Qian Niu Hua Kai De Ri Zi Episode 27

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

63 thoughts on “Qian Niu Hua Kai De Ri Zi Episode 27

  1. [YT] seriously just as yunheishere said, how did he get all those fights on video and one of those fights was da yu gettin beat up by some random guys, it wasnt qing juns fault!

    omg its that stupid guy tat was checking out xiao xi!!! xO

  2. [YT] omg this is pissing me off. no sound and freeze screen! how do you expect us to watch this drama properly/ its a good drama do u hav any good qulity one dnt ruin our run!

  3. [YT] 因該是戲的關係~ 因為一般外面企業的大老闆看人都不可能會太差的,差到娶這種個性的老婆回家~其實她大可不用擔心,妻子遺產是第一順位繼承~ 頂多企業事先交給兒子而已,不過那也是要等小孩長大~ 所以妻子還是可以先侵入公司獲取政權~所以這檔戲演成這樣子我真不知道在演什麼? 為何會擔心繼承的問題而作梗呢? 難道是怕老爺先立遺囑嗎? 也不可能不留一份給妻子吧?

  4. [YT] 沒辦法阿~ 因為她之前已經口頭答應了~ 她只是為了她自己的諾言而已~
    不過~ 既然江大宇都可以作偽造文書的欺騙了~ 為何她就不能做違背口頭承諾的事~ 所以其實真的可以不用勉強自己的~

  5. [YT] 老實說夏慶俊脾氣也真的是不太好~~
    不過附帶一點的是, 那份恐嚇信是假的,我想之後應該會有爭議~

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