TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". February 17, 2009 Tipster Rednimer
[YT] i think this version is Chinese subbed…as in China`s Mandrin slang…It sounds like its Chinese not Taiwanese…Weird but heh, wat the heck just watch since he`s SO cute 😉
Why m, its not eps 1-10,,..
[YT] marry that woman, the bad dream is starting
[YT] slang? you mean accent
[YT] …YKSSKY…can’t say much since i’m not mandarin literate…but luv the series a lot…ruby & wallace a great couple….
[YT] awww soooo sad and touching *sniff* it makes me cry, tht dog is sooo sweet
[YT] tht dog is sooo cute and smart!!!
[YT] i think this version is Chinese subbed…as in China`s Mandrin slang…It sounds like its Chinese not Taiwanese…Weird but heh, wat the heck just watch since he`s SO cute 😉
[YT] how come 4 sound of color da voice of wallace sound kinda weird….iz doesn’t sound like da voice of wallace at all.
[YT] so sweet