Mysterious Incredible Terminator Episode 12

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211 thoughts on “Mysterious Incredible Terminator Episode 12

  1. [YT] 007 is so freakin smart<33
    love YALUN<33
    and Gui Gui first on-screen kiss<33
    WOW!!! i am so happy that it was Aaron<33
    and he said he enjoying kissing her hehe<3
    kawaii<33 guilun are the best thing ever<33
    Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33

  2. [YT] cause of his illness, he need chocolate to survived (can tell frm ep 1 onwards where he really depend on his choco to think etc…) so he is basically saying that he cant do without TMX

  3. [YT] hey can someone tell me what he puts in the fortune cookie!?…… like killing myself cause whoever sub it one the site i was watching they never said =(

    !?! please?! anyone? ty!!

    -RpGJuNki3 =)

  4. [YT] i think in this kissing scene the middle part was cut…you can tell… the first part doesn’t match the second part…. i think it was cut because you could see gui gui or aaron sticking out their tounge….at the end you can still kinda see aaron’s tounge!!!
    GO GUILUN!!<3

  5. [YT] 当自己想象自己儿子,快要死了,哪里会想到是不是真的自己儿子啊!而且,不管是不是儿子,这样还是会闹出人命的吗。。。

  6. [YT] yalun’s leg is injured not in pi li MIT onli when his dancing fahrenheit wo you wo de young his leg injured le donno yalun is pretend or his leg really pain donno what i mean ur can ask me.

  7. [YT] Wow…Kiss Kiss ler!!!So romantic!!!
    So kelian…Yalun’s leg is injured…
    Lol…I thought onli give them 1 min?1min can talk so much?So bad ler the Huang Guo Zhong,in the end they still can’ go out wat!

  8. [YT] i’ll take forever to calculate that question… i’m allowed to use the calculator and i use it all the time….. we are even allowed the calculator during the exam so my brain doesn’t work calculating.

  9. [YT] stupid tian mo xing..hate her..always making problem…she drop the box of keys like intended 1… actually..she n lu ke ying are the hei gui….but still acting there..

  10. [YT] tianshi laoshi said, that she lied to the kidnappers,telling them that 187 is the other kid, because the kidnapper doesnt know which one is 187, she lied so that 187 would be free, and just left the other kid to the kidnappers which they tought was 187

  11. [YT] can some explain what tian shi lao si said about the truth about the kidnapping? i didn’t really understand… she said that she told the kidnappers that 187 was the other kid… and then what? ^.^”

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