K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 20

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After getting kicked out from their 24th school for starting fights and couldn't find another school that would accept them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei thought it's a God send that Liu Bei proposed to be their sworn brothers so they could enroll into the prestigious Dong Han Shu Yuan, a school exclusively for royalty, on the condition that they pay for his tuition. Though they enrolled, it didn't mean they attended the class in peace because they must survive the school's death traps and hostile invasion from warring schools.

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221 thoughts on “K.O.3anguo (終極三國) Episode 20

    • Yes,he is. But it’s in that dimension. Every dimension has different yuan wei yi neng xing zhe.

  1. [YT] but aaron act as what? danson is zhu ge liang, any others? or maybe sun family? sun ce is jiro, sun jian is his father, IDK. JUST WANT EP 21 COMECOMECOME! and hu yu wei’s part is SSSSSOOOOOOOO cute. hehheh, both! the kick face and magic! xiao weiwei’s magic show! HAHA!

  2. [YT] hahaha i still can’t stop watching these NGs ahh george is just too cute 🙂 haha poor cao cao he’s like “ahhh i could’ve finished this in 1 take!!” LOL 🙂
    that would be awesome if i could actually watch them taping it…the other NGs are probably just as funny

  3. [YT] 鋼琴可能是大喬彈的吧!?
    我認為亞綸先生比較適合諸葛孔明的角色^ ^

  4. [YT] OMG I love this part. The scene at 2:30-7:46 between Xiu and Ah Xiang was so romantic<3 They make such lovely couple.

    I don't know how to say it but I think the part when she was singing would have been better if they didn't use the recorded verison of the song with her singing. I think they should have had her sing it there at the scene. If anyone get what I mean.

  5. [YT] lol NGS ARE THE BEST!! Aww poor aaron fell :'( haha magic show and it took 8 trys to do the sock scene.!!! laughing 4 ever!! loll AARON SO CUTE x10000000000~!!1

  6. [YT] i always love the ng part cause it’s very funny!!!
    i love the part when yuwei do the magic n the part aaron fell down omg it’s so funny ~~~ and the 1 smelling the feet!!!!

  7. [YT] maybe the piano player is aaron…cuase he played the piano in ko 1 haha hopefully 🙂
    ahh so excited for the next episode! i love this series!! 🙂

  8. [YT] K.O.3anguo 終極三國 偶像劇 idol drama comedy fantasy Ren Rong Xuan Hu Yu Wei George Hu Lin Bo Yan Ban Jie Lee Shiau Shiang Luo Hong Zheng Chen De Xiu K…

  9. [YT] The NG magic part is funny. DiaoChan貂嬋 , Qiao超and Fei飛 are the most exaggerated and they are so cute… haha … “I wanna go home … I wanna go home”, so funny.

  10. [YT] i THINK is not zhou yu because he is not the main characters. xiao qiao is the main character.
    the starting song have their names… i think those are main characters…

  11. [YT] 超爆笑的..五虎將跟脩為了想志願加入義勇軍保自己的兄弟而互相搶劍..到最後曹操受不了就奪回劍,然後又不小心把自己的劍亂砍石頭而斷了…..接下來小喬好心做給雲的香包卻不知她包的花草有噴過殺蟲劑…背讀的雲又要喝下鷄白屎汽水..然後又被飛刀射到大腿…哈哈哈…… ^^

  12. [YT] 銀時空也笨過頭了吧=_=”


  13. [YT] 脩(劉備)比真的劉備還要好的多了!
    超爆笑的..曹操送關羽的寶劍被脩, 張飛連敲中了石頭..哈阿哈哈.. ^^

  14. [YT] yeah and xu zhu. but thats all? lol i mean theres 12 STRONG ppl as fighters, and all they introduce are 5? lol allothers are merely “classmates”. liao hua’s okay, but i wished he coulda been some1 MORE important like wei yan or xiahou dun or xu huang.

  15. [YT] wow!终极三国精彩NG画面大放送里,

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