Love Recipe Episode 04

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35 thoughts on “Love Recipe Episode 04

  1. i honestly think that there is only 3 lead role the two  guy and the girl . guigui has only been in a few scenes so to me she is just the supporting role. and since i love to watch guigui , its sad that i could only see her in about 5-10 min out of the whole hour,so far in these eps  . my opinion is that  they use her just for her popularity . they made  it like its a square love line but in fact its a triangle love line . and gui gui is has the unrequited love role. i really want to change my mind about these drama but its soo draggy and the story has too much holes , that soo annoying

    Ill just have to watch the cuts scene with only guigui in it then. she is not bad , she is quite true to the character ,bubbly and cute . her acting is quite is very natural , i think she has improve.

    in short they should have just focus on the 3 main leads during the intial interviews . i hope  guigui and jack li character  would pair up, they look so cute together , but i dont think so  . sigh!!!!!

  2. 鬼鬼的戏真的少得可怜,感觉像是打酱油的!!李佳颖,不是不喜欢你,但看这部戏真的对你没神马好感,看到你的片段我都会拉过去,唉!这部戏到底在讲神马我也不懂,美亚你啥时候能够有多点戏呢?收视率也越来越低,从第一集的第二,到第三,现在竟然到第四!唉!伤不起啊!星期天熬夜看到十二点你才出现几个片段!真的伤不起!我发誓以后都不熬夜看了,第二天看算了!不值得为了那个女的熬夜!差不多全是她的片段!真有够讨厌的!你们说是不是?这摆明就是不公平,明明当初说好是双生双旦的!聪明的人一看就知道这简直是诈欺!!!是不是!!!!!!

    • 对啊!我本来也是为鬼鬼而看的,就是因为看到是双生旦才以为戏份多才看,真失望。我跟你一样每次都跳过李佳颖的部分,看到她就好烦

  3. that was entertaining…yah an-an’s acting’s a bit questionable…can’t describe what’s wrong with it.  Xiao-yua is cute…but also strange at some scenes…think it’s the eyes…they’re shut a lot…but think he’s a better actor though.  Ka-chuin’s cute…just don’t get why he wants to act..he’s a great singer, song writer…I suppose so is Li-hong…

  4. 覺得快看不下去了… 賣點1: 何夏雖然帥, 不過不耐看… 是氣質嗎…???
    2. 王美亞… 戲分少…
    看著梨安安越來越討厭, 演得彆扭

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