Office Girls Episode 10

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119 thoughts on “Office Girls Episode 10

  1. Hello


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  2. 我的妈呀!!邱澤30岁了!!??什么吗!!我还以为他才25左右??!!他的睫毛好好好好好长呀!!!羡慕~~

  3. i love this. watching the opening keeps reminds me of the fierce wife! 
    每次我看了開頭曲都感覺好像再看犀利人妻喔!! ^____^ <333
    im so happy that this time the girl is still with the guy!
    衛酩娜 and and 余承風!! <3 

  4. Roy has such looooong lashes.. he’s so good in this show, I’m trying to find more of the shows that he’s acted in (tho I’ve prob watched them all)… don’t want this show to end – ever! Next episode SXR better reciprocate.. will be p-off if she acts coy or wishy-washy when he tries to kiss her!!

  5. 哈哈,還不愧是秦子奇。被大師教訓的時候還會不忘生氣的承認自己喜歡沈杏仁,要他離她遠一點!超期待下一集!

  6. 史特龍真的應該被封為小資女孩之寶! 每一集都被他逗得好樂喔~
    而且, 每次劇情的張力開始走下坡的時候, 剛好他就會出來搞笑, 振奮一下觀眾的神經, 其實編劇也很聰明. 他的作用就好像是提味劑那樣, 為整套劇增色不少!

    • 唉,你若也有過這種明明得天獨厚了,還是覺得全世界都對不起她,什麼好處都想要的情人妳就知道…拍拍屁股走人是很不負責任,不過有些人就是自我到不能理解別人的讓步。

  7. 哇, 蔡淑臻完全推翻了戴美瞳隱形眼鏡, 或臉孔有經過整理, 就會影響演技發揮的說法. 她還是演得很好呀~
    特別喜歡她從後面抱著溫昇豪然後情挑他的那一段, 她演起來不會讓人覺得髒, 只會覺得那是因為熱情 + 愛情而發情, 而不是她是 slut或什麼的.

    • 小資真的要加油囉,演員很棒,但劇情希望可以更好…最近這幾集進度緩慢

  8. 看到一些人說余承風出軌.花心 想問你們有看完整集嗎?還是只看了前三十分鐘?

    • 而且他跟子奇說,雖然杏仁遇到委屈他會挺身而出,但不會想子奇反應這麼大,就更證實他把杏仁當好朋友重視,但不會像喜歡的人那樣帶有醋意,算是婉轉的告訴子奇,他們不是情敵

  9. 李沛旭是白吃啦 唱歌仔戲那段笑死我了

    • 娘娘….你就殺了長今吧….

  10. Wow I didn’t realize that each episode is filmed just days before it goes live. Cos Roy’s bday is on Oct 14th & they were celebrating.. that’s pretty cool. Other shows like Sunshine angel took ages before it went live.. all that hype but what a disappointment that turned out, unlike Office Girls, which is such a pleasant surprise. CAN’T WAIT for next week’s love confession.. yippee!!!

    • it is like this for other san li dramas, this is one of the reason they can have higher ratings because they can adjust the script to meet viewers’ demands and expectations. 

    • I agree that Sunshine Angel is such a disappointment.  I’ve stopped watching it.  I was surprised  how good this movie turned out.  I think everybody is doing a good job acting.  Except Kaier.  Her face is emotionless all the time, even when she’s crying about her mom.  Blah…

  11. Does any one know how to become the fan of 子奇 zhi-chi club, contact his blog or something
    邱澤 likes racing car, my nephew does that a lot and won the 1st prize

  12. How unfortunate he has to give up Kai Er.  Such a gorgeous, intelligent girl :/, but I guess love doesn’t quite work like grades does .

  13. 在這的中國人應該有聽過大龍網吧? 是非常知名的網拍公司, 比yesstyle, ebay其他的都來的便宜許多,

    免運費每種商品送到各個國家, 購物完之後打上coupon code可以省更多錢!! 喜歡的話只要把下面的連結

    copy下來, 千萬不要搞丟了!!

  14. 史特龍要在戯裏要稱讚他真實人生中的女友(蔡淑臻)身材好,還要被邱澤在戯裏虧是”真愛”。好笑!

    • Seriously? That hot model is dating Shi Te Long in real life? She exudes star quality and is v natural in acting.. tho she may not be a young thing, she’s sassy & good in such roles. In fact, I think she’ll go far in TV acting. I like STL and I get why gals would like him (fit & hilarious & decent looking) but I kinda thot she would go for someone hotter (to match her sex appeal!).. or more successful (perhaps wealthy)..? Maybe it’s just me..

    • 我也在那一段噗赤一笑!!! 真敢講~ 還真撥出來~~~ 史特龍還一付 “對阿~ 我就是真愛阿~” 的臉!!!

    • 人家又没出轨,只是真的把沈杏仁当好朋友罢了吗。没看到最后那在游乐场和子奇说话的那部分吗?

  15. 大師果然是大師,被一直不友善的子奇打了,事後還可以那麽好心不計較心平氣和地開導他的内心愛慕情愫,逼他說他喜歡沈杏仁!!!!

  16. 子奇說了自己内心話,玩紙玩偶的時候叫她Baby。

    樂樂最後到底是跟誰啦? 麥可,綠茶還是史經理。感覺史經理誰都不怕,只怕樂樂。他克星啦!

  17. 基本上余承風很討人厭,就是兩邊都嘗試的真花心。這種人從底層奮鬥上來,一旦成功是很可怕的。鄭凱兒反而身為一個女性,即使有心機也是可以理解的。


  18. LOL when he was playing with the doll house and he called her “Baby”. 
    LOL when he was dreaming! 
    LOL when the show went karaoke style for Stallone’s lines!
    This has got to be the only TW drama that’s made me LOL in every episode
    Cannot wait until next week!!! Mina kind of reminds me of Megan Lai.

  19. Gahhhh! I have to wai ta week for the next episode!
    Based on the preview, i really like how after Zi Qi realizes for sure he likes Xing Ren, he quickly takes action to put Kai Er in her place and act on to make it known to Xing Ren! Yayyyy~

  20. What’s with Kai Er?  She has no right to be demanding Xing Ren to cease any relationship with Zi Qi outside of work.  She isnt even Zi Qi’s gf yet/officially.  I think what’s worst is that she’s masking her demand as a request “ke yi ma?” 

  21. 感情的事 真的不要勉強  如果喜歡上沒有那麼在乎自己的人 放手吧  雖然會很痛  但是  給自己一個尊重自己的空間  會好的

  22. OMG the behind the scenes… that’s so cute how Alice and Yao Yao secretly brought out the birthday cakes! And Roy is soooo childish and adorable. I love this cast.

  23. ~鄭凱兒~台灣女人應該全力學習的楷模!

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