My Queen Episode 14

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493 thoughts on “My Queen Episode 14

  1. She’s so selfish. She already has someone else yet she still wants to keep him around even when she knows he’s hurting by doing so.

  2. [YT] 謝謝你, 我家從前祗有奶奶一個常常說她在民國元年生, 她走後沒有人知道如何計算, 現在我懂了, 謝謝!還有草莓族的意思懂了!

  3. [YT] well , he doesnt try to grab the chance of her forgiveness just that point , but leave for 6 years to chase after his dream ??
    or if he decide to come back to ask for forgiveness , then she prob will still be his …..ha ha

  4. [YT] the moment leslie decide to leave her for all those year ,virocnica is no longer his . he should know and understand the longer he left her mthe bigger the chance of her heart furfilll by other guys .
    6 years ,man , no a short time , if he devide to leave it fr that long , then he should just as well as decide not be a control freak …..

  5. [YT] crazy… i tot i came to a porn site. everything is reported spam… siao ah? support tat slut tat goes around barking those untrue things abt ppl?

  6. [YT] 知道嗎,世上的三角戀情,不會是無奈的,只是這劇要寫成這麻無奈,讓一切都像是合理的,真實世界裡的三角戀情,必定有一方是剎千刀。看戲,看戲。

  7. [YT] 3角恋真的很让人痛苦,, 其实爱情没有对于错, 只有选择和放弃。 如果有2个选择的时候,头真的会爆炸。 3个都很痛苦。

  8. [YT] omo… i feel sooooooooooo bad for ethan.. :[
    and omg what’s going to happen next ep!?!?!? does jia jia actually believe that slut and think ethan killed her sister? :[
    i hope lucas and wushang go together, even though xue zhang is a good person too….

  9. [YT] What makes you think so ? I think Lucas and wu shaung deserve to be together beacuse it is true love that makes two people stick together.

  10. [YT] This is incorrect.
    Simple sugar can stimulate De novo triglycerides synthesis, resulting in an increase production of VLDL, which transport endogenous triglycerides and cholesterol to peripheral tissues.

    Great! now I sound like a nerd. But it’s important to make sure people get the correct info since it’s about their health.

    To sum up, high simple sugar intake can indeed increase cholesterol level in the body.

    PS. I learned those in pharmacy school not by common sense. please don’t feel bad

  11. [YT] 對啊。就好像是害怕她的心會移動,想綁住她,逼她快點決定似的。。。但是我同意,在現實生活裏,以無雙的年紀來說,麵包是比較實際的。更何況這是他等了六年的初戀麵包。。。要是現在放棄,就好像是浪費了過去六年!

  12. [YT] haha jiajia’s “你爲什麽要對我那麽好?” reminded me of Chen Xin Yi’s confrontation with Ji Chun Xi at the charity auction in FTLY…Was it on purpose? Afterall she was refered to as 便利貼女孩 in this show too.

  13. [YT] I hate dat bitch, she isn’t dat pretty bt bitchy both inside&outside, she cn only wear’n dat much make-up as like a mask n show a lot of skin 2 make herself look beter, bt without all d magic, she must be really agly, even Jia Jia is beter than her though 🙁 I hate mean ppl

  14. [YT] 幸福的形狀只要和自己心裡想要的相同,就是幸福。誰規定敗犬的家一定要是別墅、小狗、花園好房子、好男人、好媽媽就是全部。小雙幸福的形狀是小草莓還是北極熊若8年的距離是一條無法跨越的線,那6年呢小草莓已經種在無雙的心田中發芽了。

  15. [YT] ha.. ethan’s face looked very red after submerging in the hot spring….

    this scene (2:34) seems to say that being together in the honeymoon spring will mean that both lucas & wushuang will be together in the end..

  16. [YT] don’t like xue zhang…like lucas…cause this show is about a mature woman fall in love with a younger man…but now it became just like other dramas…

  17. [YT] 問題不是我問的啊
    我也知道什么是7年級生, 我只是覺得他回答的不很禮貌罷了, 人家也道歉啦, 我們只是我會了對方的意思.

    btw 我很愛看臺灣的偶像劇

  18. [YT] i don’t like 學長 cause he does all these stuff that he thinks is a suprise for 無雙 but he left 無雙 for 6 yrs and she might change!!! and he’s like a double sided person. he’s soooo nice and kind infront of 無雙 and infront of Lucas he’s like rude and acts like an idiot

  19. [YT] 也可能是以為他的條件跟年齡能帶給他幸福

  20. [YT] 盧卡斯不是在攪局

  21. [YT] 當無雙找到了,本能的也想卡斯也不要再一個人,即有母性在也有小女孩的天真在,想要happy ending…可能嗎?卡斯好像要的不是這些呀,這時候就讓人不得不8年的差異了。

  22. [YT] 我選了麵包, 但我的心還是時常想起 “初戀”, 實在太 sweet, 因一起在校園生活了5 年, 但他已移民了………… 我倆現在每天還會用 msn 來通訊, 所以我很掛念他, 很想見他, 我很貪心和自私 , 我兩者都不想放棄, 因各有各的好, 我希望我的選擇日後是不會後悔,

  23. [YT] Totally agree! If she enjoys working and actually takes pride in her work, forcing her to take a break is absolutely selfish and chauvinistic! If it were a girl doing exact the same thing to a guy, people would call her a inconsiderate spoiled brat!

    Plus, who can tell if you are tired better than you??

  24. [YT] 阿呦~無雙自己已經有麵包啦 何況卡斯也不是真的游手好閒 他可是多才多藝的 只要無雙寶貝股勵他 可能變醫生的喔 不見六年的人突然送你房子這太不實際吧= = 現在是選真愛 無關麵包 因為已經夠飽了

  25. [YT] 如果這是現實的人生,以三十歲女人的角度來看,應該是要選學長的~~

    沒有麵包的婚姻,會很辛苦滴~ 而且學長對於無雙那麼深情,很難找到這種人喔!

  26. [YT] 我的中文哦? 因為在大學我讀國際文化的關係,同時自學了中文.後來我來台北當交換學生學了10個月~所以中文算是還可以~但還是需要更努力的學中文啦~^^
    現在我最想要學台語呢!哈哈 大家教教我台語吧!哈哈

  27. [YT] 是哦!

  28. [YT] that grl’s really pretty and she’s really good! but i don’t think jia jia should have been persuaded for the least bit since she can see how bitchy the grl is and she should know lucas enough to know its not true and have not the last bit of doubt

  29. [YT] omgs, that house! i’ve been there. me and my family stayed there when we went down there for vacation! its a really nice house and the owners were really nice 🙂 haha. i was so surprised when i first saw the house, and was like “it looks so familiar.”

  30. [YT] I am not mainlander or taiwanese, I am from Hong Kong, China. I believe whoever is Chinese. We are pretty much the same. Using our own nationality to press on other people feelings is insensitive.

  31. [YT] for windyprince

  32. [YT] 然後民國70年以後出生的人,大家都叫它草莓族。




    在一次跟妳道歉︿  ︿

  33. [YT] 然後幾年級的意思就是,例如:我本人是民國78年出生,大家會稱為我是7年級生。



    很抱歉 我誤會你的意思了。 不懂的話我在詳細解釋給你聽。

  34. [YT] 那真抱歉,我誤會你的意思了。




  35. [YT] 我有說過我跟你是一個國家嗎?
    不要說什么大陸人的 我們是 中國人
    你們是臺灣人, 中華民國。

    我們是不同國的人 所以我們不知道什么是民國70年 60年的
    除了中國 其他的國家也不知道這是什么。

  36. [YT] 你才沒素直勒 東一個 fuck 西一個 fuck
    講人家 自幾比人家更沒品
    = = 大路人 is the one 最沒水準了
    明明就可以用中文打 卻應要用一半英 一半中….挨 真是的

  37. [YT] i agree! ur the only person tat ive read (english comment) tat says tat. everyone else is like poor xuezhang, swt xuezhang, cute xuezhang. im not sayin hes not swt or poor but lucas is ke lian too.

    n anyways i always loved wushuang with lucas, n i still do now.

  38. [YT] 天啊!下一集……佳佳為了得到盧卡斯使出了壞……….

  39. [YT] 我覺得學長是太瞭解她了,知道她很做事太認 真,愛逞強,該休息時不休息,很累了,也不喊累…所以趁機問問她的上司,是否可以讓她休個假,..況且無雙之前不也答應學長要和他一起去度個假?

  40. [YT] “我已經到界線了,我走到哪裡都是你….我逃也逃不了,忘也忘不了,你告訴我,我應該怎麼辦?”小草莓的真心話令人動容,看了心好酸!

  41. [YT] 無雙真的很像在報恩…

  42. [YT] I guess ths whole series is based on the Choice that Wu Shuang have to make.. Follow her heart with Lucas or her Mind with the photographer…

  43. [YT] jia jia is gonna turn evil now? ugh…how annoying…i was still trying to like her weak character till now but the preview just killed her character in my head…i wish she wouldjust go away!!!

  44. [YT] 我知道我買這棟房子有一點卑鄙


  45. [YT] wtf…
    Is this the only way you can talk?
    he/she was jst ask a f*cking question..
    对,我们是不知道what da hell are those 民国70 or 60年, couln’t you jst be lilke tingxuan10920929 n explain to us? And don’t u use the word 它, that’s f*cking rude!

  46. [YT] 我雖然是草莓族的


  47. [YT] 我想你搞錯了﹐因為他了解無雙﹐知道她好強﹐所以道歉聽起來那麼勉強﹐因為他要保持完美﹐還有﹐無雙的痛哭﹐他是親身體會的﹐所以想用他所有的優勢來鎖住無雙的心﹐那是正常的﹐還有﹐卡斯現在是情敵﹐謝什麼?你看不到﹐因為你不懂愛

  48. [YT] What a character…Lucas…..imagine 8 years of a difference…how long will that chemistry last…..can’t stand Jia Jia….playing the pitiful, helpless character…when can we see the rest of the drama…….can’t wait

  49. [YT] 完美到連道歉都說的這麼牽強

  50. [YT] 很簡單~ 解釋一下就懂了。西元1911年對清朝革命成功,結束中國數千年帝王統制,隔年1912是為民國(中華民國)元年。依此類推,今年為民國98年。

  51. [YT] 哎呀!

  52. [YT] 我也是剛把「光陰」看完,還沉醉在捨不得結束的情緒之中……

  53. [YT] I’ll probably regret commenting since I doubt whatever anyone says will change ur mind – but…It’s not how smart u are, it’s how much faith u have. Ur analogy of Yang Guo & GJ/HL is off – we’re not talking abt random mistakes here – YG is not romantically in love w/ GJ or HL (lolz…). Jia Jia needs to be less of a hypocrite, or at least admit she is one. I have issues not w/ ppl making mistakes, but w/ ppl who can’t admit to them or who they really are.

    Actions speaks louder than words.

  54. [YT] “就是因為妳不喊累...



    為了心愛的女人 ,連没營養的問卷也填...!?

  55. [YT] 膝蓋以上!? 也太短了吧!很創新的ne!

    ps 你去過disney sea哦?很好ne! 我是住九州的,都沒有去過那裡玩~覺得很羨慕你也 好玩嗎?呵呵

  56. [YT] just feel like Wu Shuang lies to HUan Ho even though she told him her true feelings….but once she turns around to Lucas, she can’t resist his temptations….it may wind up she lost BOTH…..

  57. [YT] 學長的舉動果然感動無雙了,不過六年的漫長等待可沒那麼容易填補……雖然無雙說這個擁抱才是最真實的關係,臉上的表情卻感受不到幸福?

  58. [YT] 韩佳佳刚开始的时候带着眼镜看起来还蛮okay的,没想到在了眼睛之后就跟个狐狸精似的。。。。 导演要找人演就找一个清纯一点的,干吗找现在这个阿。。。。看了旧一点跟 纯 的关系都连不上。。。额~~~~

  59. [YT] that’s called logic….from what JIa JIa heard from one side (the big boobs)….didn’t she try to ask Lucas for the whole story…she just ask couple questions based on the big boobs said….and jumped into the conclusion that Lucas was the murderer…..

  60. [YT] 我覺得….怎麼那件和服那麼短ㄚ~哈哈
    無雙她可能身高太高了 呵呵

    有時候台灣的電視裡會看到這樣穿和服的人,不過偶爾有穿錯 呵呵
    但其實還滿可愛的~外國人穿這樣很可愛 哈哈

  61. [YT] 艾呀 有什麼好驚訝的 韓佳佳就是這種貨色,她從一開始就很假又愛裝清純裝無辜(演的也很作做),現在愛不到就搞毀滅這一套,不要臉!!! 何況她說自己笨是客氣了吧腦袋裝的全是排泄物才是真的,未經查證自己又沒知識還沒判斷力,只為了一己之私就抹黑盧卡斯…無恥! 討人厭到極點.

  62. [YT] 如果照預告起這樣看起來,佳佳實在不應該在還沒求證之前這樣跟無雙說喔~這樣的說法很不負責任,不應是一個愛慕者的口中出口更不應該是從一個朋友的口中說出來=.=縱使她是向芸的妹妹

  63. [YT] 沒錯,學長只要一轉向無雙或是無雙一出現, 那種只有因為無雙出現他臉上才會出現的那種眼神和表情,那種差異真的很明顯! “溫”演的真的很用心也很棒~ 現實生活中這種完美的情人怎麼可能呢!!!!!!!

  64. [YT] 之前,學長在web看見無雙氣爆新聞那幕眼神,及跳下水撿戒指的一幕,助理和無雙一同站立面前,他~眼中只看見無雙…..且只要無雙出現,他的眼神總是隨無雙移動…很多很小的細節他都注意,所以~我相信他對無雙是真心

  65. [YT] 愛情沒有甚麼對不對吧
    但也有些人會因為自己得不到而寧願毀了對方 也不讓別人得到

    愛情是偉大同時亦很自私 只是不一樣的人談的戀愛都是不一樣的 當然選擇也是很 個人的 我覺得肯為自己的選擇負責任就ok啦

  66. [YT] 凡事都不能只看外表,像楊過那麼聰明的人還不是誤會郭靖跟黃蓉害死他爸爸嗎?更何況佳佳這個本來就是很傻很天真的人


  67. [YT] i tot jia jia say she will support lucas no matter wad.. den why is she CONVINCING wu shuang tad lucas is the murderer.. so wad if other ppl scold jia jia.. u are also as childish to comment on it

  68. [YT] 覺得你們這些罵佳佳的都很幼稚耶﹐證據都出來了嗎?就憑她一句就說是她。就算是又怎麼樣?給她亂發罪名﹐看得出來你們根本就是小孩開大車。幼稚

  69. [YT] 叫一個男人要放下大男人主義

  70. [YT] 我不这么觉得. 为什么女人一定要在35岁前得到这一切呢? 我倒觉得就是因为他不会马上娶單無雙,不会擅自为她买房子, 两个人能够一起努力工作前进, 才是盧卡斯真正和單無雙是绝配的原因.

  71. [YT] 5’32″~學長講這段話的時候,把男人內心對情敵的忐忑,和對無雙多多少少沒把握的部分心情,經由說這段話的同時都表露無疑,詮釋的很好! 這樣的男人,真的好有氣度和風度,(溫昇豪演的很讚^^)

  72. [YT] idt lucas is being pissy
    i think he just can’t control himself, so he’s trying to make things clear

    well that is pissy in a way, but hey, can’t hate the protagonist =)

  73. [YT] 雖然學長不是主角、但他才是最適合無雙吧,這點我深信不疑!!反觀盧卡斯,太意氣用事,得不到就要撕破臉、搞破壞、真的非常幼稚!!

  74. [YT] 真奇怪﹐我為什麼要站在他的角度?失戀就可以得罪全世界嗎?其實有時候我覺得卡斯還滿自私的﹐就跟一些人討厭的佳佳一樣。

  75. [YT] 卡斯怎麼可以那麼沒禮貌﹐跟自己爸爸這樣說話?天下會有就算有犯 錯的的父親﹐也不會有不疼自己兒子的父親的


  76. [YT] I did not say that she did not make any mistake or do anything wrong, right? I believe that there is a reason that she believe that Lucas was to blame for the death of her sister, just like her mother did

  77. [YT] Wow, you’re stuck on Jia Jia aren’t you?
    Perhaps, she’s not a bad person, but she, IMO, is not worthy of Lucas. Don’t you think a person who claims she’s in love with a man should have more faith in him? Especially when it concerns “murdering” a person? That is a very serious accusation.

    Jia Jia doesn’t really understand Lucas, so she doesn’t possess the basics to love & believe in him. And she’s also upset with Lucas’s unwavering feelings 4 WS. She’s jealous – not as level-headed as most.

  78. [YT] but she did ask ks, right? and sadly, she asked the wrong question, and ks should tell her earlier what really happened, otherwise jia jia won’t make this mistake, but she is not a bad person

  79. [YT] she just being a fool and fell into the trap of that bitch~~~> big boobs who told her about the inaccurate and miscellaneous story of Shuang Yun’s death….without proof

  80. [YT] jia jia is pretty but her acting is not that natural. lack of facial expressions that shows that she loves lucas so much.

    leslie acts much better…. more feel… so not hateful to watch.

  81. [YT] 干嘛这么大火啊。电视剧而已嘛。大家都看了当消遣,评论的也应该只限于剧里的人物。不必人身攻击吧。

  82. [YT] 卡斯怎麼可以那麼沒禮貌﹐跟自己爸爸這樣說話?天下會有就算有犯 錯的的父親﹐也不會有不疼自己兒子的父親的



  83. [YT] charming Leslie^_^, I hope he will have a happy life whether or not he can be with Wu-Shuang. Hopefully he can be with someone who truly loves him in the end. (It seems like Wu-shuang might be Lucas in the end.)

  84. [YT] Lucas is too popular among girls and he’s too nice when he with them…..that’s why there are some girls thought he likes them…..Sometimes, you just can’t be too nice.

  85. [YT] 帥不帥真的是用眼睛來判斷

    比較起來 允浩學長的包容跟貼心 比起卡斯來的沉穩細膩
    看卡斯在牆上畫上的無限大 如果無雙跨過那條線
    搞不好不用8年 卡斯就能擁有學長現在的熟男魅力

  86. [YT] Leslie is trying to make up for the lost 6 years betweenWu-shuang and him. Right now Wu-shuang’s love is leaning towards Lucas, feeling a little sorry for Leslie. He is very understanding.

  87. [YT] ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡ please go to wg808(dot)blogspot(dot)com ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡
    ☻/ ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡ ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡
    /▌ ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡ ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡
    / \ ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡ ♡♫♪★★★♪♫♡

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