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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". October 31, 2008 Tipster Rednimer
63 thoughts on “Qian Niu Hua Kai De Ri Zi Episode 27”
[YT] seriously just as yunheishere said, how did he get all those fights on video and one of those fights was da yu gettin beat up by some random guys, it wasnt qing juns fault!
omg its that stupid guy tat was checking out xiao xi!!! xO
[YT] omg this is pissing me off. no sound and freeze screen! how do you expect us to watch this drama properly/ its a good drama do u hav any good qulity one dnt ruin our run!
哪有老公才死就趕快嫁人的, 又不是為了生活什麼的。
why no sound???? 26 also.
[YT] froze and then no sounds … wow great
[YT] aww poor yang yang. wtf! why did she kick him?! motherfreaken wh**e
[YT] seriously just as yunheishere said, how did he get all those fights on video and one of those fights was da yu gettin beat up by some random guys, it wasnt qing juns fault!
omg its that stupid guy tat was checking out xiao xi!!! xO
[YT] wth when did qing jun ever hit yang yang like that? i dont remember tat scene.
[YT] gosh i felt like punching da yu in the face after the decision was made.
[YT] i don’t think 夏慶俊 is fit for being a lawyer,judge by the way he just sign papers without cautions
[YT] i’m disppoint at you
[YT] omg this is pissing me off. no sound and freeze screen! how do you expect us to watch this drama properly/ its a good drama do u hav any good qulity one dnt ruin our run!
[YT] ugh. that Mr. huang sucks. He’s all checking out er ge’s girlfriend and geting er ge in trouble. ugh!!!
[YT] how did he even get someone to record him get hit by er ge? Does he always have someone recording him?
[YT] That little girl is a spoiled brat!! she’s just like the mom, so unlikable! ugh!=0P
[YT] LOL how did da yu get all those fights on video!!!
[YT] as long as it freezes on qing jun’s face, i can accept it 😀
[YT] why does ah bao always have to shout whenever she talks, 7 yr old girls don’t constantly shout.
[YT] what in the world, how can he sign papers Jiang Da Yu gave him, he should’ve known better!!!
[YT] they are introducing new characters?? is this show never ending?
[YT] a lot of ppl touched it!!! the judges too
[YT] at least yang yang gets to eat lobster for dinner now
[YT] its on and off.
[YT] are they gonna go find like finger prints on that letter or something??
but he touched it in the court when he was varifying it!
[YT] did he just forge a legal document? he’s a freaking lawyer! he’s breaking laws himself. he should get his license revoke
[YT] he’s studying laws, what the heck, he should know better that he needs read before signing anything!
[YT] so curious who wrote her a letter?
[YT] 江大宇真的是渾蛋ㄟ
[YT] 因該是戲的關係~ 因為一般外面企業的大老闆看人都不可能會太差的,差到娶這種個性的老婆回家~其實她大可不用擔心,妻子遺產是第一順位繼承~ 頂多企業事先交給兒子而已,不過那也是要等小孩長大~ 所以妻子還是可以先侵入公司獲取政權~所以這檔戲演成這樣子我真不知道在演什麼? 為何會擔心繼承的問題而作梗呢? 難道是怕老爺先立遺囑嗎? 也不可能不留一份給妻子吧?
[YT] 黑麻黑麻~ 她人就是太直了~ 很守自己的承諾~ 吃虧的都是自己~哀哀
[YT] 看來大大的影片要注意品質了~~
[YT] 演得很假喔!!
[YT] 夏慶俊根本沒用!!!
[YT] 反正只是口同承諾 又沒白紙黑字 現在還不快逃 等真的結了婚 一切都來不及
[YT] 江大宇可以跟圓圓她媽湊成對 兩個人真的是天生一對ㄟ 都是心機重的笑面虎 都依樣討人厭
[YT] is it just me or is the audio on and off all the time? it ruins the show.
[YT] another evil character!!!
[YT] 沒辦法阿~ 因為她之前已經口頭答應了~ 她只是為了她自己的諾言而已~
不過~ 既然江大宇都可以作偽造文書的欺騙了~ 為何她就不能做違背口頭承諾的事~ 所以其實真的可以不用勉強自己的~
[YT] 菜看起來好好吃喔~~我口水都留下來了~我要吃雞腿~
[YT] intense stuff!!! thanks for posting!
[YT] 這房子風水不太好~ 從陽台看出去是對面大樓的壁刀煞~
[YT] omggg..the stop MOM!! yang yang so good smart and cute how dare sheeee. bring him back to qing jun’s house. i can’t stand this anymore lol
[YT] 老實說夏慶俊脾氣也真的是不太好~~
不過附帶一點的是, 那份恐嚇信是假的,我想之後應該會有爭議~
[YT] That guy is so evil!
[YT] that stepmother will be locked up in jail for being child abused in the US…..she is freaking disgusting bitch
[YT] 為什麼慶俊跟曉希一點都沒情侶的舉動啊…
[YT] oooh good thing someone wrote that
i was begining to wonder if i should check my laptop checked
[YT] how long is this drama?
[YT] 發生什麽事呢?爲什麽有時候有聲音有時候又沒有呢?是否你的源有問題呢?
[YT] Quality is getting worse mate! What’s going on there?
[YT] Did the stepmom feed Yang Yang with San Lu?…lol
[YT] 天下后妈一般黑
[YT] Lin Lin, dont’ marry to this freaking jerk….he should locked up behind bars….!!! disgusting person
[YT] i guess it will have 30 episodes for ending this drama….
[YT] 我真覺得蘇菲這角色真的詮釋得很好~!!!
[YT] 江大宇的嘴臉真是賤!!!!!!!真令人討厭!!!!!!!
[YT] haha i don’t want to
he really suck~~~~~
what he did can cause him his license.
[YT] The child actor for Ouyangyang is really good! He sure can act for a seven year old! I’m a fan!
[YT] Earn a degree in law but does not realize that love cannot be bought… what an idiot
[YT] i cried so bad
[YT] fuck 江大宇
[YT] 大宇還真知道自己會惹大家生氣, 開口閉口都是如果我惹妳生氣。。。
[YT] it’s very obvious that damn f Da Yu planned to marry Lin LIn is for money….no doubt about it!
[YT] where is Ep 27 part 8???? searched for awhile still didn’t see it?
[YT] 其實蓮蓮不用勉強自己,讓江大宇得逞真的很不爽。