Mysterious Incredible Terminator Episode 13

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215 thoughts on “Mysterious Incredible Terminator Episode 13

  1. [YT] ~007 你骨折的地方是腿又不是手 你干嘛要天魔星喂你吃饭啊

    ~007你可以再过份一点喔 你当天魔星是菲佣阿

  2. [YT] aww when i watch this drama again!
    this episode makes me cry!
    whenever Gui cries, i cry!
    she just make her fans cry with her:(
    so sad:( GUILUN<33
    Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33

  3. [YT] hi guys can you help me where can i watch clue collector that has an English subtitle…. viikii isn’t working in our PC right now and i really want to watch it…

  4. [YT] TMX did not work for hei gui cas the DA MUO DOU is not TMX is his twins brother and she is working for his twins brother LU KE YING and they are doing a test although Angel Teacher is pretty but she is evil she said her daughter is dead but it did not her daughter is TMX wat a evil teacher and mother wat i said no offence is my own opinion.

  5. [YT] Honestly, GuiGui improved SOOO much
    on her crying scenes, but I didn’t cry. D:
    I mean, I got teary eyed…but I think because no music? o.o Or the music doesn’t fit the mood? xD I mean, her crying scene wasn’t as great in BSM…but I still cried. Probably because of the song Ku Cha. :3 Anyways, GuiLun rocks & GuiGui has improved SO much. <3

  6. [YT] MIT was so good!
    Ilove 007 and 天魔星!!!
    they were the best couple in the world!^^

  7. [YT] WOW, gui gui crying scene is really gooooodddd! I cry with her. Her crying is so real, guilun seems like a real couple in reality! ya lun acting is good too. I love pi li mit, and the most, I love GUILUN!!!!!!

  8. [YT] Both ya lun and gui gui improved a lot in this episode. I really feel the drama! I mean I feel it since the start, but it seems like these few episodes had make me cry a lot! GUILUN!!!!!!!

  9. [YT] lol….
    the crying scence…
    reminded me about guigui and wangzi part (okay i know i shouldn’t talk about this too much)
    the 对白,some parts are actually similar..
    the feel is really alike

  10. [YT] no la.. guigui also got the phone call in the previous series saying can she dun play this game…. ya the girl was guigui behind the painting.. but i still think the master mind is ke ying twins sister

  11. [YT] you are wrong. Lin xiang ting friend yang sheng kai know she is pregnant and he is not that old and still in the school. gui gui will not grow up so fast ma. if you do not understand reply me so i can tell you exact detail

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