K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 26

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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275 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 26

  1. [YT] 咯。。。这么帅的吉他竟然被她弄成酱。。。不过她也说抱歉了啦。。。可是她怎么没问过人家阿==?有点搞笑哈哈。。他们穿好衣服了没?哈哈。。。

  2. [YT] this ep like a bit no link the actual plot, next ep better it seems. guess its more than 45 i hope. the X series gets more episodes. KO1 20plus xfamily 50 plus 3anguo maybe 70 plus!!

  3. [YT] yay finally lu bu knows the truth!!! hahaha he broke the money in like 1 sec… that means dong zhuo wont rule for long now! NOOO ys da qiao’s hair short again? NO NO NO NO NONO ONO ONON ONONOO NONOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. [YT] Ya very cool riite? I so like guy become “devil” and woo a gal like very de excited correct? for me la i dunnoe other ppl feeling is wad.. I so wish to be treated like this LOL life like in the most excitiing part =.= (:

  5. [YT] 又来了

    Happy Ending 😀

  6. [YT] 大東不是在拍桃花小妹嗎?不過他在Siman上面好可愛喔!我也希望是他,不過如果真的是他,他好像變壞人了ㄟ!不然為什麼會說找到黑衣人就真相大白了!大喬又剪短髮了!一樣好看^^

  7. [YT] the 黑衣人 i think is liu bu o.o”
    cox he say he will caught diao chan 10 time faster then she run (something like that)

    then he maybe kidnap diao chan so that guan yu will fight with him then see who doe first (something like that bah o.o)…

  8. [YT] ah xiang is so cute… thot they doing that thing and want to catch them” but come in with hand on her eyes… i think it something to do with pei che big eyes and small mouth that make the role even cute…

  9. [YT] 很有意思 =) =) =)

    我是美国人!!! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! comment on my videos! 求你了!!! 求你了!!! 求你了!!! 求你了!!! 求你了!!! 求你了!!! 求你了!!! 求你了!!!

  10. [YT] Lol that reminded me of Xia Mei too. Its so funny that Ah Xiang comes in with her eyes covered. I wonder if there’s bloopers of her almost falling because it looks she was going to fall.

  11. [YT] i don’t think yun and xiaoqiao are kissing? maybe yun’s face got something, then xiaoqiao help him wipe, most serials are like that. and caocao, jiu bu liao le ba. i agree with clowreed92, maybe?

  12. [YT] i can’t wait for the next episode da qiao cut her hair but i wish her hair is the same as the one in the-family , xiao qiao and zhao yun got kiss , wu hu jiang is being attacked by a person wearing black i really hope next week will faster come

  13. [YT] so funny! Xiu shouted when his guitar broke then Ah Xiang thought they … haha!
    but when ah xiang they all thought that they doing “that”, it reminds me of Xia Mei when she thought that Xiu and Han did that too!

  14. [YT] i on my PPLIVE yday, and the amount of total episode there put is 45
    and there are rumors on tieba that the amount of episode will be equal or lesser den zhong ji yi jia.. but also ard there lorh the episode.. but its all rumor, no solid proof yet, but i guess it won’t end soon bah, theres still ton of things that hasn’t been solved

  15. [YT] 真的好搞笑呀…………..

    飛說 : 大哥 我來敷你了

    超說 : 大哥的貞操是大嫂的

    忠還說 : 千萬不要拿走啊


  16. [YT] 為什麼你們都覺得是 Danson 呢﹖ 難道沒有想到其他人嗎﹖我所指的其他人就是 死人團長 或其他從來沒有在 [終級一班] 和 [終級一家] 出現的人。我只是實話實說而已﹐別見怪。

  17. [YT] OMG? Wang Yi Dao in ep 27 is danson??? OMG!!!! Then he’s dead leh i dun wann i dun wann first time ep he came out he die EEEEK who’s the hei yi ren ( Guy in Black ) killed the wang yi dao siianz so wish faster next week!

  18. [YT] ya lu bu hair changed again =) but that makes him look handsome and then the ep 27 makes him very handsome even tought he had make diao chan hurts her hand so much =)

  19. [YT] omg yay ur amazing 🙂
    ahh i love the theme song!!! i normally skip theme songs when watching dramas but i always listen to this one haha it’s so catchy!! 😀

  20. [YT] PETS and XIU is so cute! I wonder if XIu will know 1 day that a dog kiss him rather than Pets but i tink can let me think of a day where Pets will take the initiative to give a kiss to Xiu!

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