K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 16

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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450 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 16

  1. [YT] The one they had it now is an experiment. So clapping twice is the cure to it. And when the clap once again, the medicine will start again until they pee out the medicine.

  2. [YT] 看到有人批評貂蟬演技
    我是不以為然 但是
    說他不是演戲的料 讓我很不爽
    她是第一次演戲 演的不好能體諒
    但是 有人是一出生就很會演戲的嗎?
    我相信 任容萱演技會越來越好

  3. [YT] wahahah 一隻wearing tat spec looks lik a nerd but he was still cute!~~~~

    wonder who was he act as 诸葛亮?or one of them 曹操的军师
    (荀彧 / 荀攸 / 贾诩 / 郭嘉 / 刘晔 / 蒋济 / 程昱)

  4. [YT] but the reason why the x family was 55 episodes, was because the episodes were like 40min each. for ko3 its like 70min each.
    lets hope this one is gonna take long

  5. [YT] lol from the bdae song, seems like xiu and ah xiang are really frm tie shi kong~
    hahas their song is really special. wonder who came up with it and its lyrics… Creative!

  6. [YT] 好人卡 comes from jj lin’s 原來我不帥.. basically it means.. when you ask someone out and hat someone rejects you by saying you’re a good person, but.. im not interested… that rejection is called 好人卡

  7. [YT] hahaha their birthday song surprised me lol~!! can’t stop my laughter especially when xiu got the confused face ^^ i think diao chan’s acting skill has improved quite alot since the 1st few episodes

  8. [YT] how do you like ko1 so far?? it’s the orignial classic! I’m not crazy about x-family though, it’s too complicated. but still, 终极 is the best series ever!!

  9. [YT] 孙尚香真的是漂亮跟聪明阿和。。。。

  10. [YT] selina’s sis (diao chan) finally did her eyebrows! i really think xiao ciao should change her hairstyle. if her hairstyle was like diao chan’s, she would be so much hotter than diao chan, but i guess then she will steal the spotlight of diao chan (who’s supposed to be the main and the most beautiful girl in this show).

  11. [YT] Ah xiang says her master teach her the powers one . And her family all in Silver dimension . Her brother , Sun Ci has a same-looking person call Xia Tian . Xia Tian cannot be Sun Ci …

  12. [YT] i was still crying over the touching reunion of diao chan and wang yu xiao zhang.. then come tt sorrowful bday song makes me stunned then laugh like mad…. lol…

  13. [YT] 可是我觉得阿香的师傅才是铁时空的!

  14. [YT] 哈哈哈哈﹗ 馬超的驚驚﹗ 表情太好笑了﹗ 一直重複看這段﹗ 他做完驚驚的動作後﹐又回去抓著黃忠的手放到嘴前﹗ 哈哈哈哈﹗

  15. [YT] actually the new diao chan quite cute! haha…more smiles and really very like selina. haha…but she got her own characteristic. haha…now liu bei called ah de then guan yu called ah chang…so funny! haha! CONGRATS TO GUAN YU AND LIU BEI!
    2nd season starting next week! yEAH!

  16. [YT] fucking funny…few seconds ago…dong zhuo left hand side no people…few seconds later…
    Dong Zhuo: “go help me find cao cao”.
    then cao cao popped out
    Cao Cao: ” second-hand principal, you calling for me? ”

  17. [YT] omg guan yu is going to get exposed le la.. all that dong zhuo la! Anw… Cao Cao very poor thing leh.. Hope all misunderstood will be settle and salute part very funny and very happy lu bu help the right team and diao chan say so many… but funny la.. And i still hope diao chan will love guan yu when she is awake not unawake de lo sorrie type too much !

  18. [YT] lol omg yay for guan yu! i like the new diao chan a lot! lol whos that weird nerd in the preview? well ANWAYZ IM SO EXCITED FOR NEXT EP! yAY 2nd season! in the previous series, there WEREN”T seasons, so this means…ko 3anguo will be going on for a LONG TIME YAY! my fav series EVER! its getting to the REAL GOOD PART, getting rid of dong zhou, cao cao taking over, destroying yuan shao, and all those new things! which means…NEW OPENING NEXT WEEK?! with the new characters?????????????YAY!!!!!!!!!

  19. [YT] seems like she knows wu la ba ha because she’s from tieshikong, but still it doesn’t really make sense because she knows yinshikong’s power as well. I’m not sure…. lets see what will happen 🙂

  20. [YT] When cao cao said, “Looks like i really need some good strategists”, that means Si ma Yi will be coming in VERY SOON! because wikipedia already posted that DANSON TANG will be acting as SI MA YI! yay!!! and nuh uh lu bu ur the strongest in the world…it is already PROVEN. and also, if guan yu will be dying fast, is that why Guan Yu was the first to die from All of the generals? lol. fact.

  21. [YT] 董卓 現在要殺王允 自己下手就好拉 反正這時候王允怎麼死的都會被認為是董卓下手的 何須大費周章 找呂布= =
    (再說 他應該也察覺到 呂布會被判他了吧 ==)

  22. [YT] Yeah I know,

    脩 should really look into the book he got from his 铁时空 buddies and find out more about 阿香. If she really is from 铁时空 then they can be together!!! But as 脩 not 劉備……hmmm I wonder how his wound is.

  23. [YT] 他不是瘋了 他是要做給其他很有勢力的學校看 因為只要王允醒了 大家不僅不會那麼懷疑董卓 全校盟自然也就息事寧人 不再追查 可是過後 董卓就會把王允給宰了 目前 只是緩兵之計

  24. [YT] Funny birthday song lol
    xiao si wo le ,couldn’t stop laughing XD
    I’m sure that Ah xiang is from Tie Shi Kong because she also stopped singing.Xiu and Xiang both of them tought that their way of singing happry birthday was weird 😛

  25. [YT] omg! 金勤老師 in the next ep!! he’s a really really good actor…
    wow..so 2nd season huh…
    poor cao cao…getting ignored? and he actually SADO his hair back to before again..lols.
    Hopefully Dao Chan can improve her acting since the scriptwriter is giving her more scenes…

  26. [YT] omg LOL! diaochan LOLOL!
    “tooo too toot” LOL!
    omg they act niang so funny
    When zhangfei said “变很大!
    I tot he was gng to grow boobs or smth

  27. [YT] idk y but lu bu looks a lot better now. hes a good guy now :D. dont u guys think that they should change an opening? like the cast…so much new ppl came in, and they’re not included in the introduction as cast, etc. like dong zhou, sun shang shiang, sun ce, zhou yu, taishi ce, and these ppl rnt in the opening…and i think they should kinda delete diao chan…cuz her part is kinda over now, u barely even see her.

  28. [YT] If 阿香 is really from 铁时空 then how come she’s not in trouble for using her powers???? ?.?…….

    阿香: 呜拉巴哈!!! XDDDD

    She’s so funny!!

  29. [YT] 純粹個人估計 : 因為一開始時公佈了終極三國只有16集, 所以做做樣… 就用16集做一個分隔, 其實下星期五也會繼續播啦~ 17集的預告都出了

  30. [YT] Guan Yu cant believe wat he hear tat he go bang the wall…HaHa…and i like Guan Yu and Diao Chan to be together…cant wait for the next ep…the show is getting nicer and nicer…

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