K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 45

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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440 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 45

  1. so interesting whenever the ru ci ru ci zhe ban zhe ban usage of explaining things even at such a serious situation lol

  2. the siman thing is rubbish! the miniature person is always not looking at his own siman while the person talking is always looking at his own siman on his wrist.

  3. [YT] 於是不知道該說周瑜還是劇組沒常識

  4. [YT] 周瑜不是說他會那麼拼事業是為了小喬跟他美好的未來嗎為甚麼還說為了江東未來要讓小喬永遠不原諒他這樣小喬也會很難過啊

  5. [YT] it alone wont do harm…but after a long time in the water, the water will enter the ear canal..if not removed in time…it will cause infection..thats how i lost part of my hearing

  6. [YT] 感觉是他老爹派人杀的霸。。。谁有那么打权利能让敌人在自己部队戴那么久。。除了她老爹还能有谁? 周于? 不可能。。

  7. [YT] she is too strict on zhou yu she cant expect him to always go against the rules for her he has ppl he has to listen to he is in between and cannot alway save her school just for her

  8. [YT] 下一集脩就跟香回來了;

  9. [YT] 後來程普聽了周瑜的治軍知道後.相當慚愧.沒有想到周瑜如此的用心良苦.從此之後程普十分敬重周瑜.甚至還對別人說過這段話:

  10. [YT] 不…之前.程普確實看扁過周瑜過


  11. [YT] she said that she discovered a secret of his in the close years, she did not say she discovered that secret during kindergarten. and she did not confirm if sunquan being deaf is the secret. and in last episode, sunquan revealed to daqiao that he lost his hearing 2 years ago.

  12. [YT] 這套戲這一季裡的男生都愛做傻事=言情小說的狗血幻想也

    是BJ魔化了吧 之前的兩季的愛情線清新多了!現在都在玩狗血!

  13. [YT] Well that’s because he was deaf 2 years ago(maybe it’s the pressure from picking up the ring or something related to da qiao), so of course he’s not deaf yet during that time.

  14. [YT] 你凭什么批评他们演技不好?你又不是展业演员。即使你时,你也没有资格这样批评他们。不爽就不要看,没有人必你看。

  15. [YT] @christy19970305

    1st: most of them are new actor and actresses…. like kristen ren, pets ceng ,nylon chen and i think champion oso…. xiu is the first time acting the main character
    2nd: this show’s main point is not abt romance…. its abt comedy…

    so of cors their acting is more 夸张

  16. [YT] Haha their school song so funny sia!
    OOMG finally Xiu and Ah Xiang come back liao!
    The episode 45 is bluff one lor lols!!!
    Haiz still have to wait another week so sian!!!!

  17. [YT] 周家有兩千多畝土地.五百多家佃戶.周異夫婦也相當善心.每逢災年都自動減租.從不威逼.但每天還是有人到周家門口鬧事.官兵也都不聞不問.周家就因此而衰落下去了


  18. [YT] 但是劉勳相當欣賞周瑜.劉勳占領舒縣第四天.寫了一封信請周瑜去作客.周瑜婉拒.卻也回了一禮.周瑜勸劉勳要先得到中央的承認.才能理直氣壯的治理盧江郡.於是劉勳派人前往洛陽.重金賄絡李儒.半個月後.董卓果然下令罷免陸康.劉勳就成為真正廬江郡的太守

  19. [YT] 但是舒縣的百姓.不但不反抗劉勳.反而是熱烈歡迎.因為.當時的朝廷相當的腐敗.陸康每年都向朝廷繳大量的錢糧.百姓不堪負荷.十分不滿.劉勳反對用百姓的血汗錢去養貪官.舒縣的百姓相信.如果劉勳能接手.將會免除不少的賦稅.而周家在舒縣是數一數二的保皇派.劉勳要殺一敬百.周家自然是首選

  20. [YT] 嗯…周瑜年少時.家裡的確很富有(周瑜是廬江郡舒縣人)


  21. [YT] 我最♥的脩香終於回來了!!!!

  22. [YT] 不是啦,是司马家的八个儿子,每个人的字后面都有达,所以叫司马八达。司马义排老二,字是仲达,他大哥是伯达,明白吗?

  23. [YT] i also like zhouyu and xiaoqiao together, but in the preview the don’t show if sun ce will come back! so excited seeing jiro again <3
    i already begun preferring sunquan and da qiao but seeing jiro sad makes me meditative-.- i like both with da qiao 🙁

  24. [YT] 劉備跟阿香總算要回來了…






  25. [YT] YAY xiu and ah xiang back, DONG HAN IS BACK!!! Wa xiu smart also….eh xun ce leh? They say he coming back mah so when holding ah xiang back should come out what???? Aiyo…… now still abit confusing leh. Call all wu hu jiang come back also since cao cao can come back so i think war win le. Hope everyone gather at nxt episode

  26. [YT] i prefer zhuo yu, dont know why i just find xiao qiao and him very the match….
    some more he belongs to jiang dong cant expect him to keep helping dong han what….
    i think xiao qiao should be more mature and stop thinking only for herself….
    if she can do that, im sure there would be totally no problem between her and ZY…

  27. [YT] i doesn’t know much history… but if cao cao is also same as will cao cao willing to sacrifice xiao qiao for his school?? anw differenet people have different view because i prefer 周瑜 with Xiao Qiao… and i also like quan yu with diao chan together…

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