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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.
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July 10, 2009
[YT] 修告白的那個角度好像曹格喔!帥!
[YT] what zhao yun is the yin shi kong the feng the yuan wei yi neng xing zhe
Yes,he is. But it’s in that dimension. Every dimension has different yuan wei yi neng xing zhe.
[YT] 好笑拉@@
[YT] when everbody got trap inside the container the time xiu still can blow the mirror
[YT] lmao xDDDD chicken shit..
[YT] 那裡有照片?能把網址給我嗎?
[YT] 7777777777777777777
[YT] i think if the pt where liu bei and ah xang put the bkgrd music of zai shui yi fang it wld be perfect..
[YT] 謝謝大大的分享
[YT] is the liao hua another cao cao’s general??
[YT] 哇….這許褚…還真帥= =”
雖然梅偶像劇這樣美型…不過算真的滿帥的= =”
典偉殺氣= =”野是很酷
[YT] 彈琴的是會長啦,有照片證明了~
[YT] and k.o.3anguo’s backscene team are cute! 谢谢胡宇崴的饮料,好好喝喔~! SO CUTE!
[YT] but aaron act as what? danson is zhu ge liang, any others? or maybe sun family? sun ce is jiro, sun jian is his father, IDK. JUST WANT EP 21 COMECOMECOME! and hu yu wei’s part is SSSSSOOOOOOOO cute. hehheh, both! the kick face and magic! xiao weiwei’s magic show! HAHA!
[YT] ah xiang is so beautiful
that tear was perfect
[YT] I think ah xiang act very well for a first timer….^^
[YT] 悲哀阿!!(嘆
[YT] OMG AARON IS SOOO CUTE <3 love him <3
[YT] 阿香好厲害喔
[YT] 寺唯宏正好帥
[YT] 我们家小雨走路小心点啦~
[YT] 河东高校是有够烂的
[YT] 会长好可爱哦~哈哈
[YT] 好像世界大戰噢
[YT] hahaha i still can’t stop watching these NGs ahh george is just too cute 🙂 haha poor cao cao he’s like “ahhh i could’ve finished this in 1 take!!” LOL 🙂
that would be awesome if i could actually watch them taping it…the other NGs are probably just as funny
[YT] 鋼琴可能是大喬彈的吧!?
我認為亞綸先生比較適合諸葛孔明的角色^ ^
[YT] 还真的 一剑(见),你就笑 我快要笑到肚子痛了拉!!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。
[YT] wher can find girl sing de peng you?
[YT] 小喬.貂蟬傻傻分不清楚!!胡宇崴太誇張了八!
[YT] It could be Diao chan playing or maybe a new character is coming out in the next ep.
[YT] 貂蟬那件白衫我也有耶*v*
[YT] 好好看喔@@
[YT] 好閃xDD
[YT] the 背叛 part quite funny. lol.
[YT] haha really is 一’ 见’ 你就:)\
[YT] 对啊!亚纶会弹钢琴。同时,我也希望寒的角色(大桥) 会出现。
[YT] Can wad.. he power user leh
[YT] 刘备说的话会不会太重了?他好凶哦!如果我是阿香,我也会这么做。
[YT] 越看越觉得脩跟香越来越配。。。
[YT] I agree. It would be more romantic if they recorded her voice just there when they are acting. They are a lovely couple :3
[YT] haha the last part the sword. cao cao more worried about the sword HAHA.
[YT] 希望弹琴的会是炎亚纶演的角色,
[YT] 你不是叫我吃下去吗?
[YT] 會長就快被嚇死了. 哈哈哈哈
那把 ‘一劍, 你就笑’. 斷了後看你們還要繼續掙誰去嗎
[YT] the sword had broke
[YT] The Piano Is player i hope is ding xiao yu n when is zhu ge lian coming out if this is real san guo zhu ge liang out long time le =-=
[YT] omg.
so disgusting when he brb.
[YT] 曹操好白痴哦~~
[YT] i don think so that it ah xiang send 1 i think is qiang bian wan 2 go cause zhou yu no tat xiao qiao is going he wanted 2 protect xiao qiao
[YT] OMG I love this part. The scene at 2:30-7:46 between Xiu and Ah Xiang was so romantic<3 They make such lovely couple.
I don't know how to say it but I think the part when she was singing would have been better if they didn't use the recorded verison of the song with her singing. I think they should have had her sing it there at the scene. If anyone get what I mean.
[YT] 胡宇崴NG大王阿= =”
[YT] 哈哈,那就讓飛去阿!如果他去打仗打贏回來,
[YT] ish…..i wanna c the war….
[YT] hahah… as long as the pianist is one of the old KO actors….i’m happy
[YT] i hope aaron is the piano player too!! 😀
[YT] lol NGS ARE THE BEST!! Aww poor aaron fell :'( haha magic show and it took 8 trys to do the sock scene.!!! laughing 4 ever!! loll AARON SO CUTE x10000000000~!!1
[YT] 哇哇
[YT] omg george hu`s english is sooooo goood O: && loooooove the NGs
[YT] ogmgg arron’s sooo cute when he fell XD
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] i always love the ng part cause it’s very funny!!!
i love the part when yuwei do the magic n the part aaron fell down omg it’s so funny ~~~ and the 1 smelling the feet!!!!
[YT] maybe the piano player is aaron…cuase he played the piano in ko 1 haha hopefully 🙂
ahh so excited for the next episode! i love this series!! 🙂
[YT] LOL the NGs are SOO FUNNY!! omg aaron falling down and the whole sock thing with george LOL so cutee hahaha i can’t stop laughing!!! 🙂
[YT] I like Ng part. Funny . Hahahas.
[YT] 吃醋吃的超多的-.-好愛脩哦-.-可是卻跟阿香在一起…唉..沒辦法@@認命xD
[YT] could xiu use shelter wu la ba ha??
[YT] 哈哈,NG 很好笑!!!
[YT] 他们打战我看了都很紧张!哈~
[YT] 小乔不见那一段会不会有点多余啊?
[YT] 不嬲一早就好出名啦AVA
[YT] the sword was broken by cao cao…
[YT] haha so funny i don’t care if you are real or false, cooked, baked grilled, fried or even steamed! hahaha LOL
Xiu like what the hell is he saying about me?
[YT] haha that secret letter scene was funny! 😀 i liked the cao cao from that scene more like reality and not so dramatic 😛
[YT] 脩&香超配滴!!脩你說的超好耶!!
[YT] 小倆口吵架囉….
[YT] Oh~~~~~~~~~~
[YT] ………………
[YT] yah
[YT] Lmao!!!
“于扶罗肋骨全断, 在床上躺了一年.”
[YT] 補充幾句….阿香….不要哭呀…哭了就不漂亮了…脩不過你也大激動了….說我愛你的時候把香的身體都搖動了….
[YT] 脩….這樣就對啦…跟呀香說多幾聲我愛你就對啦….我支持你…
[YT] 果然是,一剑,你就笑!!每当剑敲一下,我都笑到半死。。哈哈哈哈!!
[YT] haha……..liu bei n a xiang so funny……..
[YT] sorry,打錯字,係part
[YT] what about the sword? i thought they would use the sword to let themselves stay
[YT] ya ah xiang n liu bei
[YT] v hard to say, they aren’t really following the timeline of the story. still, hope it goes on!
[YT] ya!!! 等到了!!希望不要這麼快結束=333=!
[YT] bei bei! mz come back! xiang xiang awaits you!!
[YT] 吃醋了啦。。。。
[YT] i didn’t le!! it was too touching for me!! but i totally ROFL when the sword hit the rock. xD
[YT] de bu yi er fei part… haha
liu bei got question marks. xD
[YT] 好看到爆押!!
[YT] 好酷哦.. 喜歡戰爭的戲份.. 而且大哥又罵髒話了.. 修越來越有謀略了也~
[YT] yo……y xiu n zhao yun 2 the war….n thn i cant c xiu n xiang tis couple liao
[YT] 會長果把劍果一prat,好好笑丫~~
[YT] K.O.3anguo 終極三國 偶像劇 idol drama comedy fantasy Ren Rong Xuan Hu Yu Wei George Hu Lin Bo Yan Ban Jie Lee Shiau Shiang Luo Hong Zheng Chen De Xiu K…
[YT] LOL caocao the sword broke that time his face so funny!
[YT] 董卓说有12个大将,几千个军但只有12个大将,一个军都没有的?
[YT] :I hope Xiu can be together wif ah xiang!
they so sad 🙁
[YT] xiu shound have went after xiang…
i would like to see what happens after that, :/
When the sword hit the rock,
caocao super heartbroken
[YT] lol, caocao’s sword :B
[YT] LOL ah xiang suddenly ah!
zhang fei almost choked on his drink!
[YT] 好不舒服哦。。
jiang gan 超恶心的拉
[YT] 为什么没有ep20pt1/7的?
[YT] I think have bout 40+ episodes. Cos Xiao Qiao and Zhou Yu the relationship nvr explain. Then alot of characters havent come out.
[YT] Somehow I still want to see how Da Qiao though we all know its Han acting..sigh.
[YT] 对啊!那支剑好像是曹操的灵魂一敲下去就会痛好可怜。。。
[YT] xDDD xuete means shit rite? at 6.28
[YT] 那個船好像太新ㄌㄧ點= = 都不用划
[YT] 曹操好惨哦…
[YT] 曹操的眼神拿捏的不错哈
[YT] 雲真是的 自己都要去還想搶著去
[YT] wads the last episode??
[YT] 他們驚訝還有先後呢- / –
[YT] 我捏 我是誰阿 ! (笑)
[YT] 修跟香 。。。 超配的!!
[YT] 好好笑~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~哈哈哈哈哈~
[YT] 看修香倆依依不捨表情……….心都好酸….
[YT] 小喬妳只是好心做壞事啦;
不要自責啊.. 雲也不會怪妳的啦;
[YT] 謝謝這麼快更新喔~~<33
[YT] what !!!!!!!!!! zhao yun is fenf the yuan wei yi neng xing zhe
[YT] xiu n xiang so match… n xiao qiao….i hope they cn be couple…..
[YT] 修香…..他們每個眼神及動作都好有愛……… so sweet
[YT] 阿香 hav so many diff expressions when 小喬 is talking to them,but 貂婵 is kinda expression throughout…?
[YT] when they 搶劍 that part very funny
[YT] i keep replaying 亞綸跌倒 SO CUTEE!!
So funny 😀
[YT] 抢剑那一段…真好笑….可是…看起来..他们好象是故意要把剑砍石头的耶…..
[YT] 佩慈looks like a doll … so lovely !
[YT] The NG magic part is funny. DiaoChan貂嬋 , Qiao超and Fei飛 are the most exaggerated and they are so cute… haha … “I wanna go home … I wanna go home”, so funny.
[YT] 「該不該使用異能?」這個問題,
[YT] where is part 4?
[YT] 亞綸跌倒那裡好可愛
[YT] 脩下集跟周瑜練吉他時,聽到的鋼琴聲應該是大喬彈的,而大喬會不會是鐵時空寒的複身??
[YT] 好感动…..修早就应该这样说了……我认同….太配了…..
[YT] 脩你要加油啊!
[YT] it’s 貂蝉 &小乔
[YT] OMGGGGG. its so funny !
[YT] 還是脩跟雲的武功了得!!!! 希望他們脫險!!可是就12個人,沒有軍隊的話怎麼打贏呢?
[YT] sweet lo…
[YT] i guess is a xiang….
[YT] i THINK is not zhou yu because he is not the main characters. xiao qiao is the main character.
the starting song have their names… i think those are main characters…
[YT] 不只是共享樂,也要共患難。
[YT] 義勇軍加油!!!!! ^^
[YT] it’s selina’s sis…diao chan….
[YT] tat jiang kan face…..wanna hit him lo
[YT] cry til half way…c d sunglasses start laughing~
[YT] 太swee啦!~
[YT] 片头还是没有阿香和修的片段叻~希望会加进去咯!
[YT] 超爆笑的..五虎將跟脩為了想志願加入義勇軍保自己的兄弟而互相搶劍..到最後曹操受不了就奪回劍,然後又不小心把自己的劍亂砍石頭而斷了…..接下來小喬好心做給雲的香包卻不知她包的花草有噴過殺蟲劑…背讀的雲又要喝下鷄白屎汽水..然後又被飛刀射到大腿…哈哈哈…… ^^
[YT] i think is zhou yu, ppl say that in the book is xiao qiao with zhou yu, but this show maybe wont do the same as the book. so maybe is the other 2 ? who knows, lets continue watching
[YT] LOL…EXPECTED FOR Sun Ce to go help…
[YT] where is part 1/7?20
[YT] THIS SHOW IS COOL! now zhao yun is feng de yuan wei yi neng xing zhe!same as xiu!:)
[YT] why is it take boat??
[YT] i always love to watch the NG parts coz they let me laugh out like what! but still need to wait till next episode then come out! HOPE
[YT] AARON!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!! <333
[YT] I think XieHeXuan sing de GouAi nicer, No Offence :X
[YT] this part is sooooo funny, laughing my ass off!!!
[YT] ah xiang and xiu so sweet~~hehe
[YT] it feels a bit like 琼瑶,lol
it’s sweet though~
[YT] 阿香跟劉備有夫妻臉ㄟ= =
[YT] 哈哈~脩和香親親的時候
攝影師都要wear the 太陽眼鏡~
[YT] Yupp. The actual actors from this show sang it. They got sing it before in this show earlier in the front episodes.
[YT] LOL, liu bei keeps holding that corn… i can’t help but laugh
[YT] 銀時空也笨過頭了吧=_=”
[YT] 脩(劉備)比真的劉備還要好的多了!
超爆笑的..曹操送關羽的寶劍被脩, 張飛連敲中了石頭..哈阿哈哈.. ^^
[YT] it’ll be so kul if its arron!
[YT] hus 小乔going to be with?
can’t wait. . .
[YT] can’t wait for the next ep
[YT] omg soooooo sweet !!!!
[YT] LOL that NG was so funny
[YT] 劉備,趙雲肯定會出名!! ^^
[YT] aww aaron tripped! i love that part , he’s so cute :3
yalun forever !! <3
[YT] who sang the “peng you” song at the beginning? it sounds like the actual actors from this drama. 🙂
[YT] LOLs they NG a lot sia. I wan see next episode leh. The person who play the piano.
[YT] LMAO. i died from laughing and then came back and laughed some more. cao cao’s reactions to the sword!! and yun didnt know he was going anyway. hahha
[YT] ahh i love this acoustic version of gou ai!! very nice with just the guitar. 🙂
[YT] If the sword can grant one request why don’t they just use it to make dong zhuo not be the principal???
[YT] 9:10-9:35 这一段超搞笑。 哈哈哈哈
[YT] didnt he say zhao yun was feng yuen wei yi neng?
[YT] 亚伦跌倒T-T
[YT] yalun so cute^^
[YT] yeah and xu zhu. but thats all? lol i mean theres 12 STRONG ppl as fighters, and all they introduce are 5? lol allothers are merely “classmates”. liao hua’s okay, but i wished he coulda been some1 MORE important like wei yan or xiahou dun or xu huang.
[YT] pooooor arron:(
[YT] i know there’s 廖化, 典偉
which are kinda well known
[YT] are u sure, how do u know?
[YT] omg this is so sweet. They are the cutest couple. =]
[YT] 亚纶!!!!!!!<3
[YT] haha the cut part is funny..
love Aaron that part so cute <3
yay.. looking forward to next episode ^^
[YT] wow!终极三国精彩NG画面大放送里,
[YT] yayy!! gosh one week feels soo long and the episodes always feel soo shortt!!! :O
[YT] sense mayb there will be another zhong zi tie ke ren…the yuen wei yi neng is coming out again..
[YT] Aaron so cute lo.
[YT] hahahaha 大便啊!!
[YT] Can’t wait for the next ep!
[YT] 搶劍那一段好好笑喔,笑到肚子痛,還是阿香聰明,不過劍都斷了
[YT] thanx
[YT] LOL everyone is being suicidal…
亡命天涯小布包 !!
so cute ! 😀
[YT] yeah,! thank you for making a new acc for us!!! thank you!!! ^^
[YT] Wow it looks so intense!!! but 2 down already…? looks like its really strong…! So epic!
[YT] omg so funny @ 2min plus
[YT] whattt oh come on i wanted to see who the other 7 ppl are…they might be new important characters…
[YT] xiu is so sweet. this is super touching!
[YT] yay high quality’s here
[YT] 修又用他的异能了
[YT] in high quality somemore (:
[YT] o.O this time im first ? HAHAHA. really thank you sugoidrama (:
[YT] thank u so much every friday i stay up just for it !
thanks again
[YT] @ last!!ep 20!!thank you a lot!
[YT] 谢谢哦~终于等到了
[YT] 終於有了!!!!!!!
[YT] THANK YOU SO MUCH (: you’re really fast (:
[YT] 謝XD