My Queen Episode 11

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459 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 11

  1. What makes Lucas and Wu-chuan a great match is both of them all have a kind heart. Chloe’s love is so selfish in comparison! Last time Wu-chuan help Lucas to heal his past-finding answer for the flower, again all the odds. This time Lucas find the truth behind Leslie’s betray and Chloe’s lie so that they finally know the truth. When Lucas chooses  to do that, he know that means he might have no chance anymore. But he still decided to do THE RIGHT THING.

  2. [YT] If I was Wushuang I would strangle that Biatch for taking away her man for 6 years. But jumping in the water to hug her man is also touching as well, but some cat fights btw girls would have been fun.

  3. [YT] Lucas sacrificed his own hapiness for theirs . So wei da lahh D: I want cry ler lahs . But xue zhang really did go through alot to be with her again . Despite that fact, i still hope that lucas and shan yu shuang would be together . The best is when ethan’s happy 😀 . Just like in ftly .

  4. [YT] LOL!!!!!WHAT THE STUPID!!!!!穿帮阿!!!!!

  5. [YT] i think that he just said that so lucas would think he had hydrophobia, but it was actually because of his knee. because in the beginning, when he was taking pictures of the model underwater, chloe told him to be careful because of his knee

  6. [YT] omg… first of all, chloe is mad selfish. but even if leslie was in a coma for two months, and wu shang gave back the ring, wouldn’t he at least have the incentive to go to her in person and explain what happened!?!?!?!? if he really loved her that much, he wouldn’t have let her go that easily… and before he was always saying he had a reason that he couldn’t come back, SIX YEARS?!??!?! he couldn’t even come back after six years -.-“

  7. [YT] 学长和她只是回忆在捆绑他们。如果学长不出现,lucas永远取代不了他的位置。只有当他们再次相遇的时候,对lucas才是公平的。lucas会用惊人的爱 去赢得无双回来。因为他的爱是无私的,是值得拥有无双的。

  8. [YT] 那女的是怎样 希望人家感激她帮他所得来的成就抱着她痛哭吗?还在人家要亲的时候出来煞风景 真是够了 脸皮厚成这样不容易呐

  9. [YT] what does “無限大的可能” mean??
    and remeber when they fell in the ditch, when wu shuang brought up the 8 years difference, lucas said said he was lying

  10. [YT] In typical idol dramas, if he was the lead, I’d be so happy to have them back together…and the story should end this way. But since he’s not the lead, I feel so sad for Lucas. The love seems strong between the love so how will Lucas be able to win her heart back?

  11. [YT] 有的時候….兩個人錯過了的

  12. [YT] 無雙會變的彆扭是拜學長所賜好嗎..= =她跟學長的那段讓她變成一隻外硬內軟的鱉呀!
    女人阿 只有在懂得欣賞她的男人面前才會發光發熱! 爭辨只是過程 打鬧是生活樂趣 他們終究會在一起的 因為瞭解當下的對方

  13. [YT] 有一個地方很扯 就算他看到退回來的婚戒也應該立即打電話或寫信把一切說清楚吧 都要結婚的兩人難道會不諒解對方嗎…竟然就這樣過六年…….

  14. [YT] 我想 六年的空白是很難填補的 更何況人是會遺忘的動物 無雙跟學長已經是兩個世界的人了 要走下去很難 無雙應該牽起卡斯的手 勇敢的往前走才對 ^^

  15. [YT] six years is a long time for a person to grow… wu shuang is not the same girl as from six years ago, but old boyfriend’s memories of her are from before….they are not going to be together in the end…. she’ll be with lucas!

  16. [YT] 卡司雖然很可愛,我也很愛小天……可是可是…..學長太強大了….

  17. [YT] 現在的劇情走向讓我想起了日劇中的經典劇[三十拉警報],最後女主角還是選擇跟回頭的男友走,跟小男友的關係則昇華成生命中最特別的朋友….雖然卡司很可愛,可是劇情要考量現實的話無雙還是應該跟學長在一起!這樣有點遺憾的結局也是一種美!我認為無雙應該跟學長在一起

  18. [YT] 我無論如何都是支持盧卡斯的

  19. [YT] 我承認學長很棒,跟無雙又很匹配
    但是我很愛阮經天, 所以理所當然是自持卡斯

  20. [YT] lol…請問是誰說膝蓋不好不能在水裡面?!?復健都馬是用hydrotherapy…在水裡復健是對膝關節最好的…

  21. [YT] 是啊,6年的差距要跑多快才能填補呢? 雖然誤會解開,但看來允浩不是完全的佔盡優勢,而卡斯也不盡然一定是全盤皆輸. 兩個人都很好兩個都讓人難抉擇…! 到目前為止都很好看的一部戲! ^^

  22. [YT] 這倒是真的,新一代年輕人的愛情雖然速食但是卻也不遮掩有什麼感覺就說,就像那句”…連標點符號都是真的….”, 真的是很可愛很純真的告白!

  23. [YT] 現實中若真有允浩這種外型和內在(有風度有修養有點風趣又肯認錯還敢承擔)加才華於一身的男人 誰都會選他! 但這是戲唄,所以盧卡斯一定不會放棄的! ^^

  24. [YT] 因为卡斯是主角而小天是当红小生啊!那他们当然让男女主角在一起的嘛!要不然的话看下去啊~一定是这样的!*很确定*

  25. [YT] 6:47卡斯的表情好認真,很帥,帶火氣的真心表白,讓人心動的很震憾 :「因為連宋允浩都看得出來,我已經愛上妳了。我剛剛說的每一句話,每一個字,包括標點符號都是真的。」


  26. [YT] totally agree, i think xue zhang did outshine the main lead here – his great acting and compatibility for wu shaung. What great casting, acting and script.

  27. [YT] love BQNW!!!!!!{THIS SHOW!}
    btw,is there an actual english title for this show????
    don’t have right???
    haha~maybe its just hard to find a title that have the exact same meaning as the chinese one:)

  28. [YT] hahah lucas is so cute when he kick the chair n started yellin at it. lucas face at 2:35 is so cute. xD
    lucas is seriously adorable. n i love the painting he did, with the turtle, 8, n infinity. x]

  29. [YT] Well, though these this couple seemed to love/hate each other for the past 6 years, I don’t see that much of a strong faith between them, they seem to present the best of them to the other. It’s Lucas that made 无双 feel free to cry. Neither 学长 or 无双 seems to show their true self to the others. 无双 is more natural in front of Lucas… think that’s the logic.

  30. [YT] Even if it’s 3 months or 6 months…still what, if you love someone so much, you wil try and try to win her back and not “assume”. So brainless….

  31. [YT] This drama is so addictive! I really love to watch it every week. but everytime I hear the actors speak English in a Taiwan-style, it is really disappointing.
    at 4:33 it should be “真心not FOR sale”. those script writers should check more carefully if they really want to use English dialogue. And i don’t understand why they wrote a scene of Leslie talking to the father in English when the actor is stuggling to speak fluent English! his acting was affected in that scene…

  32. [YT] tks for your information.
    this is the first time i’ve ever seen him in dramas that i’ve been watching.
    he is new to me.
    is he a singer too or fashion model?
    anyone here has his profile?
    any other dramas he has been acting?
    recommendations welcome.

  33. [YT] ha.. felt that in most of the ou xiang ju, the 2nd male lead seems to outshine the main male lead…

    just like in:
    Green Forest – the drama will be much nicer if Sophie chooses Owen rather than William;
    FTLU – Dylan seems more pleasing than ChunXi……

  34. [YT] I think the producer has decided.Wu shang and Yuan hau missed the moment and made them walk in different line.What they have is every beautiful time,but Yuan hau misjudged Wu shang’s feeling which emphasizes Lucas can tell the feeling of Wu shang for exposing the behavior of Chloe….And maybe the following is producer want to “prove” that Wu shang loves Lucas more ….hahahaha

  35. [YT] leslie is a wuss. he doesn’t fight for his love, so what he’s in pain? so what she might hate him? he has no courage, and seriously not that great in that sense.

  36. [YT] nooo! things will turn out so different!!! can’t wait for the next episode! but i really hope wu shaung will choose leslie! leslie went through 6 years of pain just to meet her! ethan and wu shaung dont look good together… she looks better with leslie!

  37. [YT] 我也觉得学长根无双因该要在一起
    哎。。 不怎么想要卡双了。。

  38. [YT] oh man, i would not know who to choose if i were wu shuang!!
    i’d probably pick leslie though, omg, 6 years wasted. SKLFJDSLKFJ. i would be so freaking pissed.

  39. [YT] Chloe基本功不錯!讀詞的語氣咬字都有水準之上~但是~這語調絕對是台灣人的國語~不是大陸普通話的腔調啦!~他不過是說標準些啊XD

  40. [YT] it happened in so many drama…why they have to write triangle love like that?
    the bad one cover up something and steal the love time but the true come out one day ….. =.=

  41. [YT] can’t 无双 be with 学长? u read/found out somewhere that they will end up together for sure? why you said –> “不知道编剧打算怎么把学长和无双分开然后硬和lucas凑一起”?

    no offense and i like Lucas a lot, but can it be a change to the usual ending being male and female lead characters together?

  42. [YT] can’t 无双 be with 学长? u read/found out somewhere that they will end up together for sure? why you said –> “不知道编剧打算怎么把学长和无双分开然后硬和lucas凑一起”?

    no offense and i like Lucas a lot, but can it be a change to the usual ending being male and female lead characters together?

  43. [YT] what will happen is that wu shuang realise that either she has changed or leslie has changed so she goes back to lukas and realise how he is the one for her. (I think thats what the producers will do 🙂

  44. [YT] what will happen is that wu shuang realise that either she has changed or leslie has changed so she goes back to lukas and realise how he is the one for her. (I think thats what the producers will do 🙂

  45. [YT] 我也絕得如此






  46. [YT] 我也絕得如此






  47. [YT] Chloe不是大陸人吧~他是台灣人~他有演海角七號的飯店櫃檯小姐阿~他只是講話有一個口音~讓人以為是對岸的!

  48. [YT] 老實說
    他們的愛是這麼的深刻 這麼的刻骨銘心
    They are meant for each other!!

  49. [YT] I like how 學長 and 無雙 終於在一起了,但 how are the producers gonna make her together with Lucas in the end? hmm, will something happen to 學長?

  50. [YT] in 0705 when lucas was yelling about he fell inlove w/ wu shuang, how come leslie looked at him with a smile? isnt he worried? or is he too grown up?

  51. [YT] 看到这里,真觉得无双和lucas的感情太过小儿科,,还是和学长一起啦


  52. [YT] OMG this preview is such a cliffhanger!
    I can’t believe how badly Lucas cries! It’s unbelievable!!
    It made me all teary too! 🙁 so sad.
    But this is really exciting for the next ep!

  53. [YT] 我换 !爱一个人不是自私的占有, 而是让对方或彼此都快乐。 不过如果我是无双,因该会给Chloe 一个大巴掌吃吃吧。 太过份了!

  54. [YT] 機車chloe 人家的人生是由你來決定的喔?!
    因為妳就拆散兩個相愛的人 還說得義正嚴辭的
    真是有夠機車 我是單無雙就當場給她一巴掌

  55. [YT] 女王’s fiance doesnt look so 帥 in this ep.
    Lucas reaaally has his 霸道的 way to show his <3.
    all blame on Lucas's generosity and non-evil personality. otherwise lucas would have more of the chance with 女王 ; (

  56. [YT] did leslie took off his shoes in the swimming pool?
    he’s wearing it when he jumps in but he’s not wearing it when he came out of the pool..hahas=X

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