] Lol, it all happened during the fight in the forest when guan yu was chasing after lubu.
    Lubu was fighting with the other people in the forest which might be sun ce i guess.

  32. [YT] Wow next episode is very exciting!!
    I think i know why already.
    When guan yu was attacked by an unknown person in the forest, it was sun ce but he didnt know cos he cant see.
    Cos he was injured by the arrow so he punch out a fist and the “fire ball” thing was by sun ce, that’s his skill.
    So it was kinda an misunderstanding though guanyu might really kill sun ce o.o
    Maybe it’s cos of lubu also o.o idk.
    CANT WAIT! 😀

  33. [YT] 下一集我倒是還蠻樂觀其成的

  34. [YT] 啊!!!!! TMD!!!! 我还不容易习惯了阿香和脩在一起…….现在又要我去看寒和脩在一起….我要受不了啦!!!
    我原来可是个脩寒Fan呀…..好不容易改到了脩香Fan…….现在…….现在这是虾米呀??? 我要死啦!!!!

  35. [YT] nooo.. they nv show sun ce with da qiao.. they skip that part.. hoh.. in san guo yan yi,, da qiao and sun ce is couple than they nv show the part, he already dead..

  36. [YT] WHAAAA NOOOO da dong dead?!?!??!! NOOOO i thought he would be a main character…..guess not…..boooo! hes dead! that sux, but at least da qiao is now in their school…i like da qiao more. lol

  37. [YT] YAAAYYY gan zhao lie is backkk!! shes the cutest girl in this whole series…or maybe on the same lvl as da qiao. OMG LOL LU BU’S FACE WHEN HE SAW AH BIAO LOL!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA I CRACKED UP!

  38. [YT] didnt expect su zhe(da dong) to be dead :/ he’s so highly skilled! things are getting to be more complicated day by day! i wanna know why xiao qiao dont seems to like da qiao alot?

  39. [YT] I guess is Lu bu went in forest attack sun ce..then sun ce arrow acidentally hit guan yu..then guan yu hit back hit sun ce….

    anyway i support Da qiao with xiu XD..if sun ce really die..

  40. [YT] 我猜应该是董卓为了消弱阿香背后的靠山才故意挑起这个误会,不过阿香和大家一定要冷静,千万不要内乱让董卓有机可乘!我想现在修香都乱了!只有冷静才能打败董卓!

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