Monga Yao Hui Episode 57

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

40 thoughts on “Monga Yao Hui Episode 57

  1. 故事告訴我们”台灣是沒有警察”只有黑道才是正道學 什麼醫生讀了二十年連自己都救不了人生該如選擇可悲的台灣人不要上學快快上街打架占地為王混成老大或可風光过三十年因為台灣的警察是黑道管的而我們一般的人又是警察管的***結論編劇或導演如果不是阿共那背後的金主一定是整部都是想害台灣的下一代

  2. If i’m Haru, i’ll rather threaten to die together with Yao Hui. Ask Tian Kui ppl tell the truth and stop everything. Since Yao Hui now living till lidat, also no point. 

  3. 文浩明明就是白痴珊珊害的,一直拖戲是要怎樣,要不是無聊我真的會跳著看或轉台了!

  4. 如果haru沒去台北就甚麼事也沒有了

  5. 一槍打在劉金豹心臟跟頭就死了
    黑社會會用嗎?? 小心被真的黑道砍啊

  6. haru 和陈耀辉出来干什么
    丢人 啊 
            恶心啊 自私haru       叫什么锰钾耀辉都不知道

  7. 快讓白癡詹益姍及失智耀輝消失吧! 誰管Haru情歸何處…人都死光了, 只剩下失智的跟殺人狂, 有什麼好選的? 況且, 這麼自私的女人跟那個白癡護士差不多, 誰要啊? 編劇跟導演, 可不可以醒醒啊~~~~ 

  8. 如果文浩不死, 那就要背负杀父之罪。

    如果文浩死, 子贤就要背杀兄弟自罪。


  9. great, wen hao indirectly killed his own dad and now the younger brother will kill the older brother.
    so what’s next? the mum will kill Zi Xian?

    crap max.

  10. bet 文浩 still be alive and became paralysed and disabled ….see 耀辉’s mom, Hui Zhen all struggled to be dead several times…so he won’t be dead so easy.,…be positive…

  11. WTF.
    既然HARU都说出她跟耀辉之前是一对, 为什么不能再跟他说他是被骗的?真自私只想自己的烂感情

    • No I don’t think so.
      From all the stupid things we’ve seen him done since he lost his memory, we know that he’s not smart enough to realize there was a video recording.

      • He is so smart with all the underworld tactics…but somewhat he just cannot relate what so many people has told him? another crappy part….

  12. 阿國的戲都比耀輝和HARU的感情戲有看頭… XD 編劇應該給阿國多點戲~ 刪掉所有耀輝跟Haru慢吞吞的感情戲~~~~~~~~~~

  13. let me predict that Yao Hui goes to Vietnam find his memory back and comes back and kills the director, script writer and filming crew for sending him to Vietnam and fuking rename the series called “fuking drag it on”.

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